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Historical look at various civilisational differences between Russia and the West

pawian  226 | 27471
5 Sep 2023   #121
Nope. It was forged much earlier.

Delusional. Katyn Massacre was committed by Soviets and historians proved it long ago. Your lies are ridiculous. It is called revisionism - just like denying Holocaust or gas chambers.

AmaSSing the troll factory has sent such a loser as you here. You are not helping Russians to look better in the world - quite the opposite - you are proving Russians are lying Mongol swine.

Good!!! I hope you won`t stop. hahahaha buhahaha

(yet Kania loves this culture?)

Yes, isn`t it also amaSSing??? :):):)
Paulina  19 | 4458
5 Sep 2023   #122
Nope. It was forged much earlier.

Oh wow... By whom??? :D

(yet Kania loves this culture?)

Yeah, it boggles my mind...
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
5 Sep 2023   #123
wow... By whom??? :D

In times of convergency hopes, i.e. early 1980-ths. These docs were fabricated in USSR by corrupted party elites in false hopes to converge Soviet system with western capitalism.
jon357  72 | 23483
5 Sep 2023   #124
These docs were fabricated in USSR by corrupted party elites in false hopes

Some 'proof' of your vile fantasy may be appreciated here.
Paulina  19 | 4458
5 Sep 2023   #125
These docs were fabricated in USSR by corrupted party elites in false hopes to converge Soviet system with western capitalism.

Wow, I've read all kinds of nonsense from Katyń-deniers, including that Putin falsified Katyń files to please Merkel, but this is the first time I hear of your "theory" :D Another one to my collection of "RuSSian insanity":

pawian  226 | 27471
5 Sep 2023   #126
These docs were fabricated in USSR by corrupted party elites

hahahaha AmaSSing! :):):)
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
5 Sep 2023   #127
yet Kania loves this culture?

I sure do.

Russians have great sense of humour, they are friendly and loyal, and when you get to know them better they will treat you like a family member. As people in general, they are honest, kind, patient and long-suffering. Great material for friends, not so great for enemies.

I've been to Russia, I have Russian friends, I love Russian music, language and literature - how likely do you think it is that some random fruitcake (every country has them) on an internet board is going to influence my opinion? Not very likely, right? :)


There are Holocaust deniers, so I suppose there are also Katyń-deniers, Moon landing deniers and all other kinds of fruitcakes.
jon357  72 | 23483
5 Sep 2023   #128
I've been to Russia, I have Russian friends

Same same, however you must admit that r*SSia is a risk to civilisation, as we can see now in Ukraine and as should be self-evident from Polish recent history.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
5 Sep 2023   #129
There will always remain those who deny truth, despite the tomes of evidentiary material along with eye witness proof, G.K.

The crying shame is that there also those out there who actually give credence to such people!
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
5 Sep 2023   #130
r*SSia is a risk to civilisation

I really don't like the spelling. I'm not going to argue about it incessantly but it is a bit infantile and unnecessary.

As for the risk to civilisation, yes - under the current government Russia entered too hastily into a conflict that definitely has potential to cause much damage to the world.
jon357  72 | 23483
5 Sep 2023   #131
I really don't like the spelling

I do.

And of course it's not just their current vile regime, it's a long term course of action, habitual behaviour and two or more centuries behind the civilised world.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
5 Sep 2023   #132
Once again, Putin doesn't see himself as a European, even a Eurasian, but as a Russian, a completely recalcitrant isolationist, even more than his predecessors, which is what makes him so dangerous.
Paulina  19 | 4458
5 Sep 2023   #133
and all other kinds of fruitcakes.

Yeah, but in RuSSia they write history textbooks for public schools, Kania.

OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
5 Sep 2023   #134
in RuSSia they write history textbooks for public schools

Have you seen HiT (Historia i Teraźniejszość) textbooks? Apparently fruitcakes writing history books for public schools is not exclusively Russian specialty. :)
pawian  226 | 27471
5 Sep 2023   #135
Have you seen HiT (Historia i Teraźniejszość) textbooks? Apparently fruitcakes

Hey, hypocrite, why are you critisizing a book written by antiEuropean antigender antiliberal author?? You love such ideology as you proved many times in other threads so what the heck???
Paulina  19 | 4458
5 Sep 2023   #136
Have you seen HiT (Historia i Teraźniejszość) textbooks?

No, I haven't, to be honest. Are they as bad as RuSSian history textbooks nowadays though?
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
5 Sep 2023   #137
A little medicine for hatred, guys...


... you can argue with some of the things said, if you wish, but you must admit that there is no hostility or hatred there. How sadly different it is from all the "Mongol, SS, orcs" nonsense spouted on PF.
Ironside  50 | 12946
5 Sep 2023   #138
Delusional. Katyn Massacre was committed by Soviets and historians proved it long ago.

Really? Are you sure? You don't know much about Polish history or history in general so you could be wrong.

