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This website is linked to Ellis island and website.
Ellis island, Located in New York, is immigration port where many Polish and other Ethnicity came though.
Steve Morse created Search engines linked to this. you can search first and last name and or town name in which ancestor came from.
you can do three letter search also for last name . In case of misspelling. Many didnt read or write Polish , so names have been mispelled .
also three letter searches for town name. if anyone has any trouble with this. feel free to post :)
Free website for those interested in Genealogy in the United States and Europe.
More Useful links:
Mormon Library based in Utah. The Mormons put together a collection of Historical Records from around the world. also Microfilms can be ordered from these local History Centers.
Jan 20, 07 [13:44] - Attached on merging: Website for those interested in Polish warfare history.
I recomend everybody that are interested in Polish warfare history to go to this link. Here you can read about all interesting Polish war events and see a Polish map and see how it loked from time to time.
:) For all who can help out on Genealogy resources for Poland.
Many Americans want to find out more about their familys history. Polish History (documents) etc can be very frustrating for the Majority because so many do not speak/read Polish.
If anyone is willing to google some Polish sites that also offer English to those who want research their ancestors that would be a Excellent guide to helping those who have trouble locating documents in Poland or even surnames.
Add your links to the sticky posts so that they are easily found for those researching :)
Just a humble suggestion :) Thanks to those who have/do contribute :)
Mar 30, 07, 9:53pm - Attached on merging: Another Resource
If you know the name of the ship your ancestor came to USA on, you can have a picture of it, and a writeup.
I did some research on my own, but came up with a brick wall until I went to the following site. I still could not find the ship there. I e-mailed the owner of the website, and I had my information the next day plus a picture of the ship my grandmother came over on from Bremen, Germany to Ellis Island.
The years given for its operation were just 5, but it was enough information to start pinpointing the time frame I needed.
Yes, Patry, I did as you suggested and it did work. Thanks. Put in Favorite Places for future reference.
:) just let me know if you need any more help I will help with what i can as much as I can :)
When you reply, theres some dots next to the smilie up there already, click on that it will bring up the box of smilies , once you click on them they go into your box where you reply. did I repeat myself there?
The box of smilies gives me only :) and not the actual face. I have tried everything to get it to appear. Don't know the trick yet. LOL
I am amazed at the many resources on the web re researching Polish ancestors. My mother comes from Vermont, and there are no where near the resourses availble to me regarding her English/French parentage, that there are when researching my father's side which are in Polish Galicia.
I am sure that there is someone who can help with the English side, just ask in here because so many are from the UK they might be able to point you in the right direction as far as records avail with a surname of course :)
give it a try. or maybe I can help you on my, do you have the website? I have a membership, so i can least look and see what I can find. or email me the names and dates and I will take a look if you feel more comfortable :)
Some more interesting reading for those doing ancestor research.
Based in Chicago-Polish news online.
For those searching in the Detroit Area in Michigan.
Very Informative and a documentary will be shown on TV about Detroit Polonia.
Patry, I just saw your two posts to me now. I apologize for not looking through the list well enough.
As far as English/French Ancestry. Mother is from Vermont. We hit a brick wall in trying to locate a Joseph Burt and his wife Phoebe, although we thought we had located him down in Rhode Island. Supposedly he was a ship's captain, but we have yet to find that out. I would prefer e-mail to you, but you reqested no e-mail. My e-mail is posted in profile.
Using a copy of the ship's manifest from Bremen, Germany dated May 23, 1911, I just about managed to make out where my grandmother from Poland (on my father's side) came from in Polish Galitia. Rosalia Mlynarzcyk. She comes from Siekierczyn, Luban.
I have located (via
two churches that were listed. I am not Catholic, so I hesitate to approach the local Polish church to ask if they would send an letter of enqiry to them to find out if they have any record of birth or anything else. I believe in cross-referencing, so I am not sent in a wild goosechase for the wrong person. I have seen from other's experience that this can tend to be costly as well. Can you give your imput. Thanks
I am so very pleased that I stumbled acrossed this forum! The suggested websites look very promising and I am sure that I will be trying some of them pretty soon.
I am doing an extension family reconstruction including a family tree dating back to the late 1700s. I have already located photos as early as 1920ish. With a little luck I will hopefully be able to find more...but most of my family lost all of their possessions during the wars so we'll see.
I did visit the Ellis Island website as well as and successfully located the manifests with my Great Grandfather and my Great Great Grandfather signatures.
Just wanted to show my appreciation for everyone's willingness to pass on information.
Type in a name and it brings up many resources that will help you locate free and membership sites that contain the surnames you are researching from all over the world ...
Best of luck :)
um yes i dont live in the US...all these sites are US my family came to Canada not US
Davey I apologize for not seeing this.
although those who live in Canada are more qualified then I to help you in research in Canada.. I figured I will look anyway to see what I can help with until someone can offer some assistance :)
Everyone should at least look at the Polish Genealogical Society of America website They have an annual conference near Chicago in the Fall. Plus there are regional chapters as well. I am a member and its a great organization.
Also check out a new site on the bottom of this Polish website you can go to another page called Mapa Nazwisk (a surname mapping search engine) type in your surname, making sure that if diacritical marks are needed then they must be applied. Otherwise use their alphbet on the bottom of that page and search alphabetically. Each surname may have a masculine and feminine version and different possibilities with diacritical marks. but if you have that down, the maps are pretty cool and when you go over each potential location within Poland it provides a call-out of the area that you are over.
Everyone should at least look at the Polish Genealogical Society of America website They have an annual conference near Chicago in the Fall. Plus there are regional chapters as well. I am a member and its a great organization.
It is a great organization. I belong and will be going to their semi annual Conference in April, to be held in Salt Lake City. A plus is that you get to go to the FHC and Library to all of your research.
Thank you for posting this web site for the Ellis Island records. The helped find my grand father that came from Poland in 1912 at the age of 18.
Glad to hear it, plus if you do a town search instead it will go thru alot of names and you can find the misspelled family members that came over to see your grandfather.. :)