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Why did Hitler call Poles Half Jews?

Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
29 Jan 2022   #61
There are ardent students of Hilter's gospel out there. Are they Americans? Seems that freedom and wealth make some people stupidfied.
Crow  154 | 9561
29 Jan 2022   #62
Hitler hated Poles. Passionately. All his thinking on Poles was thru prism of his hate. And madness, as I said already.
30 Jan 2022   #63
Catholicism and Orthodoxy have nothing to do with Christ, not to be confused, they believe directly in God, Protestants worship Jesus, and God hates and does not recognize Jesus.
pawian  226 | 27561
30 Jan 2022   #64
Aaah, by God you mean Satan who is a god to you???
Tanya6  - | 5
2 Feb 2022   #65
@yjmbestboy utter rubbish. They're not Aryan ag all, that was a theory concocted by Hitler (he was hakf Jew himself) and stole the Swastika from Indians - Hindus, for whom Swastika isa religious symbol and has been since the beginning of time. It doesn't belong to any other religions or country. Aryan is a Sanskrit word - Hindu Indian ancient language. That hitler just stole it, twisted lies and mad false claims which have been debunked now.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
3 Feb 2022   #66
It doesn't belong to any other religions or country.

Wrong. The swastika, which is found on Slavic and Baltic patterns (on embroidery and ornaments of weapons and armor), has pronounced features of the solar cult.
Novichok  4 | 9016
3 Feb 2022   #67

What is by "belong" she meant "is now associated with"?
Lyzko  45 | 9751
3 Feb 2022   #68
Whoopi should stick to comedy and her own business enterprise, period!
Her comments of earlier this week made me sick and are an insult to both survivors as well as modern history.

Clearly she's as ignorant of world events as she is mega savvy about her industry.
Miloslaw  20 | 5133
3 Feb 2022   #69
Clearly she's as ignorant of world events

You have got this so wrong buster..... She saw it from the perspective of a black woman.
The holocaust was about white Germans wanting to exterminate white Jews.
From her black perspective she could not see or understand that there was a race issue here.
Are you really so dim that you can't see or understand that?
Lyzko  45 | 9751
3 Feb 2022   #70
But you forget, the Nazis saw the Jews as a different RACE, essentially non-white, therefore, non-Aryan. Both you and Whoopie, it seems, got it wrong....again.
pawian  226 | 27561
3 Feb 2022   #71
From her black perspective she could not see or understand that there was a race issue here.

That still proves her ignorance so Lyzko was right and you are wrong lashing out at him. Isn`t it simple???
mafketis  38 | 11199
3 Feb 2022   #72
the Nazis saw the Jews as a different RACE, essentially non-white,

So... you're saying they were right? I don't get it....
Novichok  4 | 9016
3 Feb 2022   #73
Are you really so dim that you can't see or understand that?

Yes, he is really that dim.

Good points, Milo, I made the same point in Random.

... Whoopi is right. The woke left adopted the NAZI racial standard to claim that Jews are a different race than the white Germans.

If Jews were not white, the US Census forms would have "Jewish", right next to black, white, and Asian.
Miloslaw  20 | 5133
3 Feb 2022   #74
Isn`t it simple???

No, you are as narrow minded as Lyzko.

You don't have many black people in Poland and don't really understand.
For her, race is about skin colour.... Jews are she could not see the racism issue.

Nazis saw the Jews as a different RACE, essentially non-white

That is utter bollox.
The German Nazis did not see Jews as non white but hated them for what they were.
Nothing to do with skin colour.
More to do with perceived wealth, power, influence and insularity.
Novichok  4 | 9016
3 Feb 2022   #75
More to do with perceived wealth, power, influence and insularity.

...language, customs, habits, appearance, and ethnicity but not a race. If anybody was wrong it was Hitler, no Whoopi.
Novichok  4 | 9016
3 Feb 2022   #77
Hey, that was easy. Now we know who is terminally stupid here.
My position on this specific subject proves again what an open-minded guy I am. I dislike Whoopi with all my rightard heart but I will defend her when she is right.

In this case, she couldn't be more right.
pawian  226 | 27561
3 Feb 2022   #78
so she could not see the racism issue.

Exactly, coz she is ignorant about such things. Lyzko`s words. Simple.

Thank you Rich.

Stop this brown-nosing. It is really disgusting. :):)

Now we know who is terminally stupid here.

