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Why did Hitler call Poles Half Jews?

7 Jul 2019   #31
I think it's mostly Westerners today that go on and on about Jews every time Poland is mentioned. Jews did influence its culture but there's Polish Slavic culture that has nothing to do with them.

For crime I think Slovakia and other ex socialist countries have more problem with mafia/organised crime than Poland, no?
Lyzko  45 | 9751
7 Jul 2019   #32
Russia, for example.
Crow  154 | 9561
7 Jul 2019   #33
Why this again finishing in talk about Russia?

Its Romans that subjugated Jews, molested them and finally, being themselves original Semites, succumbed to Jewish culture. So, Romans, not Russia. Its then Vatican that continued what Romans started. Here, yes, Russians tried to follow but fortunately failed. Then, its western Europe that inherit Romans and Nazi Germany, as derivation of it, not Russia. Now, its EU that follow all that I mentioned, not Russia. So, why we finishing in speak of Russia? Because EU wants to get rid of Russia?

You are all crazy, I see that again and again. You are blind if you don`t see that western European ideology pushing world in adventure. Russians becoming cornered and Russians will nuke them if they push them just a little bit harder. Simple as that.
Crow  154 | 9561
13 Jan 2022   #34
Hitler is known as madmen with a good reason.
Alien  25 | 6402
15 Jan 2022   #35
Because half of Poles were Jews?
Lyzko  45 | 9751
18 Jan 2022   #36
Oh, come one Alien!! Far, far less than that, except perhaps in places like Krakow.
The Jews were a drop in the bucket throughout Europe, constituting only a possible majority in certain professions, historically, the least popular, such as tax collection or as pawnbrokers:-)
Miloslaw  20 | 5133
18 Jan 2022   #37
Russians becoming cornered and Russians will nuke them if they push them just a little bit harder

Do you really believe that?
If they nuke London, Paris and New York, Moscow, St Petersburg and Volgograd will go too.
Sensible or plain daft?
pawian  226 | 27561
20 Jan 2022   #38
Why did Hitler call Poles Half Jews?

Probably because he noticed certain similarities between Poles and Jews. E.g., the one that comes first to my mind is that both groups are able to stand up and fight against all odds, when the situation is hopeless. Very romantic of them. Poles proved it by starting several Risings through history and Jews, apart from their Risings in Nazi occupied Poland, also waged wars against all Arab countries.
Alien  25 | 6402
20 Jan 2022   #39
What you wrote would be positive character traits but he was rather thinking about negative character traits of these two nations.
Novichok  4 | 9016
20 Jan 2022   #40
Very romantic of them.

Romantic is when you get a rose, not a bullet.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Jan 2022   #41
Tell me Dirke brate, how we come to this point? What went wrong in Poles?

NATO and western influence... same reason as why Serbia went from being lead by Milosevic to a Croatian lesbian within 30 years

Thankfully Poland is now finally coming to the conclusion that we can't rely on anyone but ourselves in a war so I totally support the TO. It's a great way to boost the ranks of professional soldiers which there aren't that many in Poland compared to some other countries around us.
pawian  226 | 27561
20 Jan 2022   #42
he was rather thinking about negative character traits of these two nations.

Hmm..are you sure? I thought Hitler wanted to annihilate Jews because he feared their intelligence and skills which might hamper the development of pure Aryan German race.

Romantic is when you get a rose, not a bullet.

I alluded to the attitude popular in early 19th century when Romantic poets advocated fierce resistance even when the odds were hopeless. Mickiewicz wrote: Mierz siły na zamiary, nie zamiar podług sił. It means that it doesn`t matter the enemy is much stronger than us - we shall fight anyway - also for honour. And Jews fought like that for Israel. Fortunately, they won.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015
20 Jan 2022   #43
And Jews fought like that for Israel. Fortunately, they won.

I always wonder why they didn't fight like that Europe....seriously....would the Holocaust have been even possible with the Jews really fighting back?

About 6 Million people....mostly led to the slaughter like lambs....without resistance...even as they have must known what awaits them...
pawian  226 | 27561
20 Jan 2022   #44
even as they have must known what awaits them...

Not really. Nazi Germans cleverly masked their murderous intentions till the last hour. Do you remember fake shower taps in gas chambers to make people believe they were going to have a wash ? But when Jews eventually realised the truth about Holocaust, they started the Ghetto Rising in Warsaw. Not for victory, but for honour. Because they were Polish Jews.
Novichok  4 | 9016
20 Jan 2022   #45
when Romantic poets advocated fierce resistance even when the odds were hopeless.

...from a safe distance.

they started the Ghetto Rising in Warsaw.

When only 40 thousand or 10% were left.

would the Holocaust have been even possible

Jews were always pacifists. Now they know better.

Do you remember fake shower taps

Do you mean as fake as that God who is "almighty" but chose to do nothing?
pawian  226 | 27561
20 Jan 2022   #46
...from a safe distance.

And that is the right privilege of poets - ever heard about throwing pearls before swine??? :):)

When only 40 thousand

60 so 1/3 more than you said but let`s not argue about numbers.

God who is "almighty" but chose to do nothing?

