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Polish-German alliance.

HatefulBunch397  - | 658
5 Mar 2009   #92
The Nazi party had everything outlined in that book written way before they became a powerful political party. It was Hitler and a few other Nazis in the same prison writing Mein Kampf, right?
5 Mar 2009   #93
Well...better stop posting crap!

That's what I've told you just yesterday! You see, one day with me and you already speak sense.
Although I feel that the atmosphere became tense. I don't want you to feel unwell so maybe we'll leave over that conversation for a while.

I have some work to do now.


This is why I think we should base our opinions on what is found in Hitler's book. That way, we know for sure

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #94
The Nazi party had everything outlined in that book written way before they became a powerful political party. It was Hitler and a few other Nazis in the same prison writing Mein Kampf, right?

I's forbidden in Germany! :)

But thanks for wiki:

Mein Kampf has also been studied as a work on political theory. For example, Hitler announces his hatred of what he believed to be the world's twin evils: Communism and Judaism.

....but they still forgot the wehavetokillthepolishsubhumanthingie...

I have some work to do now.

Nathan  18 | 1349
5 Mar 2009   #95
Poles have a long tradition of tolerance


Some of them thinks that West Europe is somehow superior to East Europe

5 Mar 2009   #96
Poles have a long tradition of tolerance
Some of them thinks that West Europe is somehow superior to East Europe

And..? what's your point? You compared two of my sentences that are describing totally different occurences in your illogical post.
Are you waiting for an acclaim or something? ;-]
Czarnobog  - | 33
5 Mar 2009   #97
What you could not do for a 1000 years, you are trying to do with you German led European Union. But the truth is Polish nationalism is not going to warm up to you anytime fast.

Here is a list of our Polish-German alliance as it played itself out through history. The battles Poland fought when it was first born (Piast period) are:

# 972, against Germany
# 1003–1005, against Germany
# 1007–1013, against Germany
# 1015–1018, against Germany
# 1018, against Kievan Rus
# 1072, against Bohemia
# 1109, against Germany
# 1146, against Germany
# 1156, against Germany
# 1241, Mongol invasion of Poland, with prominent Battle of Legnica
# 1326–1333, against the Teutonic Order, Battle of Płowce

Should I keep going (Jagiellon period is not much different)? You`ll find our friendship more or less develop in this pattern for a millennium. Don`t tell me we`re pretty much the same. We developed our sense of ourselves in the need to defend ourselves from your relentless appetite.

And for the record you invented antipolonism.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #98
What you could not do for a 1000 years, you are trying to do with you German led European Union. But the truth is Polish nationalism is not going to warm up to you anytime fast.

Remind me again....who begged Germany to help them to gain entrance into the club?
And who became Polands biggest advocate in the EU?

Here is a list of our Polish-German alliance as it played itself out through history. The battles Poland fought when it was first born (Piast period) are:

Well...look at the the course of 2 millennia you wandered from outside of Europe now near to Berlin...can you call it desperate defense by the Germans?

Don`t tell me we`re pretty much the same. We developed our sense of ourselves in the need to defend ourselves from your relentless appetite.

The facts speak another language...YOU are the invader with a relentless appetite for germanic lands!

And for the record you invented antipolonism.

Well...I could have bet that was another Pole...
Didn't the Poles invent everything else on earth there is???
celinski  31 | 1258
5 Mar 2009   #99
And for the record you invented antipolonism.

Many say helped term the phrase anti-Semitism also.

And who became Polands biggest advocate in the EU?

But then went with the Nord.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #100
But then went with the Nord

They are not very grateful anyhow...
OP Sokrates  8 | 3335
5 Mar 2009   #101
BB before Poles at large grow to like Germany or to be objective about Germany another generation needs to pass, the reasons are quite obvious besides you needed us in EU, matter of fact you need a strong dynamic Poland for various reasons both economical and military so its not like you're doing this because you're good neighbours, you're doing it because you're good diplomats.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #102
We surely don't need someone in the EU who always tries to piss us off...
OP Sokrates  8 | 3335
5 Mar 2009   #103
Wellllll now so you dont need a market for your goods and cheap labor force? You do realise that a significant part of your economy is tangled with Polish imports and exports? Oh and if there's ever a conflict with Russia guess on who's lands shit will hit the brick? Not yours.

As for pissing you off, you want to be the leader of Europe, i'm fine with that you've got all the prerequisites for that position but with it comes the responsibility to enact diplomacy thats in the interest of Europe as such not Germany and fuck Europe.