Yes, we do. And it isn`t Lyzko. :):)
Lyzko  45 | 9751
3 Feb 2022   #79
Maf & Milo,
Whoopie was saying verbatim now, that the Holocaust was NOT a racial agenda because Jews are white rather than colored. Sure, that's true, yet this was the opposite of what influenced the Nazis, who in fact saw the Jews as a separate race, thus, were in fact racists.
Novichok  4 | 9016
3 Feb 2022   #80
the Nazis, who in fact saw the Jews as a separate race,

Who cares what Nazis thought... It is an objective truth that Jews are white.
If the Nazis thought that all Poles are children would you be claiming now that they were guilty of child abuse?
If the Nazis thought that Gypsies are animals, would you accuse them of cruelty to animals?
Bottom line: What Nazis thought is irrelevant. What they did is.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
3 Feb 2022   #81
But the Nazis were the one causing all that inspeakably ghastly business in the first place and so you're arguing in a vacuum, as is Whoopie.

Also, your last sentence makes no sense. " What the Nazis thought is irrelevant. What they did isn't" is how it it should read.
mafketis  38 | 11199
3 Feb 2022   #82
that the Holocaust was NOT a racial agenda

It was ethno-genocide not racial genocide...

Was Rwanda racial or ethnic genocide? What about the Armenians in Turkey?

the meaning of racist has been so degraded that it should be retired from use... 9/10 of the time now when someone accuses someone else of 'racism' it's just... nonsense.
Novichok  4 | 9016
3 Feb 2022   #83
This discussion is about Whoopi and how she was treated, not Nazis and Hitler. She had every right to claim what she did.
To make things even better for her, even if she was wrong, a simple correction and an apology should be plenty. This is the US, not Western Europe.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
3 Feb 2022   #84
Rwanda, as with the Yugoslavian crisis in the '90's, was considered more of an "ethnic cleansiing", not technically a genocide, since Tutus and their fellow tribesman belong to the SAME race, albeit to a different subgroup. Serbs and Bosnians were of different faiths, yet also both of the same race.

In the case of the Jews, Hitler's autobiography makes it abundantly clear that he considered the Jews for a different, moreover, an inferior, race, apart from that of Italians, French, Germans, Poles etc... Rosenberg as well as Houston Stewart Chamberlain a generation earlier wrote of a Negroid.

Oriental, White, and a Jewish race.
Novichok  4 | 9016
3 Feb 2022   #85
Rosenberg as well as Houston Stewart Chamberlain a generation earlier wrote of a Negroid.

Who gives a fu*ck...It's about Whoopi, not history only geeks know.
If you want to discuss the fact that some thought that the earth is flat and the moon is made of swiss cheese, start a new thread.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
3 Feb 2022   #86
You purposely miss the point, don't you.
Novichok  4 | 9016
3 Feb 2022   #87
I never miss nothing. You purposely tried to steer the conversation away from the Whoopi episode into a historical review of who said what when.

Whoppi's "sin" was that she inadvertently took away from the American Jews the claim of modern-day persecution based on the only relevant immutable human trait - race.

Since Jews are too smart to make race as the reason directly, they let this notion linger by proxy - the proxies being the Nazis. Anything else is much weaker. Like persecution because of wealth, power, influence, insularity, language, customs, habits, and appearance as those are not spelled in the US penal codes. But race is so let's by implication claim that it's racial and hate crime in the legal sense.

Bottom line: Today, Jews like and protect the Nazi's definition of racial separateness as it used to be applied to the Jews then.

Then came Whoopi...Ouch...
Lyzko  45 | 9751
4 Feb 2022   #88
"I never miss ANYthing." Watch your grammar! Bottom líne, Whoopi got it wrong. She's no sinner, merely ignorant and needs to be enlightened. This is a teachable moment.
Joker  2 | 2449
4 Feb 2022   #89
This is a teachable moment.

Where is all the outrage? Imagine if a Republican said this? A total meltdown would ensue. Talk about double standards, she should be cancelled just as she calls for others to be cancelled on a daily basis.

What if Joe Rogan said this? They want to ban him off Spotify for basically nothing and Whoopi along with the other Cackling Hens on "The View" were calling for his demise.

Today, only a 30 second mention about Whoopi and lets move on, nothing to see here!
Novichok  4 | 9016
4 Feb 2022   #90
"I never miss ANYthing." Watch your grammar!

That was deliberate, professor.

merely ignorant and needs to be enlightened.

She would be ignorant if she claimed that Nazis viewed Jews as white. She is not ignorant if she sees Jews as white because Jews are white and, therefore, any crime against them is not racial.

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