Nice to know in the case of Danzig, Breslau or Stettin...thanks! :)
Absolutely - you know those germans are very pushy tenants:) I beleive they do the same with deck chairs and poolside chairs:)
Yup....but still Germans roamed central Europe already there wasn't a Pole to see anywhere...
Thats because its a map showing G-E-R-M-A-N-I-C tribe movements.
Also, as the germs moved in the Slavs moved out. The slav tribes in the area of modern day Poland were called polonian slavs cos they farmed the planes (pole in polish) of central Poland, which was named after the planes - hence 'Polonia'. TADAAA!!!!
The Polonians were tall lethargic peoples and were not that bothered for a fight so scarpered when the big hairy germanics turned up on their doorstep going "uga booga!!!" should take another look at this was only the beginning the other colours are the same tribes at different times expanding their territory...still no Poles!
yees I was around 750BC, orangy colour around 500BC-1AD etc. This merely shows the grounds gained by the germs from the slavs.
And anyhow..are you still mad that my grandpa tried to kill your grandpa???
Still fighting the war???
It's over...first you lost, then we they are all dead anyhow....
No - some Russian guy was trying to kill my grandpa cos he lived in eastern poland.
Not still fighting the war - just prejudice.
Poland never loses - just goes underground for a while only to emerge again with it's honour and dignity intact.
Look I have maps too! :)
1) Inhabitants going back to 700BC
2) Slavic genetics aroung Europa (50% around modern day Poland) could quite possibly be controlling share me thinks :)

