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Cursed soldiers controvercy - not all Poles respect them

Ironside  51 | 13098
1 Sep 2024   #271
But there were those who,

Who? The thing is you don't know, you make generalizations based on your guess - again.
Besides, not all organizations were part of the AK. They just operated with them for a time Being. There was there large organization -AK. BCH and NSZ.
Your nationalist murderer`s view on those "heroes" isn`t widely accepted by decent people in Poland. :

Quiet the opposite is not accepted in certain bubbles or circles like commies. Hence I know where you came from/
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Sep 2024   #272
if Poles celebrate their cursed soldiers, some of whom were murderers and bandits, why shouldn`t Ukrainians celebrate their own UPA heroes too?

Yes, why not? We should always strive to achieve a perfect balance in nature.
Ironside  51 | 13098
8 Sep 2024   #273
why not?

good question, think about reasons why not and come back after you reflect some on this. Expecting an easy answer here is cheating. I thought you are a educated highly intelligent individual, or was it only empty claims like your fake history BS?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Sep 2024   #274
think about reasons why not

Because according to Polish whitewashing policy which has become a national sport, Polish crimes are good while others` crimes are bad.
Ironside  51 | 13098
8 Sep 2024   #275
Polish crimes are good while others` crimes are bad.

wrong, think again!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Sep 2024   #276
Below: Poland officially celebrates the anniversary of infamous nationalist military formation which killed a lot of innocent non combatants and collaborated with Nazi Germans during WW2.

  • brygadaKopiowanie.jpg

  • 1308407Kopiowanie.jpg

  • nsz_weteraniKopiow.jpg

  • 5d500f0a1256f_o_medi.jpg
johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Sep 2024   #277
I thought you are a educated highly intelligent individual

He is for fourth graders who he can easily hoodwink.
When debating intellectual adults his fake empty claims lead to a change of subject rather quickly.
He is a master at it.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Sep 2024   #278

Wow! You are up at 4 am. Why so early? They let you out of detention an hour ago and you are still agitated and can`t sleep???
Ironside  51 | 13098
8 Sep 2024   #279

I see you are unable to come up with another explanation. Figures you can hold only one thought in your head - more bananas lol!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Sep 2024   #280
Wow! You are up at 4 am. Why so early?

We are on our way home from vacation and got an early start today.
Its gonna be a very long day.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Sep 2024   #281
another explanation

Explanations have been made dozens of times: Ukrainians do what Poles do and there is a balance in nature. Simple.

4th grade

You are obsessed with 4th graders coz you mention them regularly. Why??????
amiga500  5 | 1541
8 Sep 2024   #282
Ukrainians do what Poles do and there is a balance in nature. Simple.

WELL at least we've stripped away your other bs arguments to the bone, and all you are left with, is genocide is the law of nature.
Spoken like a true nazi. Well done.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jan 2025   #283
Brygada Świętokrzyska/Holy Cross Brigade, cursed soldiers who collaborated with Nazi Germans. We talked about it in this thread

In posts 49, 56, 115,117,119, 264,267 and later

New info on their collaboration with Nazi Germans when the Holy Cross Brigade was commanded by Antoni Szacki:

The open cooperation of the commanders of the Holy Cross Brigade, including Szacki, with the Germans was reported in reports from the Home Army to the Polish Government in Exile in London. Right after the end of World War II , the head of the intelligence department of the Kielce Inspectorate of the Home Army , Captain Leon Torliński , pseudonym "Kret/Mole" , who came to England wrote in his report:

