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Polish looks?

rybnik  18 | 1444
11 Jan 2013   #1291
Who would have guessed eh? ;)

thanks David_18 for that!
monia  3 | 212
11 Jan 2013   #1292
Race or Ethnicity: Maori, English, Scottish, Norwegian, Irish, German, Welsh, Swedish

You haven`t even watched that movie , have you ? It was not about his ancestry at all . Some people were promoting Poland before Euro 2012 . Some of them were Polish . This is what the movie is all about .
Wroclaw Boy
11 Jan 2013   #1293
I really hope not everyone in the Uk is as dumb as you rofl.

Woh, hang on a minute that dude is an American.
David_18  65 | 966
11 Jan 2013   #1294
listen child, no one insulted you yet but if you want to start with that bs, you can have it. Think twice before you start acting stupid.
Besides, I'm not a Brit so shut the hell up.

You so booooring <yawn>

Going to sleep now and when i wake up i will have a good day with my friends, what about you? ;)

Woh, hang on a minute that dude is an American.

Ow i'm so sorry, i guess it's me "stereotyping" again....
4 eigner  2 | 816
11 Jan 2013   #1295
You haven`t even watched that movie , have you ? It was not about his ancestry at all . Some people were promoting Poland before Euro 2012 . Some of them were Polish . This is what the movie is all about .

OK, the topic is "Polish looks?" right? I assumed, he's trying to insinuate that RC has something to do with Poland. This video is simply off topic here, that's all.
David_18  65 | 966
11 Jan 2013   #1296
So funny! You're still arguing about this guy on the picture and got no ******* clue what the movie is about or what other actors are in it.

I rest my case!

I'm not arguing, this video is off topic here, that's all.

Many actors in this movie including Natalie Portman claimed to have Polish ancestry hence the "Polish looks".

Need my beauty sleep.. Bye troll!
4 eigner  2 | 816
11 Jan 2013   #1297
damn, we're gonna be missing you here for quite some time then, LOL
david885  4 | 22
10 Apr 2013   #1298
typical Polish face imo
david885  4 | 22
14 Apr 2013   #1300
I can see the similiarities, but the rapper have more robust and squareish face which I associated with Poles.
Rysavy  10 | 306
14 Apr 2013   #1301
The square faced, stockier Poles always make me think of Germans or my own family. Or slavic jews. =image selections

I always thought of Polish in a general ethnic look from historical artwork or even Photos from before 1950. Long rectangle or oval faces, high hairlines, wide foreheads, prominent often bulbous noses, sharp high cheekbones, light pinkish complexion tones, defined small chins. Slender medium builds and not very tall. Excepting fat old generals with drinkers ruddy cheek and red noses. Girls with no curves. Lots of blondes. And sportin mustaches

But my lack of knowledge of modern Poland is one of reasons I am here.

My particular guy has more golden hue, rather full mouth and a roman nose. Though I think he looks similar to that rapper (who has the fuller weight and rougher complexion of men in his age group of any ethnicity) I don't really think he looks "Polish".

Honey is on the slight side of slender as well a gingerbeard. Redhead is not the first thing in my mind when I think Polak. He doesn't look as "Polish" as his sisters or parents. If he was dark he'd look more like a movie stereotype Transylvannian, than my own idea of a Polak.
4 Jun 2013   #1302
Merged: Typical Polish Facial Features vs. Other Slavic

(Very long discussion/post, bear with me!)

What are the typical facial features of Polish men/women and how do they compare to those of other Slavic people?

Myself, being a Polish-America living in the US, I have very high cheekbones, a wide jawline, large skull (hard to find hats that fit - heh) and a high hairline (tall forehead). Up until the age of about 5 or 6, my hair was entirely blonde (my mother's hair is blonde; my father's dark brown and curly), at which point it turned medium/dark brown. I am now 19 and my hair is darkish blonde and quite curly when it gets longer, but the portion of my beard which is on my cheeks and mustache area is light blonde while the rest is brown. My arm and leg hair is also primarily blonde.

My mother's side of the family comes from western Poland (her mother was born in Mirsk, and the rest of the family is spread around from Wrocław to Szczecin). My father and the majority of his side was born in and around Lublin. None of my family is from the central or east north of Poland.

I ask this because I have been wondering about the genetic make-up and history of Poland with relation to our neighbors. I know that there is a very distinct difference in looks between Northwest Slavic (Poland, Czech, Slovak..) peoples and those from the south and southeast near the Mediterranean and Black seas. There is also a "strange" (I don't mean to offend) facial structure amongst some east Russians and Ukrainians that almost appears to be Mongoloid (take a look at Putin), with very high and pronounced cheekbones and a very east-Asian look to them.

