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Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light

gregy741  5 | 1226
27 Feb 2016   #391
early modern human(homo sapiens sapiens) are descendants of Homo heidelbergensis,that is known beyond question.
question is,whenever EMH developed in africa and spread cross the world,or EMH developed in many places and continents from Homo heidelbergensis.
problem with humans africa theory is that there are almost no fossils of EMH
mind you,africa its hot and dry continent.perfect condition for fossils conserving..yet even dump Europe is littered with early modern humans fossils but almost nothing was found in africa.

vast majority was found in middle east...and its no surprise or coincidence its cradle of first mezopotamia,sumeria ect.
seems like ape developed to emh there
Wulkan  - | 3136
27 Feb 2016   #392
early modern human(homo sapiens sapiens) are descendants of Homo heidelbergensis,that is known beyond question.

Well I don't know in which circles this is beyond question because most scientist agree that Homo heidelbergensis are possibly ancestors of Neanderthals, not Homo sapiens.
gregy741  5 | 1226
27 Feb 2016   #393 not an expert..been reading alot about all this few years back..thats from my memory.
interesting fact about Europeans is that we exclusively share Neanderthals genes...thats where different eyes(blue,green) and hair colors come from them.very politically inconvenient fact,few only speak about.

it has nothing with lack of sun exposure,since mongolians,eskimo ect people never developed blond hair and blue eyes.we got it from Neanderthals who mixed with cro magnons

Well I don't know in which circles this is beyond question because most scientist agree that Homo heidelbergensis are possibly ancestors of Neanderthals, not Homo sapiens.
well i found some according to scientist "Neanderthals, Denisovans(asian modern humans), and modern humans are all considered to have descended from Homo heidelbergensis

Homo heidelbergensis migrated into Europe and West Asia via yet unknown routes and eventually evolved into Neanderthals. Archaeological sites exist in Spain, Italy, France, England, Germany, Hungary and Greece.[9] Another Homo heidelbergensis group ventured eastwards into continental Asia, eventually developing into Denisovans. The African Homo heidelbergensis (Homo rhodesiensis) population evolved into Homo sapiens approximately 130,000 years ago"

as you can see,scientist are in consensus that modern human developed in many places from Homo_heidelbergensis(an ape -kinda).
therefore this "human come out of africa" is just some theory,only pushed by leftist crazies , the ones who claim that ancient egyptians were black..ect

this theory is called Multiregional origin of modern humansits
Kasia kasia
5 Apr 2016   #394
Polish people originally came from the east but now most have blond hair and blue eyes because we have been living in Europe so long I'm my self I'm polish but i moved to america and have darker skin complection but my eyes are grey and my hair are like reddish brown people often stop me on the street ask me what race I am ... And I say polish he he :)
Lyzko  44 | 9745
5 Apr 2016   #395
Admixture, in some cases excessive, clearly accounts for the variety of complexions among Polish people! Intermarriage as well surely has been a factor:-)
nickknock  - | 19
5 Apr 2016   #396
I am Lithuanian/German, and have black hair, and more olive skin. Likely Jewish influence. One never knows.
AdrianK9  6 | 364
5 Apr 2016   #397
I've always wondered that... my dad is pretty dark skinned for a Polish guy - almost like gypsy colored but my mom is super white. I'm darker than my mom but nowhere like my dad. All 3 of us have blue eyes.

We joke that he's part Mongol since he has beady eyes and dark skin hehe. Most Poles are pretty light skinned but there are a handful that are pretty damn dark for Europeans - not like black or Hispanic, but like almost a light Indian/Tamil/gypsy type of color.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
6 Apr 2016   #398
Large numbers of so-called "North" even "Nordic" Europeans may indeed often exhibit dark (at times wavy) hair and dark eyes. What distinguishes therefore a "dark" Pole, German, or Scandinavian from a Belgian, Frenchman, Italian etc. is above all in my experience the facial bone structure, usually squarish, occasionally oval among Poles, lantern-jawed and with low foreheads!

An acquaintance of mine from Wrocław aka Breslau has both darker, if coarser, facial hair than I (who am Jewish i.e. of Semitic origin) as well as dark brown eyes, yet is to my mind unmistakably "Polish" in outward semblence. Upon first bumping into one another at an international student gathering many years ago, I instantly started speaking to him in Polish.

Turned out I was right:-)
Honest Pole
6 Apr 2016   #399
Probably gypsy or sephardic admixture.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
6 Apr 2016   #400
Maybe. Although what I've gotten to know of the gentleman in question (including his QUITE fair-haired, light-eyed father and siblings), I'd tend to doubt it:-) Never met his mother though, as she'd passed away long before we'd met. Perhaps on her side of the family lies the answer! He wasn't adopted either, at least so far as I can tell.

