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Famous Russian Poles

ConstantineK  26 | 1298
29 Nov 2008   #61
That's a very cold and chilling account, CK.

In which part?

People have choices.

People don't have choice, because they live captured by the circumstances of their lives...

You are implying that such a noble deed as feeding the poor is more important than life itself.

Please don't think that I feel good thinking that there is no any "immortal human soul". It's just my cold mind observation. Nothing were before us, nothing will be after.

Don't you think that by killing cock roach on your kitchen you automatically transfer his soul in the "cock roach paradise"? But if it is not so, then which proofs can force us to belive in human version of such place? Or may be you think that your body is much better then his or you are just lucky to be a human?

How about I push your off button? How about that?

I am stoic, so let it be
Filios1  8 | 1336
29 Nov 2008   #62
I find it amusing that the Marxist Jew Lenin, who was used as a tool by the Germans to start internal revolt and lead Russia out of the war, became such a hero for the Russians. He would never have succeeded without German involvement, and most likely would never have returned to Russia.

Russia would probably still be under a tsar today. God knows they were subordinate for so long. Why not a few decades longer?
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Nov 2008   #63
Stoic, is that what you call it? LOL

It's not about immortality, it's about respect for life

Get out of the Gulag mentality man, people do have choices. Russia hasn't introduced freedom of choice yet? Of course we have choice laddie

Which part? How you callously comment on the limited value of human life and how it can easily be taken away. Life's what you make it and no fool will take mine away without a big fight.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
29 Nov 2008   #64
It really is a testimony of the backwardness of a society when utopian Jewish ideals

Then we shoul abolish the Christianity first as a first jewish attempt to built the communism.

Aaaand...btw I never said that Lenin is my hero.... certainly I am not communist....
Prince  15 | 590
29 Nov 2008   #65

read forum of Russian immigrants in Poland
(it next link)

What they write about understanding of freedom and learning it. Poland isn't the most liberal country in the world but for Russians it is something new. Read this forum ... Kostik you are not worst than other europeans just try and read opinions of your people who immigrated here, they are proud of their own achievements, children etc, not Putins achievements, or how other nations on the world fear strong Russia (build on their cost, pain and rights).

Nobody hates them.
Filios1  8 | 1336
29 Nov 2008   #66
I am stoic, so let it be

And if you knew what the stoic philosophy is based on, you would know that there is a fundamental belief in a "giver" or God.

Perhaps read up on Epictetus or Marcus Aurelius.
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Nov 2008   #67
You are not communist? Wow, was that a gust of wind? Well, it is autumn, there should be leaves swaying in the breeze.

Communists are the most untrustworthy pieces of sh*t to ever set foot on the planet. At least with serial killers, they had some predictability and didn't change their spots. They were honest about what they were, heinous and brutal.

America is still a capitalist country and it is very Christian. What are you smoking over there, man?
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
29 Nov 2008   #68
Life's what you make it and no fool will take mine away without a big fight.

You have pretty lot of chances to be killed brick for example...

Get out of the Gulag mentality man

It have nothing with a "gulag mentality". And please don't throw with such words as "life value". Both you and me know nothing about our own lives value....

Why you think that your life is more valuated than life of poor fly killed by you during last summer?
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Nov 2008   #69
Yes, CK, hardly a retort. I mean people trying to murder me, with the requisite mens rea.

We attach value to sth ourselves, based on our experiences and rights to choose. And no, you are wrong, I don't enter into who or what has more of a right to live. I value animal life very highly too. You are the one bandying words about. I didn't even imply that I placed my life's value on a higher pedestal than that of anything or anyone else. I simply respect the right to live.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
29 Nov 2008   #70
I didn't even imply that I placed my life's value on a higher pedestal than that of anything or anyone else. I simply respect the right to live.

Ok, assuming it, you should concede, of course if you think logicaly, the existance of fly paradase, dog paradase, etc., apart from the human one...

but certainly this situation is unbelivable..., so there is no any paradises, so we are just animated pices of meat, so the kiling of man is equal to kiling of fly.

What they write about understanding of freedom and learning it

Freedom is inside us!

And if you knew what the stoic philosophy is based on, you would know that there is a fundamental belief in a "giver" or God.
Perhaps read up on Epictetus or Marcus Aurelius.

