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Do Polish people have big noses?

southern 73 | 7059
13 Aug 2010 #361
Then semitic nose should have been vanished.I actually think big nose prevails.
kamau 2 | 9
13 Aug 2010 #362
All crackers have big conical shaped noses.For real. No hatin'
David_18 .You posted that innocent african boy's picture out of your own cynical and sheer reckless raggedy asss truck! That was not good at all.Consider yourself a complete bigot. No hatin'.
Zbojnik - | 22
13 Aug 2010 #363
Then semitic nose should have been vanished.I actually think big nose prevails.

well they dnt marry out of their religion, hence no genetic variability.....although i think ur being a bit stereotypical here
Natasa 1 | 572
13 Aug 2010 #364
Germanic nose is symmetric.Slavic nose is a huge issue very variable.

They wouldn't allow that something is out of order. Even nose.
Slavic people are more tolerable to differences. Including variety of noses.
Zbojnik - | 22
13 Aug 2010 #365
king polkakamon:
Germanic nose is symmetric.Slavic nose is a huge issue very variable

Who let Joseph Goebbles on Polish forums??
25 Aug 2010 #366
i laugh, are you poles cloned you all look alike, and as for girls from poznan they have the biggest noses i have ever seen,,, must tell lots of lies these girls
25 Aug 2010 #367
What's wrong with your nose Mops? O_O
25 Aug 2010 #368
too keep the fire hot, and tell you all too go home

mine is a nice english nose, if i had a polish one some body would charge me for taking too much air
ender 5 | 394
25 Aug 2010 #369
girls from poznan they have the biggest noses

you love flat one
25 Aug 2010 #370
a big nose, gets in the way of a good blow job

we have betting contest every day , too see who can spot the biggest nose , in the market,, so we aks where are you from, and poznan wins the nose job most days, smile its an english way of joking but we do do it
southern 73 | 7059
25 Aug 2010 #371
a big nose, gets in the way of a good blow job

Not if you are gifted.
ender 5 | 394
25 Aug 2010 #372
mine is a nice english nose

yours is broken in pub fight
25 Aug 2010 #373
if i had a polish one some body would charge me for taking too much air

southern 73 | 7059
25 Aug 2010 #374
mine is a nice english nose

a big nose, gets in the way of a good blow job

No problem.
Captain Scarlet 3 | 34
25 Aug 2010 #375
we have betting contest every day , too see who can spot the biggest nose , in the market,, so we aks where are you from, and poznan wins the nose job most days, smile its an english way of joking but we do do it

Ha ha , i'll try this today while chilling outside the coffee shop but the majority of females are from Wroclaw in my town . Though i do know a woman from Poznan and she does have a big nose .
dalmar - | 1
26 Aug 2010 #376
wat afunny quetion.... lool
MartAnthony 2 | 38
2 Oct 2010 #377
LOL to funny..cause every tells me i have a cute little pollish nose.
6 Dec 2010 #378
I am 25% polish, my grandma is polish, and yes, i have a big nose, as does my 50% polish dad.
skysoulmate 13 | 1270
6 Dec 2010 #379
Weird subject.

Oh well, this guy must be Polish, right? LOL
guesswho 4 | 1272
6 Dec 2010 #382
Do Polish people have big noses?

Jeez guys, LOL What comes next? I bet you pick randomly 10 Poles and every single one of them will have a different nose.
Trevek 25 | 1699
6 Dec 2010 #383
Well, in the past it has been checked...
Zubr - | 5
29 Dec 2010 #384
A quite common Slavic nose
is a snub nose, not long but stout, especially often among Czechs. The bearers of which look quite jolly and sympathetic, but not so much intellectual or even aristocratic
tygrys 2 | 290
29 Dec 2010 #385
Finnish people have potato noses
Sokrates 8 | 3335
29 Dec 2010 #386
We have big noses and massive cocks.

Oh well, this guy must be Polish, right? LOL

Is that even real?
ShawnH 8 | 1488
29 Dec 2010 #387
We have big noses and massive cocks.

I thought Poland was more famous for their pig farming....

  • Massive rooster
wildrover 98 | 4431
29 Dec 2010 #388
Oh well, this guy must be Polish, right? LOL

You would not want to get in a fight with that stuck in your nose would you...?
Seanus 15 | 19668
29 Dec 2010 #389
Many put in for the Leslie Nielsen role when his nose grew ;) He died recently (RIP) so there may be a chance for kichol types ;)
danielle741 2 | 5
29 Dec 2010 #390
haha no they don't have big noses, they have big lips

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