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Polish-German alliance.

1jola  14 | 1875
5 Mar 2009   #61
Here are Germans fighting Bolshevism in 1939:

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1jola  14 | 1875
5 Mar 2009   #62
"An alliance which is not for the purpose of waging war has no meaning and no value."

"The destinies of nations can be welded together only under the prospect of a common success, of common gain and conquest, in short, a common extension of power for both contracting parties."

Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf
Babinich  1 | 453
5 Mar 2009   #63
Forget DeGaulle, Mikhail Nikolayevich Tukhachevsky's innovation transformed war in the twentieth century. His offensive operational theory known as Deep Penetration was a precursor of the Wehrmacht's Blitzkrieg..
Ogorki  - | 114
5 Mar 2009   #64
Can you give an example when Nikolayevich put his theory in action before 1920?
Before Piłsudski there was only trench warfare. Nikolayevich learned from Piłsudski as did DeGaulle

"The most important role, however, was assigned to a relatively small, approximately 20,000-man, newly assembled "Reserve Army" (also known as the "Strike Group," "Grupa Uderzeniowa"), comprising the most determined, battle-hardened Polish units and commanded personally by Piłsudski. Their task was to spearhead a lightning northward offensive, from the Vistula-Wieprz triangle south of Warsaw, through a weak spot identified by Polish intelligence between the Soviet Western and Southwestern Fronts"

"Piłsudski's plan was strongly criticized, and only the desperate situation of the Polish forces persuaded other commanders to go along with it. Though based on reliable intelligence, including decrypted Soviet radio communications, the plan was termed "amateurish" by high-ranking army officers and military experts who were quick to point out Piłsudski's lack of formal military education. When a copy of the plan fell into Soviet hands, Soviet commander Mikhail Tukhachevsky thought it a ruse and disregarded it."

Poland defeated Russia in 1920 thanks to Piłsudski's "lightning offensive" the first of it's kind and a precursor of the Wehrmacht's Blitzkrieg
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #65
Gdansk or "Danzig" is not a German city.

How would you call a city with 98 percent Germans citizens?

Poland defeated Russia in 1920 thanks to Piłsudski's "lightning offensive" the first of it's kind and a precursor of the Wehrmacht's Blitzkrieg

Of course Poland invented the Blitzkrieg....:)
But where was it 1939???

Here is a map of the area around 1000AD showing the original borders of Poland

Why not go even further back?
It wall all german came and expanded westwards. All of Poland
was once germanic! :)

Germans everywhere, no Poles at all

And that's a map from 1512
Look where Poland is...

Poland in the west

Should I post a modern map too?
It rather looks like Poland looking for "Lebensraum" in the the boarder
ist near Berlin and I already hear Poles talking about "isn't Berlin a slavic stronghold anyhow?"...:)

This thread is sickening. Poland and Germany are antithetical nations. The main reason we are christian is so Germany wouldn't colonize our "heathen" pagan lands. We took baptism as a way to resist your attempts to civilize us.

Quite to the contrary...we are quite similiar...maybe uncomfortably similiar for some!

Why don't you German "friends" start your own forum instead of colonizing this one? Or is that just what you do best?

You fear one, lonely german on a polish board will all "germanize" you?
Poor sod...
5 Mar 2009   #66
JulietEcho was talking generally

No, she specifically denied that any British servicemen died fighting in Poland in WWII. She said that she would lay flowers on the graves of any who did.

you focused on specific actions of individuals.

The ones which JulietEcho still claims do not exist despite being provided with their names and exact burial locations.

Yes Brits fought in Poland but they were the few that slipped through the Stalin Ass kissing net cast by the allies.

Now, they were the ones ordered to fight by the British government. You are confusing the British government with that of the USA.

The British Government did not make any official order to send in British troops to help Poles fend off the germans or the russians.

How exactly would you like the British to have got troops there?

You read Stormfront? Now there's a surprise.

