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Cursed soldiers controvercy - not all Poles respect them

johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Jan 2023   #241

The Cursed Soldiers of Poland

Their fortitude and resilience was like none other.
Ukraine may now be facing the same dilemma.
The more I read about them the more I understand why some of our Polish members here are the way they are.
Does anyone know the true number of these Polish soldiers that fought Russia ?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
12 Jan 2023   #242
facing the same dilemma

What dilemma exactly?

are the way they are.

What way exactly??
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
12 Jan 2023   #243
What dilemma exactly?

Are you deliberately playing the idiot?


You did not answer Jim's perfectly reasonable question.
But you are like a slimy politician.
And that's what you do.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jan 2023   #244
You did not answer Jim's perfectly reasonable question.

How can anyone answer his questions if the topic hasn`t been clarified first? Do you know what logic is???
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jan 2023   #245


The popular motif associated with Cursed Soldiers is the wolf coz they atacked like wolves: fast and silently.

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Mar 2023   #246
The latest controversy is that the National Bank has issued a coin with Józef Kuraś who is considered by some as a heroic cursed soldier while by others as a villain and murderer.

We talked about him a few times in this thread, e;g,

NBP announced that from Saturday (March 18) a new collector's coin from the series "Unbroken soldiers cursed by the communists" will be available for sale. This time with the image of the Podhale partisan Józef Kuraś "Fire".

The 10 zloty coin is made of Ag 925 silver, has a diameter of 32 millimeters and a weight of 14.14 grams. It will be available for purchase at all NBP Regional Branches and in the Collector online store for PLN 200 .

  • z29572202AMP15marc.jpg
Novichok  4 | 8677
25 Mar 2023   #247
Cursed soldiers controvercy - not all Poles respect them
Hey, English teacher, did you actually write the thread title or did you hire somebody?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Mar 2023   #248
Why is the thread name important, darling??? I thought the subject matter is much more.:):):)
Alien  26 | 6527
25 Mar 2023   #249
image of the Podhale partisan Józef Kuraś "Fire".

Looks a bit like Karol Świerczewski.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Mar 2023   #250
Karol Świerczewski.

Excellent eysight, good comparison. :):):):)
marion kanawha  3 | 120
26 Mar 2023   #251
I am slowly learning about the "cursed soldiers." Sad story indeed !!! My question is: what happened to the Polish "Stalinists" who operated the UB (Ministry of Public Security) and the lawyers and judges who prosecuted & persecuted the cursed soldiers? Did any of them survive and pay for their criminal activities during the post-war period? Did these criminals retire on government pensions and spend their days in bliss or did they face justice?
Alien  26 | 6527
26 Mar 2023   #252
Did any of them survive and pay for their criminal activities during the post-war period

Many of them survived and never paid for their activitis. Google Stefan Michnik, Zygmunt Bauman, Helena Wolińska or Włodzimierz Ostapowicz.

I am slowly learning

Learn faster.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
26 Mar 2023   #253
@marion kanawha
When you learn that many of those co called Stalinists also originated not only from the Soviet Union with very loose connection to Poland and strongly affiliated with the NKVD, you will grasp the Polish-Russian state level relationship a bit better but, also why so many Poles have a very negative view of communism
OP pawian  226 | 27817
26 Mar 2023   #254
Did any of them survive and pay for their criminal activities during the post-war period?

Only a few did, coz most had already been dead when Poland got rid of communism. Some were living in other countries which refused to extradite the criminals due to the old age or other reasons (Israel always refuses to extradite its citizens) .

Arrested in 1994, in March 1996 Humer and 11 other functionaries of the UB were convicted as Poland's first post-independence Stalinist criminals for their role in the routine torture and execution of members of the Polish Underground Resistance during the Stalinist era. Sentenced to nine years in prison, he died during a break in sentence.
Novichok  4 | 8677
26 Mar 2023   #255
Sentenced to nine years in prison, he died during a break in sentence.

Is this a joke or what? Nine fu*cking years for "torture and execution"? And what's with that "break"? Lunch out?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
26 Mar 2023   #256
And what's with that "break"?