I have read on Wikipedia that most western Slavic (Poles, Czech, Slovaks some Ukrainians etc) belong to the "Dnieper-Carpathian type" of genetic makeup and they are characterized by having "dark brachycephals with relatively broad faces". I find this to be true among Poles as many of us (including myself) tend to look rather 'stocky' and wide-skulled. This is definitely not universal though, as many on my father's side have somewhat small faces and do not have pronounced facial features (cheek/chin bones), while only a few on my mother's side do. I believe that the Slavic peoples with whom we share the most in terms of facial features/structures seem to be the Czechs, Slovaks, and Sorbs (I have not read nor heard much about these).

I've also found that the far western (as just mentioned above) Slavic peoples tend to look VERY similar to many Germans. Do you believe this is due to 'interracial' breeding between our people as I believe to be the cause of some Russians looking Asiatic (Mongol Invasions)?

I understand that "Between 56.5 and 60 percent of modern Polish men possess the Y-DNA haplogroup R1a, which encompasses R1a1. This indicates descent from a branch of Indo-Europeans who settled in Ukraine and created the "kurgan" culture. Other ethnic groups with high proportions of the Indo-European R1a1 type include Ukrainians, Russians, Slovenes, and some groups that live on the Indian sub-continent, but Poles have the highest percentage of R1a among all Europeans." (

"The other approximately 30 percent of Poles have mostly the R1b and I1 haplogroups. R1b is very common among other European populations including Western Europeans like Welsh, Scots, French, Spaniards, northern Italians, etc. I1 is also found in Germany where its frequencies range from 38 to 45 percent, compared to 18 to 25 percent in Poland."

Does this explain the similarities?

What are fellow Poles (and non-Poles) opinions on all of this and if you don't mind, would you share your specific facial features, those of your related family, and your origins within (or outside) Poland?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 Jun 2013   #1303
Been hanging out on forum biodiversity, have we?
4 Jun 2013   #1304
I often can identify Poles, Ukrainians and Russians by, among other things, their facial structure (even before they begin talking). Poles have a broader faced, almost sculptured squareness of jawline, often piercing blue or blue-green eyes and overly dyed, punk-styled hair. Their facial expressions are less defined than Germans, and Ukrainians along with Russians have somethat flatter features on the whole.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
5 Jun 2013   #1305
What are the typical facial features of Polish men/women and how do they compare to those of other Slavic people?

It's quite difficult to do since head form among Russians,Ukrainians,Poles etc, could be of different types,there is plenty of people
among these nations who have either rounded and elongated head and face form,pronounced or less pronunced cheekbones etc.
So its rather subtle features which makes most of difference and its hard to explain.In pseudo-scientific terms Poles have more commonly
West Baltid and Cromagnoid type while Ukrainians have more Gorid,Baltid Proper and North Pontid types.Russians have more East Baltid
types.I think that on average Ukraine and Russia have slightly more West Asian and Asian influence.Poles are very homogenous people by
European standards.Ukrainian woman have smoother features than Polish on average.But still there is plenty of similar types.

"The other approximately 30 percent of Poles have mostly the R1b and I1 haplogroups. R1b is very common among other European populations including Western Europeans like Welsh, Scots, French, Spaniards, northern Italians, etc. I1 is also found in Germany where its frequencies range from 38 to 45 percent, compared to 18 to 25 percent in Poland."

I think it is strongly exagerated.There is no so much visible Germanic/Celtic influence in Poles.They are one of the "purest" Slavic nations.

There is already have been many similar genetic "researches" conducted in Ukraine, for example, with quite strangely "results".So if you looking at genetic researches look for the source and proves.Haplogroup I1 divides in I1a and I1b.Poles have more I1b than I1a (similar to Russians).
There is no truthful genetic research conducted by independent Western researches based on thousands of samples which would make statement that Poles are way more closer to Germanics then Eastern Slavic nations.Even contra majority of such researches proves their relatively close proximity.

