Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11929
13 Mar 2009 #271
Are you out of your senses? And what about thousands and thousands of burned villages and towns?
Ever heard of Stalins "scorched earth" order? What do you think that meaned?
...In case of forced retreat of Red Army units, all rolling stock must be evacuated, the enemy must not be left a single engine, a single railway truck, not a single pound of grain or gallon of fuel. Collective farmers must drive off all their cattle and turn over their grain to the safe keeping of the state authorities, for transportation to the rear. If valuable property that cannot be withdrawn, must be destroyed without fail.
The peasants were left with nothing, the rest took the partisans (and beware if the peasants didn't want to give their last cow)...
And when the red army came back many of them got trialed as alleged collaborateurs and murdered!
(Of course in the still prevailing soviet WWII narrative EVERY burned house, every murdered peasant is the guilt of the german soldiers, isn't it...)
What a great opportunities to lay all blame even for your own murders on the feet of the enemy....remember Katyn? And you can I believe even today still find museums in Russia who show "human soap" and present it as truth...
The war propaganda never really ended!
...As the Soviet authorities and army retreated from Ukraine in 1941, Stalin's scorched earth policy left a trail of destruction including the Dniprohes Dam on the Dnieper River, which was the largest hydro electric power dam in Europe, countless mines and major industrial factories, and Khreschchatik Street in the capital city of Kiev. On November 3, 1941 the famous architectural monument, the Dormition Cathedral in the Pecherska Lavra built 1073 in Kiev, was destroyed.
Moscow tried to blame the Germans for destroying this superb example of medieval Ukrainian architecture but it was proven to be the work of a Soviet bomb squad which had mined it before their retreat and later set it off killing Germans...
Moscow tried to blame the Germans for destroying this superb example of medieval Ukrainian architecture but it was proven to be the work of a Soviet bomb squad which had mined it before their retreat and later set it off killing Germans...
....many, many of such examples when you go searching!
...At the same time, the retreating Soviet troops destroyed crops and burnt entire villages under Stalin's "scorched earth" policy to prevent supplies falling into German hands.