He was over 80 when temporarily released from prison due to health issues. Died at 84.
Novichok  4 | 8677
26 Mar 2023   #257
If Poland executed its collaborators there would be no "health issues" later.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
26 Mar 2023   #258
If Poland executed its collaborators

That is a brutal approach used by rightist regimes in the world. Independent democratic Poland chose to act in a more humane way.
Novichok  4 | 8677
26 Mar 2023   #259
Independent democratic Poland chose to act in a more humane way.

Today, "democratic Poland" would not execute the Nuremberg lovelies.

The message: kill, murder, torture all you want and we will put you in a Denmark-class vacation resort we will call...oh yeah...a prison. The TV and game rooms are down the hallway on your right...Cream or sugar in your coffee?
Alien  26 | 6527
26 Mar 2023   #260

Not in Poland.
jon357  72 | 23654
26 Mar 2023   #261
Indeed. Or anywhere else.

Those convicted of war crimes by the ICC in particular have harsh prison regimes.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
26 Mar 2023   #262
Today, "democratic Poland" would not execute the Nuremberg lovelies.

No, it wouldn`t coz the death penalty, that rightist wet dream, was abolished in Poland decades ago.
marion kanawha  3 | 120
2 Apr 2023   #263
Your statement really caught my interest. You're saying that many of the Stalinists were Polish but not from Poland. That's interesting. That's something I'm going to look into.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 Jul 2023   #264
A few weeks ago there was again controvercy about Świętokrzyska Brygada.

This topic of Brygada Świętokrzyska, cursed soldiers who collaborated with Nazi Germans, surfaces in the forum from time to time. We talked about it in this thread in 2019, starts here:

They were anticommunists who fought against fellow Poles and Jews rather than Germans. At the end of the war they withdrew westward under German patronage.
Ironside  51 | 13083
23 Jul 2023   #265
Did these criminals retire on government pensions and spend their days in bliss

Yes. Hence we have their offsprings yapping about controvercy and nazis, defending their filty criminal parents in this way. Like pawian does.
Torq  10 | 1236
31 Dec 2023   #266
pacification of a Belarussian village by the AK partisans in 1946

There was no AK in 1946. Armia Krajowa was dissolved on 19th January 1945 by the order of its last commander General Leopold "Niedźwiadek" Okulicki. Those who didn't follow the dissolution order (like all soldiers should) and remained with weapons in the forests were bandits not AK anymore.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Sep 2024   #267

No, these are facts. Polish rightist gov celebrated the anniversary of Holy Cross Brigade who openly and shamelessly collaborated with Nazi Germans during WW2.

I already wrote about it in 2019:

Polish officials joined war veterans on Sunday to pay tribute to a World War II-era underground force that collaborated with Nazi German forces toward the end of the war in their battle against the Communists, who were imposing control on the nation. ....... Opponents of the commemorations held a protest where people held banners that said "No! to collaboration" and "Collaborating with the enemy is treason."
Ironside  51 | 13083
1 Sep 2024   #268
of Holy Cross Brigade

Get your facts straight they were no fascist you red swine. Those are the heroes of Poland. Polish patriots.
were bandits not AK anymore.

Really? There were other organizations like WiN, or NZW, besides all that one needed to be a plank to call those people bandits.

a Belarussian village

Commie collaborators. It was not a #t pacification, it was punishment, you repeat commie program like F parrot. You can hardly be called Polish you Soviet idiot.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Sep 2024   #269
Those are the heroes of Poland.

Your nationalist murderer`s view on those "heroes" isn`t widely accepted by decent people in Poland. :):):)

Polish patriots

Anybody who collaborated with Nazi Germans was a traitor, not patriot.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
1 Sep 2024   #270
WiN, or NZW

Well, if they later officially joined WiN or NZW, then it's different. But there were those who, after receiving the AK dissolution order, decided to stay in the forest and act on their own. So, basically, they ignored the order and did what they wanted to do. That's precisely the moment when a soldier becomes a bandit.

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