"Collaboration with the Gestapo was basically open and individual commanders did not hide the fact that they were receiving weapons and ammunition to fight communism from the occupation authorities. There is a known case (January or February 1944) when NSZ officers with weapons came to the Gestapo in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski , there they discussed the matters of the raid on the communist party and passed on to the Gestapo material concerning PPR cells - receiving in return a bag of ammunition (...). Randomly arrested NSZ officers and soldiers, after explanations to Germans, were released with weapons. The Germans already considered NSZ to be Polish " national socialism ", waging open warfare against Russia, sabotaging political groups of the Polish underground and breaking up the cohesion of the Home Army through propaganda in the ranks of former soldiers of NOW (National Military Units), integrated within the AK. While still in the forest, I received reports from individual AK outposts from the Jędrzejów and Włoszczowa counties that "Bohun" was consulting with the German command on the deployment of his unit. After the demobilization of the 2nd Infantry Division in October [...] I received dozens of reports from various outposts about "Bohun's" open collaboration with the German army. For example, people from the AK, who knew "Bohun" well, personally met him driving a German military car in uniform and with a weapon, [it was also known] that the German authorities counted cattle and grain requisitioned by "Bohun" from peasants from the Jędrzejów and Włoszczowa counties as a contingent and the peasants received bonuses for them as for a contingent "
Ironside  51 | 13098
30 Jan 2025   #284
who collaborated with Nazi Germans

Good, now F off where all the soviet scum belongs. What is it? You realized in the morning that you suck big time and to feel better you started harping again spewing all the soviet propaganda you soaked in.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jan 2025   #285
soviet propaganda

It is amaSSing that you call Soviet propaganda reports by the most patriotic underground organisation like Home Army, AK, the ones who started Warsaw Rising to protect Poland from Soviets.

Hey, Ptak, look at your fave nationalist boy who disparages Home Army. Pathetic.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jan 2025   #286
when the Holy Cross Brigade was commanded by Antoni Szacki:

More about the guy. Apart from hunting down communist rivals in the underground, it seems Holy Cross collaborators also fought against members of non-communist groups. That is why it is fully justifiable to call them repulsive murderers and collaborators.
From August 1944, he was the commander of the NSZ-ZJ Holy Cross Brigade . Under his command, from autumn 1944, this unit remained in constant contact with the head of the Gestapo cell responsible for combating the Polish underground in the Radom district, SS-Hauptsturmführer Paul Fuchs, through the German agent Captain Hubert Jura , codename "Tom", who served as an officer for special tasks in the brigade and even before its establishment had created an intelligence organization named after his pseudonym Tom's organization , cooperating with the Gestapo and the SS in combating the communist underground and political opponents of the Holy Cross Brigade from non-communist resistance organizations (both left-wing, such as PAL and OW PPS - AK , and right-wing, e.g. NOW -AK, NSZ -AK and BCh ) , with the aim of the brigade's political base originating from ONR taking over full power in Poland by means of a coup d'état and introducing a fascist dictatorship there
Ironside  51 | 13098
30 Jan 2025   #287
hunting down communist in the underground,

Great, than make them wise heroes, the fact Home Army was reluctant to do so gives a poor impression of its high command.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jan 2025   #288
wise heroes,

No, they were imbeciles coz they murdered useful people who fought against Germans which was top Polish priority at the time.

Home Army was reluctant to do so

Yes, because they were wise and knew we needed everyone to finish Germans first coz they were the main threat to the existence of the nation. In Warsaw Rising, even communist and leftist underground groups joined the Home Army.

If you didn`t realise it before and are learning from me now, it only proves what pathological nationalist imbecile you are.

Having shed this light on Holy Cross criminal activity, I can only add I will always consider them primitive murderers coz they don`t deserve any better.

Down with cursed soldiers from Holy Cross!!! Let them be cursed for ever!!! Tfu!!!
Ironside  51 | 13098
30 Jan 2025   #289
they were imbeciles coz they murdered useful

They were wise because they were getting rid of some trash and protecting the local population from their crimes.
Yes, because they were wise

No, they were not, they were confused by politicians with this sh'ty issues and wishful thinking. They should have eradicated all the soviet saboteurs and spys.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jan 2025   #290
they were getting rid of some

Bs. Getting rid of patriotic fighters who were ready to kill Nazi Germans intent on annihilating the whole nation. Purely murderous imbecilism.