Well, may be you hope to appear before the court of Christ and twelve apostles?
And who is mad after this statement?
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Nov 2008   #71
Freedom is inside us, you said. Well, why did you say that we are captured by the circumstances of our lives? Hardly freedom, CK.

Why aren't we taken to court for murdering flies, CK?
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
29 Nov 2008   #72
Well, why did you say that we are captured by the circumstances of our lives?

You can be captured by the circumstances but be free in the same time, where I am wrong?

Why aren't we taken to court for murdering flies, CK?

before fly Christ or fly Zeno? brrrr
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Nov 2008   #73
So, you are free when you are captured? That's absurd.
Crow  154 | 9463
29 Nov 2008   #74
you are free when you are captured

hm, interesting philosophical question, i would say
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Nov 2008   #75
Yeah, when you probe deeper, for sure. You could incorporate the physical Vs mental demarcation for a start.

I don't know if CK understands freedom in its fullest sense.
Filios1  8 | 1336
29 Nov 2008   #76
So, you are free when you are captured

I think Constantine has more metaphisical, Kantian-like, notion of freedom.
For example, freedom of thought, of conceiving fundamental laws... even when constrained by physical barriers, like in a jail.
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Nov 2008   #77
Freedom of thought is a choice in itself. To think or not to think, that is the question.
Prince  15 | 590
29 Nov 2008   #78
Freedom is inside us!

yeeah of course. Come one Kostik. You live in prison. Everybody knows that.

use your own head ...
OP Sasha  2 | 1083
29 Nov 2008   #79

Freedom is inside us!

yeeah of course. Come one Kostik.

He's right. You merely didn't manage to get what he'd said. Democracy is inside of you. Nothing can make you think independent unless you want it. Surprisingly you happened to live in Russia and seem to speak Russian... How do you so shallow in your views then I wonder? Every time you're trying to feed wild Russians with your young democracy... before teaching why don't you pass a test on democracy yourself? Being free of external impact in your views that's what democracy means. As long as you diligently picking up all the BS and real info from the Polish media-horn in order to show it later to every Russky you meet your "democracy" is just a decoy for unenlightened. You're affected, that means you are not free. :) If you anyway want to get back to Russian problems... then I tell you, it's not about democracy itself it's about unequall aproach to people (putin's bootlickers and oligarchs are better treated) and the corruption.

What they write about understanding of freedom and learning it.

Nobody hates them.

Darn... are you kiddin'? Did you read it yourself? Read... there're lots of interesting things... and translate to all people here... they would be very surprised how "Russians learn there your democracy" in other words how they learn to resist constant hatred gulping down the offence.

Is that fine when people ask for changing the table, just because there's Russian near the current one? Molodaja demokratija, right? :) For those people it's ok, for me it's not. I'd personally prefer not trouble with myself people who I provoke disdain and get the heck out of there as soon as I can. Meanwhile I realize that there're normal ones... lots of normal people... but as long as the official policy of your youngdemocratic country is Russophobia most of Poles subconciously will have that perverted opinion about Russians as it was described by Russian immigrants.

"Proklinaju tot den', kogda predpochla Warshawu Moskve. No raz priexala, budu podnimat celinu..."
Nice words, aren't they? :) Would you translate, Prince? She prefered to get back to work... she doesn't cry, she doesn't complain although she'd had the reason... :) She doesn't try to persuade you on how good Russian president is, nor she suggests that you go and bow low to lenin's corpse, she doesn't make a big fuss with her "sovereign democracy". :) She's not a whit arrogant, she just wants to live and experience at least neutral attitude to herself. :) Everytime she tries there's arrogant Prince-who-the-hell-know-how-many-nicks showing up and teaching wild russkies how to live.

Schastlivo, prijatel! Ya bez zla eto vse...;)
Prince  15 | 590
29 Nov 2008   #80
Sasha I have private Russian teacher from Russia... nice girl... student. We talk a lot about Russia ... Poland ... and I like this converstions (in Russian). That is why if you write to me in Russian, do it using your alphabet.

Next point is that she enjoys PoznaƄ she is on univeristy exchange and she wants to stay here. If she is honest ... Russia sucks ... for normal people Russia is much worst than Poland.

If we talk about different opinions on internet forums ... read this forum and think twice before you post some views. I've seen many postive opinions about Poland there.