So take in account in some "researches" it could be exagerated.
5 Jun 2013   #1306
Vlad & Co, obviously there are additional factors to consider when deciding on whether someone looks as though they belong to a certain ethnic group, Polish or otherwise! There's body language, for one thing, there's glance and eye contact for another, there's response to facial gazing etc,, not to mention the way certain ethnicities move around. Quite recently, my wife and I were in Midtown Manhattan, when we noticed right at Fifth Avenue and 59th Street, at the height of the morning rush hour, about four or five middle-aged to elderly Caucasian males (surely from Europe, though from where, I took me but several minutes to ascertain!) speaking in hushed voices, standing close to one another as they seemed to have stopped in the center of the sidewalk amid the pedestrian traffic. They were tall, sharp-featured, what I could observe, light-eyed and one of them, lantern-jawed. All of a sudden one of the group pulled out his fold-out New York map and the rest feverishly, silently all huddled around the chap with the map, surveying it with serious, almost scientific, curiosity. "They're Germans!", I remember saying to my wife. "That's a bit quick, even for you! How d'you know, they haven't even said anything yet?" "Trust me,", I said. A few second later, we heard one of them say to the other, "Ach, was soll's denn!", or, "Ahh, what the heck!"

How did I guess it exactly?? Body language, gesture and, last but not least, the business with the map. Germans would, so it seems, rather get lost, than embarrass themselves by asking for directions. If it can be divined by precise calculation, they'd usually prefer it:-) Probably a Pole, Frenchmen or an Italian, would've bitten the bleedin' bullet, broken down and asked someone the way.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
5 Jun 2013   #1307
There's body language, for one thing, there's glance and eye contact for another, there's response to facial gazing etc,, not to mention the way certain ethnicities move around.

So, do you want to tell any of these features makes vast majority of Poles remarkeably close to Germanics?

There is also a "strange" (I don't mean to offend) facial structure amongst some east Russians and Ukrainians that almost appears to be Mongoloid (take a look at Putin), with very high and pronounced cheekbones and a very east-Asian look to them.

Putin look Mongoloid?That's news for me.I've thought he could be compared to Nothern European of Finnish guy.One of the most prominent features of Mongoloids is jet black thick and coarse hair.And black hair is dominant.While Putin is blond and blue-eyed.

Most of non-Indo-European influence in Russians and Ukrainians (which is not too large) is coming not from Mongols but from Finno-Hungarian and Turic people.Rather it is West Asian than East Asian.Also on territory of Ukraine and Southern Russia lived Scithians and Sarmatians who believed to be Iranian speaking Indo-European people.Huns crossed these lands before Slavs lived there.But most of mixing happened during times of USSR when people from Central Asia and Caucasus region came to live in Ukraine and Russia.Quite interesting Ukraine is claimed to have plenty of people with J2 haplogroup which is claimed to be "Greco-Roman,Anatolian,Mesopotamian".This haplogroup is practically absent in Poles.Anceint Greeks had extensive colonies in Southern Ukraine and Russian along Black Sea coast since 7-th century BC.

In google: black see greek colonies

Kievan Rus' and Moscow principality had extensive connections with Bizantium Empire and married Greek people.For example Ioann the Terrible was once married on Sofia Paleologina.
5 Jun 2013   #1308
"The other approximately 30 percent of Poles have mostly the R1b and I1 haplogroups. R1b is very common among other European populations including Western Europeans like Welsh, Scots, French, Spaniards, northern Italians, etc. I1 is also found in Germany where its frequencies range from 38 to 45 percent, compared to 18 to 25 percent in Poland."

Yeah, this makes sense considering about 30% of Poles look western European.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
5 Jun 2013   #1309
And 70% of them look Eastern European or Asian?You definitely make "praise" to them.
And what is difference between Western and Eastern European look?
Wulkan  - | 3136
5 Jun 2013   #1310
Yeah, this makes sense considering about 30% of Poles look western European.

ROTFL what the hell is western european look?
Vlad1234  16 | 883
5 Jun 2013   #1311
Typical Mongolian haplogroups such as C,O,L,P were not even mentioned during detailed breakdown of Eastern Slavic haplogroups.
5 Jun 2013   #1312
I don't want to "tell" anything, other than to say simply there is much more to distinguishing a person's nationality or ethnicity than merely their facial features. Poles often have sharp features as well, yet within seconds I knew for sure that those tourists weren't Poles, even Scandinavians, Dutch or Northern French, Spaniards or Israelis despite certain apparent physical, i.e. facial similarities; it was all in the body language/gesture. As it is, I turned out to be right:-)

Admittedly, had I never been to or lived in Germany, I probably would never have guessed it correctly!
archiwum  12 | 122
5 Jun 2013   #1313
Some Poles have tatar in their background. The only way to find out is to go to the surname.

Ive said this before.
5 Jun 2013   #1314
Sorry,I put this word comparison post in a wrong thread.Moderator could delete it.

It actually fits in this thread pretty well too!