They should

PS. It is amasing that one can be so stupid and narrow-minded like you. That is why I generally reject all nationalists as pea/nutbrains.
Ironside  51 | 13098
30 Jan 2025   #291
Getting rid of patriotic fighters who were ready to kill Nazi Germans

who told you that? Soviet propaganda? They infected the Polish countryside, the only thing they were doing was pillaging robbing, killing, and raping, Scum like you.#
They only had 'battels' with Germans if they clashed with them by mistake.
It is amasing that one can be so stupid and narrow-minded

You are an ignorant imbecile who is huffing and puffing with soviet propaganda full to the brim with a self-righteous smirk you think that you know something while you know Sh't.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jan 2025   #292
They only had 'battels' with Germans if they clashed with them by mistake

Bs. You are ignorant about Polish history after spending pathetic 30 years in emigration. Ha!!!!!

There were dozens of battles in which leftist/communist partisan units fought gallantly against Nazi Germans. In Yugoslavia the leftist resistance led by Tito was the strongest of all. And that`s what counted the most - repel the deadly enemy who endangers the existence of your nation first and only then settle ideological differences.
Anybody who doesn`t understand that simple rule is an imbecile. You are one now.

The Battle of Rąblów, due to the huge disproportion in numbers and armaments of the fighting sides, became a great success for the fighting partisans. Skillful fighting in a system of encirclement defense , with excellent use of the specific terrain, allowed the saving of the overwhelming majority of the troops and equipment, while inflicting more severe losses on the enemy. All the troops participating in the battle, after leaving the encirclement, continued to fight against the occupier until liberation. The Battle of Rąblów went down in history as an example of the possibility of cooperation on the battlefield, between the AL and the AK - formations in conflict, both politically and ideologically, and also the only example of an entire AK unit transferring to the AL
Ironside  51 | 13098
31 Jan 2025   #293
about Polish history after spending pathetic 30 years in emigration.

there is no connection between knowledge and borders, knowledge transcends broaders as well as bias and stupidity.
To sum it up - I would be knowledge and an asset in any normal country and you would be a burden in any normal country.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jan 2025   #294
there is no connection between knowledge and borders

Stop nonsense about the borders. The environment you live in shapes your acquisition of knowledge. During your 30 years of emigration you didn`t have the opportunity to be in close contact with Polish culture on a daily basis. You only visited pierogi bars from time to time.

That is one of the reasons you are troubled with this stupidity of yours concerning Polish issues. As if you dropped from the moon and saw Poland for the first time in your life.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jan 2025   #295
Iron, read and learn and change your ways aka develop some intelligence at last coz I am stubborn and patient as a teacher but I won`t live forever. Who will educate you when I am gone??? Ptak??? Another emigrant???

Yes, because they were wise and knew we needed everyone to finish Germans first coz they were the main threat to the existence of the nation.

In the instructions by the Home Army commander Tadeusz Bór-Komorowski of 12 July 1944, despite the fact that the AL units, like the PPR, were called communist gangs , the Home Army was forbidden to fight against them, defining such a fight as an undesirable last resort

How wise!
amiga500  5 | 1541
1 Feb 2025   #296
Pawian do you agree with Education Minister Nowak, of esteemed PO party, that Polish Nazis built and murdered Jews in Auschwitz? Was it the Cursed Soldiers that did it? lolzo
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Feb 2025   #297
Was it the Cursed Soldiers that did it?

Yes, some cursed soldiers like Holy Cross Brigade murdered innocent Jews whom Polish citizens hid in their houses, especially in the countryside. It was documented long ago.
That is one of the reasons why I reject those scum from Holy Cross Brigade coz they colluded with Germans in Holocaust.
Ironside  51 | 13098
1 Feb 2025   #298
ut I won`t live forever.

There is hope. Soviets and their views are redundant.
murdered innocent Jews

Any evidence they were innocent?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Feb 2025   #299
Any evidence

Yes, the fact that they died at the hands of rabid nationalists is a proof perfectly corroborating their innocence. Holy Cross murderers mostly dealt with innocent civilians.
Ironside  51 | 13098
1 Feb 2025   #300
the fact that they died at the hands

On the other hand, you have no evidence or proof. In short you are full of it!
Let it summ up this thread.

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