Honestly if you prefere your system it is your problem but I prefere Polish democracy and I honestly fell that Poland is much, much better place to live ... and I share opinion with many eastern immigrants I've met.

I'd never like to have Russian political system, not to mention Belarusian.

. Today the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko visited "Bolshevik-Agro" company in Soligorsk District.

After familiarization with the harvesting campaign from board of the helicopter the President expressed discontent with tempos of the campaign. The conversation with representatives of local administration and specialists in the field was principled and harsh.


You shouldn't forget that we have border with you so not only televsion (in your opinion biased) but normal people opinions ... from Russia (Kaliningrad) or Belarus ... and ... huge ... huge ... huge ... ques on our border.
OP Sasha  2 | 1083
29 Nov 2008   #81
I've seen many postive opinions about Poland there.

Man, I didn't say Poland is bad or that somebody there said Poland was bad...

Honestly if you prefere your system it is your problem but I prefere Polish democracy and I honestly fell that Poland is much, much better place to live ...

*sigh* and it's not about political system... :) one may love it another one may not.
I was talking about how they treated...
The rest to PM.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
30 Nov 2008   #82
I'd never like to have Russian political system, not to mention Belarusian.

Oh my God.....Don't even try to advise us how to live... You forget one very imortant question, the TERRITORY. Russia lays in eleven time zones while Poland is hardly visible on the globe. We cannot change all in one hour. If you provoke us to do instant transformations, you should clearly understand the direct threat for Poland of such rush transmutations as well....
Borrka  37 | 592
30 Nov 2008   #83
We cannot change all in one hour

You've got a point, Kostik !
Medium sized nation, like Russians, rather unskilled in the present day economics, is absolutely unable to manage this huge territory using bribes as the only tool.

Give it back to China.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
30 Nov 2008   #84
Seanus asked me, why we think about Poles as totally arrogant nation. Well, I think I have the answer. You are arrogant only because being proselites yourself, you are trying to teach us how to behave in our domestic affairs. This is an ultimate and ugly pattern of arrogancy and baseless proud. The situation is saved by the only fact of absolute pointless of your attempts, by other words you are just funny (see on your clown president).
Borrka  37 | 592
30 Nov 2008   #85
you are trying to teach us how to behave in our domestic affairs

I think it's the last issue being interesting for Poles.
I mean your "domestic" affairs.
Unfortunately enough sometimes they happen to have a lot of influence on our "affairs".
Exclusively negative impact.

Just an example:
Russians use to kill themselves by millions from time to time.
Maybe they like it, maybe it's kind of some subconscious drive.
But as soon as they are ready with "domestic" killings their interest for neighboring nations starts to grow.

The result is Holodomor, Katyn, mass deportations etc.etc.
So don't be surprised we are watching your activities.
We are not in position to stop a new Russian craze but even our try to draw some international attention to your insanity is positive.

That all about our arrogance.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
30 Nov 2008   #86
how you dare even to compare Russians, these Titans among nations and Poles, loosers on historical stage?
Seanus  15 | 19666
30 Nov 2008   #87
Some would say the Poles have always fought ruggedly and well for what they believe in. It's not the losing that counts here, it's the fight you put up and the defending of those core values you hold so dear.

Russia values nuclear weapons, Poland doesn't. Russia is HUGE, Poland is tiny. So what? Such is geography.

You seem to be a megalomaniac type CK.
Borrka  37 | 592
30 Nov 2008   #88
how you dare even to compare Russians, these Titans among nations and Poles, loosers on historical stage?

Me comparing Poles and Russians ?
Never in my life.
Thanks God I know we are different species.
z_darius  14 | 3960
30 Nov 2008   #89
how you dare even to compare Russians, these Titans among nations and Poles, loosers on historical stage?

Hail to the Titans!
Prince  15 | 590
30 Nov 2008   #90
The rest to PM.

OK I will practice my Russian with you.

You forget one very imortant question, the TERRITORY. Russia lays in eleven time zones while Poland is hardly visible on the globe. We cannot change all in one hour.

The problem is that we don't want to see Russia having 12 time zones and the same problems :)

his is an ultimate and ugly pattern of arrogancy and baseless proud. The situation is saved by the only fact of absolute pointless of your attempts

But some Ukrianians seem to prefere different solutions ... Why Russians have so many problems with that ?

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