Nord Stream is a perfect example where you not only attempt to fuck up yourselves but also the region.
lesser  4 | 1311
5 Mar 2009   #104
And who became Polands biggest advocate in the EU?

Never forgotten, never forgiven!! :)
celinski  31 | 1258
5 Mar 2009   #105
We surely don't need someone in the EU who always tries to piss us off...

lol you make it to easy.

Nord Stream is a perfect example where you not only attempt to fuck up yourselves but also the region.

region or Poland?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #106
Never forgotten, never forgiven!! :)

OP Sokrates  8 | 3335
5 Mar 2009   #107
region or Poland?

Region, Nord Stream like all pipelines will inevitably expand and increase regional dependency on Russian resources and being dependent on Russia in any aspect is a very bad thing for obvious reasons.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #108
Newsflash: Till we develop usable alternatives we all ARE dependent on Russias sources.
And will be even more so in the future to keep our economies running!

Another Newsflash: The rivals for these resources and their demand will grow too, but the resources won't.
To build NOW and try to secure them NOW is the right thing.
If you like the Russians or not is just irrelevant...
OP Sokrates  8 | 3335
5 Mar 2009   #109
Newsflash: Till we develop usable alternatives we all ARE dependent on Russias sources.
And will be even more so in the future to keep our economies running!

Newsflash no we are not, we could and should develop economic ties with Azerbeijan and import from there at the same time heavily investing in nuclear, solar and alternative power research, if we're dependent from Russia its over for us and you.

Another newsflash, Russia will not respect any trade agreements and use its resources as means of blackmail, if we get dependent they'll just skyrocket the prices and if costs of extraction get too high they'll just pull out of any deals they made and everyone's fucked.

If you like the Russians or not is just irrelevant...

I dont care about the Russians in light of this issue, what i care about is the serious instability of Russia as far as any economic or political deals are concerned, building such economic ties with a country that has noregard for law and political/diplomatic standards when there are alternatives is bloody stupid.
celinski  31 | 1258
5 Mar 2009   #110
To build NOW and try to secure them NOW is the right thing.

Windmills, you have wind right? That's my plan and I will sell my reserve.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #111
Yes, we also are leading in solarenergy and what not.
But it's all still by far not enough to power a highly industrialized economy and society.

No Azerbaidshan will help us with that either...

To believe any country in Europe could somehow do without the russian resources just don't know the facts.
And that is only now!
The future will be even more critical as the demand from the growing industrialization in Asia (China) will grow and grow and will become rivals for the same resources...

if we're dependent from Russia its over for us and you.

Just in case you didn't get it the first time...WE ARE DEPENDENT ON RUSSIA RIGHT NOW ALREADY!
And that won't change the next decades....

He said it best:,1518,426555,00.html

That's reason enough to reduce this dependence by creating an intelligent, forward-looking policy -- in so far as that is possible. After all, our energy risk won't get any smaller in the future.
Today, Europe covers 50 percent of its energy needs by means of imports -- soon, it will be 70 percent. So our policy can only be that of producing more energy ourselves wherever possible. We should also import from as many different providers as possible in order not to be overly dependent from any single provider. But one shouldn't dramatize the risk either.
Why should the Russians -- our main energy provider, breach contracts and cut off the supply? The consequences for them would be tremendous; the long-term damage for Russia would be considerable. We Finns have decades of experience with Russian energy providers -- I can assure you that we have never had problems.

Ogorki  - | 114
5 Mar 2009   #112
How would you call a city with 98 percent Germans citizens?

If my rented 4 bedroom house is taken over by 4 germans - the house is full
of germans - but it's still MY house :):):)

Of course Poland invented the Blitzkrieg....:)
But where was it 1939???

I said Poland invented Blitzkrieg - not developed Blitzkrieg. Ok - lets see:-

The UK persuaded Poland to send one third of her troops on leave just before the invasion so as not to provoke Hitler.

Germany was more industrialised and mechanised. It developed it's army secretly in violation of previous agreements.

It invaded Poland with no warning and Poland had no time to react - and when she did she was knifed in the back by Russia.

German soldiers used human shields (women and children) when they could not get through Polish defenses and prevented Polish counter attacks.

ENOUGH for ya old boy????

However - despite all this - the Polish tackticks were still apparent:-

"The Polish cavalry charge impressed the Germans and caused a delay in the offensive of the German 20th Motorised Infantry Division which considered a tactical retreat. This was however prevented by personal intervention of Gen. Guderian, who in his memoirs stated that he encountered his staff wearing helmets, preparing an anti-tank gun for a possible Polish cavalry attack, and that the panic of the first day of war was overcome quickly."

