you know how looks like that what you said? Like you were there and sow it with your own eyes and you now want to convince us. To me who is familiar with European and Slavic history, your fabricated tales actually `sound` as `stories from the thousand and one nights`.
Jolly, even Vandals were germanized Slavs. One who knows history can even ask- what else they could be?
Spot this
This is the latest Roman state border, mid-fifth century. Colored in yellow are Sarmatian settlements within in the Roman Empire. Anywhere outside of the eastern and northern Roman borders (also all around Black Sea) were Sarmatians (ie Proto Slavs). Even if you look British islands, outside of the Roman border to the North lived Picts, Sarmatian tribe. This all means that Roman Empire expanded onto the Sarmatian territory. Ultimately, Roman Empire was originally created within Sarmatian realm (or on the most southern most Sarmatian borders on Mediterranean), due to different historical circumstances (i won`t go into it now). So, Sarmats lived within Roman borders and outside of them. With time, some Sarmats were Romanized.
Roman-Sarmatian border
Now here is something we should definitely not do, unless you have something that can back your claims up?
Poles have all historical reasons to trust to Serbs. On the other side, Poles have all historical reasons not to trust to west of Europe.
Ah ok. So, it is all within "Slavia". I believe we have heard similar arguments when Serbs went on a rampage in Kosovo to rape women and kill children. It was all within Serbia, right?
Listen. Delegation of the Poland`s parliament made independent investigation on terrain. They founded that Serbs are innocent and that actually crimes were committed on Serbs.
Please do not drift away from the topic