What Lyzko states is definitely 100% true. Even though all Poles may be from Poland, depending on their genetic makeup and what not, behaviors/manners/ways they walk, talk, etc is different from one another. This can obviously be influenced by environmental factors (such as living in a city versus living in rural areas), but for the most part it seems to be very dependent on genetics (which influence the way the brain operates and functions).

Does anyone think there is a significant difference between Poles who have primarily R1a or R1b DNA? And if so, do (generally speaking) Poles behave/act in a way that is similar to people from other European nations, like Germans or Russians?

Vlad1234  16 | 883
5 Jun 2013   #1315
Interesting,how German Nazies would classify people according to their haplogroups?For example plenty of Germans,Austrians and Norwegians have R1a haplogroup.Whoud they treat them as inferior for this?

1/3 of Austrians also have such haplogroups as G,E3b and J which are claimed to be non Indo-European in origin.Only 1/4 of Austrians have R1b and 5% I1a.
Does it mean only they would constitute competent part of society only?But Nazies never engaged in real science.Their slogan was: "every German is an Arian and good, every Slav is a wicked animal and bad".
mochadot18  18 | 245
5 Jun 2013   #1316
What are fellow Poles (and non-Poles) opinions on all of this and if you don't mind, would you share your specific facial features, those of your related family, and your origins within (or outside) Poland?

Since no one has really actually told you what they look like ill tell you some thing about me lol :)
I am 100% Polish, unfortunately I can't tell you about my family as I am adopted so i don't know about them yet.

But personally I have very blond hair. When I was younger it was very curley but now has a pretty nice wave too if I just leave it. My eyes are bright yellow or green around the center depending on the light and then go into a bright blue out to the edges. My shoulders stand out the most as I have very broad shoulders, its sometimes hard to find tops as if I move to much I can easily rip the shoulders. I am very short though only 4 11. Really short haha. Lets see what else. My eyes are also set somewhat farther apart than most americans I see. My hairline is not high its pretty average I would say. I do have high cheek bones. I really don't have a long face but its not really short either quite average I think. I am thin but have a lot of muscle on me from play so many sports, so all my weight is my muscle, nice to be able to eat junk all the time and not gain weight ;) . Anyway that's all I can really think of for now
5 Jun 2013   #1317
And what is difference between Western and Eastern European look?

You really can't tell the difference between Slavic people and Germanic/Celtic people?

The R1b Poles can be mistaken for German, Dutch, or maybe even Irish if they have a little freckles.

The R1a Poles tend to have square heads and slightly slanted eyes. They sometimes have tan skin. They just look more exotic.

And of course there are many Poles that look like a mix of the two.
Wulkan  - | 3136
5 Jun 2013   #1318
but you said Western European and now you say Germanic/Celtic lol, French and Spanish are nor Germanic nor Celtic and yet they are Wester European

The R1a Poles tend to have square heads and slightly slanted eyes. They sometimes have tan skin.

Buhahahaha LMAO you made my day now, no wonder why you are not logged in and use a guest account :D
5 Jun 2013   #1319
Of course not ALL "Germanic" people(s) are of one single Teutonic strain, this was Eckart's, Houston Stewart Chamberlain's, Rosenberg's and Hitler's sheer idiocy!! This is/was as false as saying any group is of a pure lineage, heaven knows the Irish are long since mixed with Gypsy and Spanish, the Central European Celts are a bastard stew of Germanic, Italic and Slavic, manyEastern European Jews have been linked with a non-Jewish, Khazak blend from Central Asia, Greeks are mixed with Turks, Illyrian Albanians with Greeks etc..

There's yet another matter not as yet brought up, namely, facial hair (which can often mask the features!) as an indicator of ethnic origin. For the most part, Poles, Germans, Swedes, French and English are not huge proponents of hirsute growth as a badge of virility as are, for instance, the Turks, the Saudi Arabs, many Hungarians, Greeks, Uzbekis, Israelis, Kurds and Georgians! Hence, certain luxurious mustachioed-bearded faces usually indicate someone of non-Western origin, though naturally, there will be exceptions:-)

On the other hand, Messrs. Piłsudski, Paderewski and Wałęsa sported quite elegant and well-kept whiskers, as I recall
Vlad1234  16 | 883
6 Jun 2013   #1320
You really can't tell the difference between Slavic people and Germanic/Celtic people?

Not always.Could you tell me principal diffirence?Definitely this is not colour of eyes and hair,not height or weight,
not width of weist or shoulders and not rough form of head.Because in all European nations it could come in variety
of forms.For example would you tell just by facial features who of them is German and who is a Slavic person?
One I started to watch German and Austrian series movies and just movies I quickly understood that majority of
Germans and Austrians are quite far from classical Nordic type.

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