The german army had the advantage of surprise - otherwise they would have been routed by the Polish forces:);):0

Why not go even further back?
It wall all german came and expanded westwards. All of Poland
was once germanic! :)

If you want to play that game - FINE!

We both know that human civilisation came from Africa:);) Humans travelled from Africa up to Europe - through Europe and up to Scandinavia.

We both know that the Germanic tribes came down from Scandinavia:):) However - as your little map shows, the red area shows settlement from the north @ approx 750BC:):)

Therefore before 750BC there were no germanic tribes in the area which is now Poland:):) and yet human civilization had passed there previously:):) on the way up to Scandinavia. Right? So who was there before the Germanic tribes came down and drove them to the east around 500BC? YES - YOU ARE CORRECT - SLAVS! LOL!

Otherwise you are saying that human civilisation travelled up to Scandinavia, developed into germanics and then came back down to Europe to find a completely empty Europe and just strolled in - becuase there was nothing but germanic tribes in Euriope around that time. GAGAGooGAAOO~#@~~##

I already hear Poles talking about "isn't Berlin a slavic stronghold anyhow?"...:)

No but Lubeck and Rostock used to be:)

You fear one, lonely german on a polish board will all "germanize" you?
Poor sod...

Every pack has to have a joker LLLOOOOOOLLLLLL!!!!!!!
lesser  4 | 1311
5 Mar 2009   #113
Never forgotten, never forgiven!! :)


I have seen you posting a table of "European IQ league" more than once. You could use this Germanic brightness and figure out yourself! :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #114
If my rented 4 bedroom house is taken over by 4 germans - the house is full
of germans - but it's still MY house :):):)

Nice to know in the case of Danzig, Breslau or Stettin...thanks! :)

If you want to play that game - FINE!

We both know that human civilisation came from Africa:);) Humans travelled from Africa up to Europe - through Europe and up to Scandinavia.

Yup....but still Germans roamed central Europe already there wasn't a Pole to see anywhere...

We both know that the Germanic tribes came down from Scandinavia:):) However - as your little map shows, the red area shows settlement from the north @ approx 750BC:):) should take another look at this was only the beginning the other colours are the same tribes at different times expanding their territory...still no Poles!

And anyhow..are you still mad that my grandpa tried to kill your grandpa???
Still fighting the war???
It's over...first you lost, then we they are all dead anyhow....

The german army had the advantage of surprise - otherwise they would have been routed by the Polish forces:);):0 seemed not very quick on the uptake...your surprise lasted nearly a whole month! :)

But wasn't there shortly before a general mobilization of the polish forces? I think I remember that...

I have seen you posting a table of "European IQ league" more than once. You could use this Germanic brightness and figure out yourself! :)

You are not trying to paint an image of a sullen, brooding Pole sitting alone in his dark corner glaring over at Germany, mumbling into his beard???

I'm sorry *snicker*, but that's what springs to mind reading your quote! :)
lesser  4 | 1311
5 Mar 2009   #115
You are not trying to paint an image of a sullen, brooding Pole sitting alone in his dark corner glaring over at Germany, mumbling into his beard??? LOL

Sorry dear friend but ironic comment, this the best thing that could come from my keyboard when I see you telling me (among others) that I should be grateful because in your opinion German state did the most to impose on Poland this disgusting regime based in Brussels. I should be grateful because some foreign states financed huge propaganda campaign aimed to attract (not convince! feel the difference!) ignorant crowds to back this flawed project? No thanks! :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #116
You know lesser...take that to your country men who were and are to a huge majority happy to became/be EU-members...

July 3 2007 83% of Poles have a favourable opinion of the EU, according to a survey from the US-based Pew Research Centre

OP Sokrates  8 | 3335
5 Mar 2009   #117
German soldiers used human shields (women and children) when they could not get through Polish defenses and prevented Polish counter attacks.

I'm sorry for the off topic but how the bloody fudge did the baby shields made their way into discussion about energy politics?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #118
We wandered off topic awhile back....for some just the idea of a good relationship between Germany and Poland even today is not preferable...holding up grudges is so much better!

*takes coat*
lesser  4 | 1311
5 Mar 2009   #119
You know lesser...take that to your country men who were and are to a huge majority happy to became/be EU-members...

You cannot blame ignorant crowd because they are ignorant, this would be a waste of time. How on earth such people are allowed to decide about crucial state issues, here is a problem.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #120
How on earth such people are allowed to decide about crucial issues, here is a problem.

Well...but so it is...

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