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Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light

ArturSzastak  3 | 593
21 Mar 2007   #121
No and who here is calling themselves white supremecists? Most if not all thing posted are facts. If you can prove otherwise then do so. If not don't judge.

The who here is calling themselves Anti-white? Can you think about both sides of the arguement before stating things that will just even everything out? Your statement can be applied to anyone arguing.

It all started with black on black!!! you never hear about that!!! because it would not sell papers

No but "Girl on Girl" will :)
larry casula  2 | 69
21 Mar 2007   #122
Art!!! Shhhhhhh,

your not supposed to give it all away!! This is stuff we were supposed to keep to oursleves!!
21 Mar 2007   #123
They were, But we didn't do it!! Back in Afica, the most insane thing is that they were sold into slavery by thier own kind!!!!

I agree but why don't you address the treatment of blacks by whites from the Middle Passage down to the 60's when dogs were thrown at them for wanting to eat in whites only restaurants. When they wanted to go to whites only universities. Please address this also. Sedzia, Puzzler, Bojownik, and others here have a deep seated hatred of blacks and jews. I asked forgiveness if I made blanket judgements about whites. I am a fan racial mixing and for that these racists are under the assertion that I'm black, half black, jewish, etc. That is non relevant anyway. The fact is that such putrid racism is sickening.
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
21 Mar 2007   #124
Art!!! Shhhhhhh,

your not supposed to give it all away!! This is stuff we were supposed to keep to oursleves!!

Woops. My bad......
21 Mar 2007   #125
It all started with black on black!!! you never hear about that!!!

Its in any high school history textbook. You're not making headlines with that. I have taken a position because these people are coming from an extreme position which is totally un-American.
larry casula  2 | 69
21 Mar 2007   #126
Yes that happened, thank goodness I was not one of them, it was nasty, and I agree it is, so why dont we look forward now, rehashing this is not good.

Is there someting you would like to talk about that does interest you more??

Racism is here to stay, but hopefully not like it used to, but it can also be said that other races have suffered greatly as well. So we are now all even. Lets more on please!!
Puzzler  9 | 1088
21 Mar 2007   #127
ArturSzastak, you scribble: 'From what I can gather from your posts, you think whites are better than everyone.' Prove, using evidence from my posts, that I think whites are better than everyone. Good luck with the task. :) You also scribble, Szostak: 'Jose's a good guy.' Is he a good guy to you because he's been viciously insulting towards the Poles ? If so, if you give the thumbs-up to his racist rambling, aren't you a Polonophobic racist just as well? Aren't you lying that you're Polish, just as he's been lying that he's 'Latino'?
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
21 Mar 2007   #128
Yeah.....soooo.........hmm............Fupa :)
espana  17 | 951
21 Mar 2007   #130
and white is white
blue is blue
red is red
josecito we are back in the school!

andele,andele uno dos tres arriba arriba, abajo andele.........anybody remember the mexican jocesito
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
21 Mar 2007   #131
Is he a good guy to you because he's been viciously insulting towards the Poles ? If so, if you give the thumbs-up to his racist rambling, aren't you a Polonophobic racist just as well? Aren't you lying that you're Polish, just as he's been lying that he's 'Latino'?

Yes I am totally bluffing my way into the Polish world with the name "ArturSzastak."

Do you get off by coming to forums on the internet and trying to keep the subject on racism?

Art what is Fupa???????

Umm you'll find it in another thread. I'll find it for you :)
larry casula  2 | 69
21 Mar 2007   #132
I cannpersonally voutch for Art, his name appears on his personal email, stationary,
even on his bib when he eats melons!! I can still hear him say..

Hi My name is Artur, I am a millionaire, I own a mansion and a yacht!!
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
21 Mar 2007   #133
Page 1 - "Where are You Angel of Wisconsin"
Puzzler  9 | 1088
21 Mar 2007   #134
ArturSzastak, you scribble to me: 'your the hanibal lecter [sic] of racism. You take it to a new level.'ArturSzastak, prove that I am 'the hanibal lecter of racism' and that I 'take it to a new level.' Give evidence from my postings, ArturSzastak. And, ArturSzastak, you are an anti-Polish racist, probably a non-Pole who lies that he's Polish. :)
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
21 Mar 2007   #135
Hi My name is Artur, I am a millionaire, I own a mansion and a yacht!!