4 Sep 2016   #401
There can also be dark Poles like there are also dark Icelanders
Lyzko  44 | 9745
4 Sep 2016   #402
...possibly intermingled with Laplanders, themselves known to be dark-haired and somewhat yellowish complected:-)
6 Nov 2016   #403
I'm a second generation American, but I'm entirely of Slavic heritage. My paternal line is ethnically Polish, from southeast Poland, Galicia. As others have said, we tan very easily, without needing sun tan lotion. The skin tone is not olive, it's more of a golden hue. My father's siblings were relatively short in stature, under 5' 6; all had blond or light brown hair and either gray or blue eyes. My own eyes appear greenish under incandescent light, but they actually are are a very dark blue. Some of my father's siblings had dark complexions, even apparent in photographs when they were children. So I always wondered where the dark skin came from.

My parents always said that Nordic genes predominate. DNA testing revealed my paternal haplogroup to be I1. That's ancient Nordic. Originally I had heard the theory about Tartar invasions and assumed that to be the reason, as some here have mentioned. However, genetic testing disproved that. I also considered that there might be some Jewish in my ancestry, but it is 0%. That leaves Gypsy as a possibility - however a review of church records for 1800-1900, about 5 generations, did not reveal that either. There is also a theory about melanin and vitamin D absorption, which is plausible.

The reason for some Poles being dark skinned remains a mystery.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
6 Nov 2016   #404
oh for God's sake not another post about skin colour...
does it matter?
Maybe your grandparents were Roma.
Anyway DNA testing just tests for mitochondrial DNA doesnt it?
Crow  154 | 9463
6 Nov 2016   #405
I'm a second generation American, but I'm entirely of Slavic heritage.

Thousands blessing on you by Christ and Svetovid! You are worth of your venerable ancestors.
6 Nov 2016   #406
Because Poles are not white.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
6 Nov 2016   #407
My half Polish children with blonde hair and blue eyes look pretty fekcing white to me....
6 Nov 2016   #408
That's because they are only half polish.
7 Nov 2016   #409
"oh for God's sake not another post about skin colour...
does it matter?"

The topic: "Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light"

Isn't that the topic of this thread?

"Maybe your grandparents were Roma.'

Obviously you don't read anything I posted, you just blurt out crap in response, like a robot or a machine gun. Or more like a dog, trying to make it's mark by lifting its leg to **** over all previous messages.

"Anyway DNA testing just tests for mitochondrial DNA doesnt it?"

No.This is the third time you are displaying your ignorance in one post. Go ahead. Continue to make a bigger ass of yourself. Your saying anything louder and longer won't matter. It only reveals who you are.
7 Nov 2016   #410
Okay. We'll just call it B.S.
Wulkan  - | 3136
7 Nov 2016   #411
That's because they are only half polish.

My brother's children are 100% Polish and all have blue eyes and look white
Ironside  50 | 12916
7 Nov 2016   #412
Because Poles are not white.

ups the secret is out, you're right that is only white paint.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Nov 2016   #413
gosh Carpathian touchy much?LOL
I suggest you concetrate on the here and now instead of wondering if your great great grandad was a Jew or a Gypsy.
and here is a plan - stop posting nonsense about DNA on internet forums. the DNA test is for mitochondrial DNA only.
Crow  154 | 9463
7 Nov 2016   #414
By the God, Polish Pope was white as Snowman. What else this Rubik want.
gumishu  15 | 6227
7 Nov 2016   #415
Poles are niggers, scum and subhuman - they can't be white simple as that
Crow  154 | 9463
7 Nov 2016   #416
My brain is protected. I am immune on your attempts to penetrate
7 Nov 2016   #417
Poles have round heads, often swarthy skin (even in the winter so it's not like they are simply tanned) most have dark eyes and hair they are not white and no one in the West considers them white.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
7 Nov 2016   #418
Quit trolling, rubku! No one's paying attention anyway:-)
8 Nov 2016   #419
@ rozumiemnic, who wrote

"gosh Carpathian touchy much?LOL
I suggest you concetrate on the here and now instead of wondering if your great great grandad was a Jew or a Gypsy.
and here is a plan - stop posting nonsense about DNA on internet forums. the DNA test is for mitochondrial DNA only."

You might call me "touchy" and add a nervous "LOL" to your reply, but I intend to hold your feet to the fire on this issue as you offer nothing substantive except mockery.

I suggest that YOU go elsewhere if you have no interest in your ancestral heritage, including your ethnicity and genetic background. I doubt that your heritage is Polish at all, because you taunt and spout provocative crap like verbal diarrhea. I determined through DNA testing that my ancestors were neither Tatar, nor Jewish, nor Gypsy. That's fact based, both through DNA and genealogical documentation. I accept it, but you want to argue and deride that finding. Your aggressive and mocking opinion is the real "nonsense" here, based upon nothing but your mouth, and that will become evident to anyone reading it.

Again, this thread is about Polish genealogy, specifically the question of "Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light". All you are adding to this discussion is nothing but provocation, derision, and puerile bullsh-t.

Your provocative crap is not convincing, no matter how long nor loud you spew it.
9 Aug 2017   #420
My great grandmother was a full pole and she had curly dark brown hair tan skin and brown eyes? And no she wasent adopted so what does That mean?

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