You consider the website of Poland's leading newspaper to be a Jewish website. But then again you see Jews everywhere you look, even in the mirror.

That's a place I know well. I use it extensively to help my research when I'm writing.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #67
the bad interwar Germans were not the real Germans but nazis. Now they have to convince themseves that it's true...


Sorry to be so direct but your pseudo-knowledge of the deep workings of the german soul
is just that, crap!
But if it helps to feel yourself as a Pole better who am I to stop you, you won't believe me, a lowly original German, anyhow.

Some Poles really have a crooked image of Germany and the Germans I must say....:)

...they can't feel the national pride anymore...

And some more german eye candy for the boys:
5 Mar 2009   #68
You fear one, lonely german on a polish board will all "germanize" you?

Germanize? No, I think most of us are immune for this kind of treatment ;-]
However one man can surely post a lot of crap (and I said 'a lot' not all) that may be convincing for a young people without a proper historical education.

Some Poles really have a crooked image of Germany and the Germans I must say....:)

Same goes to Britons, Dutch, Swiss (and I'm talking about my experience from talking with the people so don't post me some articles like: "how we Europeans are in love with Germans" ;-D) ..hmm, it seems that the whole world have a crooked image of Germany and Germans ;-]

BTW: about the UEFA 2006 pic. Like I said before: Germans wants to feel a FULL national pride however they are ashamed of some part of their history (btw: one girl mentioned something about Euro 2006 in "Die Welle"). And I am not referring to sport in here ;-D

And some more german eye candy for the boys:

Nice chicks
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #69
Germanize? No, I think most of us are immune for this kind of treatment ;-]
However one man can surely post a lot of crap (and I said 'a lot' not all) that may be convincing for a young people without a proper historical education.

Well, at least I don't try to explain some pseudo-psycho crap about how the Poles surely feel and think...

But of course I admit posting links and facts and infos might disturb the comfy polish worldview "We good holy saints - Germans bad beasts"...

I'm so not sorry to be so inconvenient!
5 Mar 2009   #70
I'm so not sorry to be so inconvenient!

Be inconvenient whenever you want. Poles have a long tradition of tolerance. I'm glad that Germans can learn from us :-]
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #71
Same goes to Britons, Dutch, Swiss (and I'm talking about my experience from talking with the people so don't post me some articles like: "how we Europeans are in love with Germans" ;-D) ..hmm, it seems that the whole world have a crooked image of Germany and Germans ;-]

Didn't they just want to be polite to a Pole, knowing your weak spot?

Then why tops Germany so many popularity surveys?

In any case, Germany is the best overall country "brand", receiving the highest ranking among the 50 nations measured in the 2008 NBI index.

30. Poland

Germany once again fared best in the poll, with every country viewing it positively and 61% of people rating it favourably, up from 55% last year.

Shouldn't Poland top instead? :)
It seems some Poles not only have a crooked image of Germany but of themselves too....can you say "deluded"?:)
5 Mar 2009   #72
Cool, keep it up. That's what the world expect form the Germans.
Seriously, I keep the fingers crossed for you! :-]
5 Mar 2009   #74
It seems some Poles not only have a crooked image of Germany but of themselves too....can you say "deluded"?:)

Yes, some of Poles don't feel proud enough from the fact that they were born in our beautiful country. Yes, you can say that some of them are deluded.

And I am absolutely serious right now.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #75
If Germans "WANT" to feel full pride they do so.
Either you want or you don't...(maybe it's different with the Poles I dunno).
All nations have some parts they are not especially proud of, does this stop the people to feel pride in their heritage? Never!

And you can watch national pride at best at international games in our times without european wars....

I think it's rather wishful thinking of some Poles about a downtrodden German me thinks, so not sorry to disappoint you!

Yes, some of Poles don't feel proud enough from the fact that they were born in our beautiful country. Yes, you can say that some of them are deluded.
And I am absolutely serious right now.