Exactly. God`s almightiness also includes doing nothing. As simple as that.
Novichok  4 | 9016
20 Jan 2022   #47
God`s almightiness also includes doing nothing.

Then I am ready to be named another God. That would make me number 12,001.
I like doing nothing. The problem is with God's who never do anything except nothing.
pawian  226 | 27561
20 Jan 2022   #48
The problem is with God's who never do anything except nothing.

Never?? Are you sure?? Can you prove it?? :):):) Isn`t it God`s grace that he spared you so that you could live until now instead of drowning at the age of 5 in a local pond when unattended by your parents? Kneel down and thank God for that act of mercy on you.

  • This could be your fate but wasn`t
Novichok  4 | 9016
20 Jan 2022   #49

Yes, never.

Are you sure??

Yes, I am sure.
pawian  226 | 27561
20 Jan 2022   #50
Interesting you replied to my two questions but skipped the third one.
So, again: Can you prove your adamant claim? :):)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
21 Jan 2022   #51
About 6 Million people

That's a grossly overestimated figure that has never been revised despite the Auschwitz figure being lowered from 4 million down to 1 million in the late 80's/early 90's. The holocaust death toll has been revised several times prior to that, but the 6 million figure stuck as it's a kabbalist figure. After the war, the figure was 12 million, then in the 50's it became 9 million, then 6 million which despite the Auschwitz number being reduced by 3 million the 6 million figure hasn't been adjusted accordingly.

I always wonder why they didn't fight like that Europe....seriously

Because like usual they expect the goyim to do the heavy lifting for them... they even have the gall to attempt to sue Poland as a country for apparently not doing enough to help them. Watching the videos of Nazis supervising them as they rebuild bombed out structures is enough - no shovel, no wheelbarrel, no that's too difficult - instead they carry one little brick in each hand and casually stroll about.

Oh and of course there's the whole property debacle... trying to pull a fast one claiming someones' house as their own... funny how they seem to only pick out the expensive prime location properties but no claims against cottages and huts in the villages.

But when Jews realised the truth about Holocaust, they started the Ghetto Rising in Warsaw.

Lol which version of the "truth?" The one where they claimed that jews were being turned into soap and lampshades? How about the one where they were being masturbated to death and fight bears in cages? Or my favorite that 12 million, no wait 9 million, errr 6 million died (even though the jewish population of europe actually grew from the 1930's to the 1940's according to several almanacs... and here I thought these people had a knack for numbers and accounting...). The same kind of "truths" that sell lots of books and pump out movies. Just recently some German jewess lost her "top blogger award" because it turns out she lied about the two dozen family members who she claimed died during the holocaust. No different than the fraudster Elie "no tattoo" Wiesel.

Well, as long as there's foolish goyim the holocaust industry will keep chugging along.

And no they didn't. They knew of people being sent to camps well before 1943/44. They only started fighting once it was the Warsaw ghetto's turn to be liquidated.

Everyone interested in the topic of jews in poland should watch this movie:
pawian  226 | 27561
21 Jan 2022   #52
Lol which version of the "truth?"

The simplest - that deported Jews weren`t sent to labour camps as Germans assured them and they believed it but to death camps in fact.

the holocaust industry.

Denying Holocaust is a foolish thing to do. It did take place - 3 million Polish Jews were exterminated and it is a fact. You are trying hard to turn it into a joke but it is futile coz facts are facts. Simple.

They only started fighting once it was the Warsaw ghetto's turn to be liquidated.

Even earlier.

chugging along.

Like trains carrying Jews to gas chambers....
mafketis  38 | 11199
21 Jan 2022   #53
Hitler described poles as 'half-jews'

My explanation. He thought of Poles as a mongrel group... mostly for extermination but with some that could be salvaged and germanized (though things like the Lebensborn programs).
Alien  25 | 6402
21 Jan 2022   #54
@pawian; holocaust industry.
Holocaust Industry has nothing to do with denying Holocaust.
Holocaust is Auschwitz and Holokaust Industry would be a gift shop in Auschwitz. It is a significant difference.
pawian  226 | 27561
21 Jan 2022   #55
It is a significant difference.

Discuss it with Dirk who suggests that Holocaust is hoax.
Crow  154 | 9561
21 Jan 2022   #56
same reason as why Serbia went from being lead ....a Croatian lesbian within 30 years

Pardon. Ana is a Catholic Serb in disguise, female or male, whatever, who knows.

Well, see, I got your point.
28 Jan 2022   #57
Poland has no Mongolian origin

Poles and Jews are highly similar in blood. They have the same ancestor. They are descendants of Aryans in the Caucasus. They are the messengers assigned by God to create civilization on earth.
Alien  25 | 6402
28 Jan 2022   #58
Aha, Chosen Nations....
pawian  226 | 27561
28 Jan 2022   #59
They have the same ancestor.

You see, Novi? Read and learn. Poles are the Chosen Nation, like Jews. It was a mistake on your part to drop your Polishness and assimilate into another nation. Now you are not chosen.
pawian  226 | 27561
29 Jan 2022   #60
They are the messengers assigned by God

Salvation will be bestowed onto the world through Poles.
According to an old prophecy: Poland - the Christ of Nations! !

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