A little medicine for

Do you have a licence to sell meds? If not you are only a common drug peddler or as they say - a dealer.
pawian  226 | 27471
5 Sep 2023   #139
Really? Are you sure?

Are you a new Soviet lover or another Russophile in the forum that you support Katyn deniers??? AmaSSing!
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
5 Sep 2023   #140
you are only a common drug peddler or as they say - a dealer

I'm only dealing in peace, love and understanding.


pawian  226 | 27471
5 Sep 2023   #141
I'm only dealing in peace, love and understanding.

Darling, go on a peace mission to the Kremlin and do it there first instead of here. Ukrainians, Russians and half the world will be very grateful if you succeed. :):):)
jon357  72 | 23483
5 Sep 2023   #142
a peace mission to the Kremlin

They've got a very long table.
Paulina  19 | 4458
5 Sep 2023   #143
A little medicine for hatred, guys...

You have a strange idea of a medicine... This guy is still brainwashed.

How sadly different it is from all the "Mongol, SS, orcs" nonsense spouted on PF.

Oh, Kania, Kania... Haven't you heard what that guy from Królewiec said in that video? They're "not fighting against Ukraine, they're fighting against America". But they're killing Ukrainians, you see? But they invaded Ukraine, you see? So, so what if some dedushka from Królewiec who was shopping in Polish Biedronka before the war and thus knows that Poles don't eat RuSSians for breakfast doesn't hate us? People like him would invade Poland in order to "fight against America" or whatever other reason Putin would come up with and those "non-hating" RuSSians would kill you anyway.

Darling, go on a peace mission to the Kremlin and do it there first instead of here.

Exactly! lol
Bobko  27 | 2079
5 Sep 2023   #144
Once again, Putin doesn't see himself as a European, even a Eurasian, but as a Russian

Quite the astute observation, mon amie. As usual, you have hit the target in the bullseye.

Educated people, as you and I are, certainly understand that Russians at large are not, and never have been, Europeans. Rather, it is a backwards Asiatic country - as is evident from its barbarous and cruel treatment of its own population. Whatever hope there was, that they could join the ranks of civilized countries, was dashed when they scandalously invaded Ukraine.

Never in the history of the world, has there been such a clear-cut example of good fighting evil. This is why it is imperative that the West ensure that Russia fails to achieve its goals. The ruSSian apes must be made to live in utter squalor, until they learn to behave like proper human beings. I say this as ruSSian myself.

Cheers again, to a great post Lyzko!
Paulina  19 | 4458
5 Sep 2023   #145
Russians at large are not, and never have been, Europeans.

Laugh all you want (I laughed in disbelief too at first), but that's what I was told by pro-Putin RuSSians - that RuSSia is neither Europe nor Asia. RuSSia is RuSSia. A world of its own, apparently lol

I've noticed that even when Ukrainians go to Poland, they're saying they're going to "Europe" o_O

I got used to it somewhat, but I still find it bizzare... Maybe by "Europe" the Ukrainians mean the EU? 🤔
Bobko  27 | 2079
5 Sep 2023   #146
Laugh all you want

I'm glad you find it funny, but it's no joking matter when we are discussing the orcs and their Mongol culture.

Effectively, they are a relic of the Horde. Moscow, or Swampland, was historically a mere tax collector for the Mongoloid overlords of Rus. Adept at exploiting their brethren for the benefit of the slant-eyed butchers from the East - they have continued this tradition ever since.

It is a bankrupt culture, devoid of any redeeming qualities whatsoever. This is why it's so funny when various bootlickers on this forum begin talking about potential friendship with the ruSSists. "TFUU!" I say to such disgusting collaborators. Worse than the Kapos in the concentration camps they are.

I'm glad there are such educated people like you on this forum, so there's some pushback to their vile lies.
Paulina  19 | 4458
5 Sep 2023   #147


"Dead Marshes... Yes, yes, that is their name."

Moscow suburbs :)):


I'm glad there are such educated people like you on this forum, so there's some pushback to their vile lies.

I am glad too, my dear Bilbo... um... Bobko :))))
jon357  72 | 23483
5 Sep 2023   #148
Moscow suburbs

Did you know that in the Soviet Union there was no real tea? Only nasty herbal stuff.

Because in Marxist-Leninist ideology, all proper tea is theft...
Novichok  4 | 8485
5 Sep 2023   #149
Putin doesn't see himself as a European,

With the UK, Germany, and Sweden kissing refugee asses being called a European is an insult. That's why I don't self-identify as a European.

This is why it is imperative that the West ensure that Russia fails to achieve its goals.

I am really trying to understand why you are doing this. A new PF reader would never catch your sarcasm or sense of humor.
For Russia, failure in Ukraine is not an option - even as a joke.
Paulina  19 | 4458
6 Sep 2023   #150
Did you know

The joke was connected to the fact that Moscow was built on swamps, apparently.

Btw, I wonder if the name of Bolotnaya Square has something to do with it? 🤔

in the Soviet Union there was no real tea?

Really? It's hard to believe - RuSSia has always been big on tea...

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