Why do you think that is?
And shouldn't you rather be concerned about your own polish pride than the pride of the Germans? :)
5 Mar 2009   #76
So typical polish!

You see? You are suspicious when I praise you. And you are feel endangered when I criticize you. So typical German (?)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #77
Some real links, facts, stats would preferable to any "praise" or "criticism" if I'm honest.
You rather prefer purely objective statements wrapped as facts...that's just not true!

Point for point I show that you only have some pseudo blah blah for arguments which I can answer with facts...your reaction to that is more blah blah, so typical!

There must be some pseudo-psycho explanation for that too....
5 Mar 2009   #78
Why do you think that is?

Lack of knowledge.
Most of the Poles were isolated from the rest of the Europe for the half of the 20th century. Some of them thinks that West Europe is somehow superior to East Europe. I think it is superior only economically at this period of time (and only for now). The other thing is that we know our capabilities and we are somehow frustrated with this interlude which happens now.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #79
Lack of knowledge.

But isn't the polish education to blame for that?
HatefulBunch397  - | 658
5 Mar 2009   #80
"An alliance which is not for the purpose of waging war has no meaning and no value."

That says something about why the Nazis signed the pact with the soviets.
5 Mar 2009   #81
But isn't the polish education to blame for that?

Are you that naive or you just simulate? :-D. I'm talking about a Communistic era.
You should understand the system, Ossis were in the similar situation except that they fully accommodate to that situation (wonderful German tissue ;-]) and never even though about rebellion against the Communism ;-D

There must be some pseudo-psycho explanation for that too....

Argumentum ad hominem. No coments.
shopgirl  6 | 928
5 Mar 2009   #82
I wanted to point out something here.....
Primarily it is Christians (past, present...whatever) who go out to take over a non-Christian group of people with the intent of converting them to Christianity. Christians are not exclusive to Germany in history.

In today's world, you might actually find a fair amount of heathens in Germany who are quite content not to be Christian.

Just thought you might find that interesting.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #83
Are you that naive or you just simulate? :-D. I'm talking about a Communistic era.

Erm...but that's over for twenty years do know that, don't you? :)

No comments. Argumentum ad hominem

Heh :)
5 Mar 2009   #84
What was your point again? 20 years means one generation. Europeans tend to live a little longer than

Point for point I show that you only have some pseudo blah blah for arguments which I can answer with facts...your reaction to that is more blah blah, so typical!

Well, I'll help you. The source is mine thoughts and my experience. I'll provide a link to the external sources when essential. Typical German - lack of abstract thinking ;-]. That's why you don't have a sense of humour.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #85
What was your point again? 20 years means one generation. Europeans tend to live a little longer than

Well...if you had to make a point it's long lost anyhow...

The source is mine thoughts and my experience.

Than you should write so and not try to sell it as truth or facts...
You are wrong in so many counts, it isn't even funny even more but thinking and believing for yourself you can do what you want!

Someone should tell you that you can't have a real discussion with prejudices and opinions only...

That's why you don't have a sense of humour.

More crap! Should I start telling some polish jokes? Must be all true I swear...
5 Mar 2009   #86
That mean that the most of our society was educated during a communistic era ...cheez.
I thought that you are more brilliant. Get grip yourself, dude!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #87
It would be all pearls before pigs anyhow...I'm saving my brilliance for posters who really want to discuss not just exchange prejudices, crooked opinions and verbal farts.
5 Mar 2009   #88
Than you should write so and not try to sell it as truth or facts...
You are wrong in so many counts, it isn't even funny even more but thinking and believing for yourself you can do what you want!

Every internet source is written by someone who have a knowledge and experience.

If I build my own website and provide you a link to it you would be more assured?

But like I said before. I'll provide a links when essential.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2009   #89
I'll provide a links when essential.

Well...better stop posting crap!
It's easier that way...
HatefulBunch397  - | 658
5 Mar 2009   #90
This is why I think we should base our opinions on what is found in Hitler's book. That way, we know for sure.

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