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Cursed soldiers controvercy - not all Poles respect them

Ironside  50 | 12928
26 Jul 2020   #121
Orthodox Church canonized new martyrs

A very stupid move! I wonder are they dumb like that on their own or they have been inspired from elsewhere.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Jul 2020   #122
Yesterday, Polish Orthodox Church canonized new martyrs, victims of the pacification of a Belarussian village by the AK partisans in 1946.

It's about time. Those people were killed for no other reason than their faith and language, and they certainly did nothing to deserve being hacked to death.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
26 Jul 2020   #123
Clearly for some on PolishForums their daily incantation is "I want my PRL back!"

"the official propaganda line in communist Poland was that the Home Army was an oppressive and reactionary force"

Link to quote:

But let's not selectively forget what also occurred around the mid-1940s:

"'One of the biggest anti-partisan operations by the communist authorities took place from 10-25 June 1945, in and around the Suwałki and Augustów regions of Poland. More than 2,000 suspected anti-communist Polish fighters were captured and detained in Soviet internment camps. About 600 of the "Augustow Missing" are presumed to have died in Soviet custody, their bodies buried in unknown mass graves on the present territory of Russia. The Polish Institute of National Remembrance has declared the 1945 Augustów roundup to be "the largest crime committed by the Soviets on Polish lands after World War II."'

Link to citation:
OP pawian  226 | 27364
26 Jul 2020   #124
and they certainly did nothing to deserve being hacked to death.

Among those 80 victims from burnt villages there were a dozen children who died in flames.

Bury, the unit`s commander, is considered a cursed soldier today. However, in the area where he operated, people remember his as a murderer.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Jul 2020   #125
Let's also not forget how the Home Army and the Cursed Soldiers maimed civilians.

For instance, one should pay attention to the massacres in Pavlokoma - - in which the Polish Home Army murdered hundreds of Ukrainian civilians inside the local church.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
26 Jul 2020   #126
Well, Pavlokoma happened 2 years after Volhynia Slaughter so we can view it as Polish self-defence and retaliation against murderous Ukrainian nationalists from UPA and OUN.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Jul 2020   #127

It's quite sad to see how fascists, communists and the Polish domestic opposition used war crimes against civilians, isn't it?

For me, there can be no excuse for ever murdering civilians during a war, no matter what the alleged provocation might be.
Ironside  50 | 12928
26 Jul 2020   #128
It's quite sad to see h

Scottish commie making unwelcome judgments on Polish heroes.
As said, I don't understand if it a Russian influence or those people are just so stupid ,to make them into martyrs. a big mistake.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
26 Jul 2020   #129
As said, I don't understand if it a Russian influence

Why don`t you ask your connections in the Kremlin troll factory about it? hahaha
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Jul 2020   #130
Polish heroes

What's heroic about killing defenceless civilians? It implies they were cowards who didn't have the guts to take on a real enemy.

people are just so stupid ,to make them into martyrs.

They died for no other reason than their religion and language. That's textbook martyrdom.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
27 Jul 2020   #131
What's heroic about killing defenceless civilians?

Yes, correct.
If we condemn Ukrainian nationalists` slaughter of Polish villagers in Volhynia region from 1943 and all Poles are united in this matter, it is obvious we have to condemn Polish killings, too. We can try to understand them as self-defence and retaliation against genocidal murderers but we can`t accept them morally.

If we don`t condemn, then we sin with double standard thinking.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
27 Jul 2020   #132
Do you even know the numerical differences between how many Ukranians killed Poland and vice versa? Of course not. Because you're neither Polish nor do you do bother to find out how things actually are.
Ironside  50 | 12928
27 Jul 2020   #133
What's heroic about killing defenceless civilians?

If you don't know what you talking about is a very good opportunity for you to shut up! Considering that your gov has not been shy in killing civilians right left and center and still does. Be it directly or indirectly.

They died for no other reason than their religion and language.

That BS and that why I said that either those people are stupid or they are doing it because of some sinister inspiration.

hahahait is obvious we have to condemn Polish killings, too,

senile fool lol! double senile fool! ah and a soviet.

you're neither Polish

well said!
OP pawian  226 | 27364
27 Jul 2020   #134
Do you even know the numerical differences between how many Ukranians killed Poland and vice versa?

Yes, I do. And - what is your logic??
Ukrainians killed 100.000 poles, Poles killed 20.000 Ukrainians in retaliation. What does it change? Do you mean that Poles don`t have to condemn their killings because there were ONLY 20.000 of them??

Because you're neither Polish

Hahaha What makes you think so?

nor do you do bother to find out how things actually are.

Why do you think so???

If you don't know what you talking about is a very good opportunity for you to shut up!

No, neither he nor I will shut up. You know it well so why are you whining all the time? Fighting maniacal rightards and their double standard thinking is our duty of Polish patriots and moral people. Simple.

Both you and Dirk think and behave like Ukrainian nationalists from UPA and OUN - you have fekking murderous characters. Svoloche and sobaki - that`s what you are.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
27 Jul 2020   #135
Do you mean that Poles don`t have to condemn their killings because there were ONLY 20.000 of them??