Yes and I am faking my way into Polish culture by reading everything I can so I can be so cool Like Puzzler and be all like : "You're fakin it you're dumb". Man I wish I was rally Polish :)

You figured me out. You should be on CSI :)

Look, there's a footprint. Must have been someone pretending to be the murderer :)

Quoting: Puzzler

And, ArturSzastak, you are an anti-Polish racist, probably a non-Pole who lies that he's Polish.

Prove to me I am anti-Polish and racist. Prove to me that I am not Polish :)
larry casula  2 | 69
21 Mar 2007   #136
OHHH The Cat is Ready to Pounce,

Watch out Puzzler, it would suck to be U!!
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
21 Mar 2007   #137
Lol. Hells yeha. Watch out Puzzler it goes for the jugular. :)
espana  17 | 951
21 Mar 2007   #138
larry that is silly now shut up and let artur alone twat
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
21 Mar 2007   #139
No No espana, He is my friend. We joke around man :)

He's cool. You can trust him, he's a good guy :)
espana  17 | 951
21 Mar 2007   #140
ok sorry mr larry
1000 sorry
larry casula  2 | 69
21 Mar 2007   #141
Yeah Yeah Espana, I on the good guys team!!!!

My friend Piotr used to tease me because my last name is close to cresula, am not spelling it right, but is a black and white cow!!! Like those shades!!

Gotta go folks, have a great night, have to do some work!!

Lots of LOVE... rememeber LOTS OF LOVE>>>:)

NP Espana, water under the bridge!!
Puzzler  9 | 1088
21 Mar 2007   #142
Artur, I have proved already that you're a racist: you give the thumbs-up to another racist's Polonophobic tirades. Therefore I doubt it if you're Polish. And even if you were born Polish, your conduct on this forum has discredited you as a Pole. I promise you, ********, that this will never be forgotten. :) PS. You're also a slanderer. You accused me of being a 'hanibal lecter of racism' [sic] and other stuff, but when I asked you for evidence to back your accusations, you didn't give any. A liar and Polonophobic racist - that's Artur.
espana  17 | 951
21 Mar 2007   #143
puzzler go to sleep
Puzzler  9 | 1088
21 Mar 2007   #144
Espoona, why should I 'go to sleep'? Explain. Are you able to?
espana  17 | 951
21 Mar 2007   #145
you talking ****
Puzzler  9 | 1088
21 Mar 2007   #146
Any evidence that I'm 'talking ****'? Prove it, shoothead.
espana  17 | 951
21 Mar 2007   #147
i m going to prove f***
King Sobieski  2 | 714
21 Mar 2007   #148
how this thread has slowly rolled onto 163 posts is unbelievable!!!
22 Mar 2007   #149
"When they wanted to go to whites only universities. Please address this also. "

Blacks do not have the brains to goto school let alone most universities. This is not racist this is fact. They drop out rate in black filled schools in america is astonishing. But wait its the white mans fault they are not smart right? pufftt. Now why can't white people goto negro colleage funded black schools? is it because we are white?

"Sedzia, Puzzler, Bojownik, and others here have a deep seated hatred of blacks and jews"

You have posted your hatred for jews a few times on this forum. I have read it myself you just used differen't mehtods of showing it. You are a scared little man.

"You aren't one of those Holocaust revisionists are you?"


"The fact is that such putrid racism is sickening"

Again my friend you post your hatred for JEWS. You claim that people who do not want to mix or unpurify there ancestry are putrid racists. I have to ask why you are here you cause much trouble and have nothing in common with poles. You are the farthest thing from polish next to a somalian.

"I have taken a position because these people are coming from an extreme position which is totally un-American."

Your version of america is a big piece of land with cancer booming everywhere. America died in the 60s. Crime , murder, rape and destruction at all time high's have been the result of thinkers like you. Diversity is a new experiment and its a failed one, people know this it's only a matter of time.

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