Why do you think so???

Because of your dumb ass statements.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
27 Jul 2020   #136

That is a perfect double standard, then.

Because of your dumb ass statements.

No, that is a gross misinterpretation, of course.
Ironside  50 | 12928
28 Jul 2020   #137
Svoloche and sobaki

lol wow you can't supress it can you, you Soviet same tune like Soviets in 1945, even addressee is the same.
mafketis  38 | 11127
28 Jul 2020   #138
What's heroic about killing defenceless civilians?

Why didn't you answer the question?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Jul 2020   #139
That BS

So why were innocent civilians murdered then? Tell us, Ironside.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
28 Jul 2020   #140
That is a perfect double standard, then.

Absolutely not and I thought you'd be smart enough to see that. Why was it done? Retaliation and vengeance - we didn't start the ****, but we'll sure as hell react and take action especially if it's going to make them stop killing Poles and others. Once they lose a few of their own they're not going to think about starting problems again. That's how it is in every conflict and yes civilians get dragged into it too. Let me guess, next you'll cry about the Nazis, Soviets and their Jew Bolshevik partisan pawns that the AK, NSZ, etc. killed...
OP pawian  226 | 27364
28 Jul 2020   #141
Retaliation and vengeance - we didn't start the ****, but we'll sure as hell react and take action

And kill mostly innocent people.

Now you are talking like a member of an execution squad. Let it be. While I was talking as a Christian. Why don`t you let me be one???

if it's going to make them stop killing Poles and others.

No, it didn`t stop Ukrainians. Even worse, decent Ukrainians who didn`t want to participate in the slaughter at the beginning, sooner or later joined in after their village had been burnt down and families killed in Polish retaliation.

Absolutely not and I thought you'd be smart enough to see that.

My smartness, based on Christian beliefs, tells me that vengence doesn`t solve anything, it only provokes other vengeful acts.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
28 Jul 2020   #142
That's not the point. The message is that Polish men and even women weren't going to take it laying down. Cucks can go run and hide. Take shelter with the rest of the women.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
28 Jul 2020   #143
The message is that Polish men and even women weren't going to take it laying down

Of course. After the news of the Slaughter spread in the area, Poles started organising self defence units in villages, often together with Jews, sometimes aided by the AK or communist underground, sometimes only villagers. I could gladly join such a unit and blow a few attackers` heads off and then God would have a problem deciding if it was my sin or not.

But going to another village to burn it down and kill its inhabitants whom you have never seen in your life and who haven`t done anything wrong to you requires a character of a murderous psychopath.

Admit you have such a character. As I said, I don`t mind. But I don`t want to be like you. Can I ?
Ironside  50 | 12928
28 Jul 2020   #144
Why didn't you answer the question?

what question? Have you been calling American soldiers baby killers lately?

So why were innocent civilians murdered then? Tell us, Ironside.

Two possible reasons.
1. they were not innocent and were working for Soviets.
2. they were so called a collateral damage.
That for this area in the north.
In the south mainly do do with Ukrainians Nazis there is other reason:
3. Retaliation to prevent further enemy attacks on Polish civilians.
mafketis  38 | 11127
29 Jul 2020   #145
Have you been calling American soldiers baby killers lately?

А у вас негров линчуют.... What a Soviet answer!

Two possible reasons

So you're willing to give people killing civilians the benefit of a doubt? or should I just respons with А у нас негров линчуют?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Jul 2020   #146
they were so called a collateral damage.

Which means that they died for no other reason than their religion and nationality. Textbook martyrdom.
Ironside  50 | 12928
29 Jul 2020   #147
What a Soviet answer!

not at all. I have wanted to know your resolve and your moral/ethical standing. So far you are very ethical .. in your platitudes. Would you care to answer the question?

Which means

which means you don't know what collateral damage is.

Textbook martyrdom.

I don't know about Greek church but seems to me there should be more than that for them to become martyrs. I mean what is worst people fighting with commie or commies? For Christians the answer should be obvious.
mafketis  38 | 11127
29 Jul 2020   #148
Would you care to answer the question?

My question is do you care about civilian children getting killed in wartime... so far your answer is "it depends on their nationality"...

About what I expected.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
29 Jul 2020   #149
Well yea obviously I'm going to care about my own kind before a stranger... What is the oath that every young Polish zuch, harcer, harcerka, etc. take? To put Poland's life ahead of their own.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
29 Jul 2020   #150
What is the oath that every young Polish zuch, harcer, harcerka, etc. take? To put Poland's life ahead of their own.

Yes, exactly. That`s what most Poles will do in times of trouble. Like always in the past., I will go first and my students behind me.

But don`t expect average people to butcher innocent civilians solely because they are of another nationality. That`s pure murder and you do require a mentality of a murderer. I don`t want to be like that.

My patrotic motto has always been: Spirit of 44. Warsaw insurgents didn`t kill civilians - they killed German military who invaded Warsaw and occupied it in the most brutal way. That`s the way to fight for Poland.

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