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Polish looks?

rock  - | 428
29 Oct 2011   #1051
Can you communicate with his mother in Turkish ? If she can speak tatar language, it may be quite difficult but you may understand each other.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
30 Oct 2011   #1052
Interesting suggestion, i think she should try it out.


Do you live in Poland?

lipka tatar

Lipka song (zielona Lipka)

daytripper  - | 8
1 Nov 2011   #1053
Your bf looks like how I imagine most Polish men to look like. :)

@ Zimmy
Wow... You must get so many beautiful women with that pick up line...
southern  73 | 7059
1 Nov 2011   #1054
@ Zimmy
Wow... You must get so many beautiful women with that pick up line...

Zimmy is a known Casanova.
f stop  24 | 2493
2 Nov 2011   #1055
this thread is genius.
Give hams a legitimate reason to post their pictures.
pnysu  - | 7
2 Nov 2011   #1056
Yes southern right my mother side from Thessaloniki, father from Izmir.

rock we speak english ,I dont know very well english because I studied in St. Joseph High School in Istanbul,I like to speak French,anyway, yes couple words similar tatar with turkish
sascha  1 | 824
2 Nov 2011   #1057
Give hams

ok, where's yours, if you're a ham? ;)
southern  73 | 7059
2 Nov 2011   #1058
Yes southern right my mother side from Thessaloniki

I identified that look.

father from Izmir.

Smyrna.There is also a ditsinct look I see it in some Greek immigrants from Smyrni but I have not deepened in it.
rock  - | 428
2 Nov 2011   #1059
Is your mother's and father's family have Greek roots pnysu ?
pnysu  - | 7
2 Nov 2011   #1060
Ive wrote, they are both Turkish. Sorry I visit poland and we will leave tomarrow, nice country ,nice people .I love them, nice to meet forum members, bye.
rock  - | 428
2 Nov 2011   #1061
Of course they are. I am just kidding with that greek guy who identifies looks :)
daytripper  - | 8
13 Nov 2011   #1062
American wannabee

I am dying to know what an "American wannabee" looks like exactly.
14 Nov 2011   #1063
What I have noticed is that polish people tend to have a long squarish nose, very pale skin and either brown hair brown eyes or blonde hair blonde eyes. Czech people (me :D) tend to have more of the former and tend to look more rounded (I think.) It's definetly easier to tell Koreans, Chinese and Japanese apart :D
16 Nov 2011   #1064
Mine too but it's a good thing. At least we don't look like all the other girls ha. Plus big nose is a Polish nose :-)

I would just like to say that I think you are beautiful and it would be a dream to meet you one day!
southern  73 | 7059
16 Nov 2011   #1065
Big nose is so uncommon that plastic surgeons almost starvate.
24 Nov 2011   #1066
I've been researching my ancestry, a mix of Polish, German and Norwegian. I'm mostly interested in my Polish roots. The family patronymic name is Galenzowski as it's spelled here in North America; in Poland it is spelled Gałęzowski. As soon as I figure out how to do it, I'll post a photo of my mother's and her sisters, who carry the Polish/German blood. My mother had black hair, dark brown eyes, skin that tanned to a deep colour and high cheekbones. In the past several months I've been reading everything about Polish history I can find, and yes even Henryk Sienkiewicz's Trilogy. From the written descriptions and the few photos I've found on the internet, I think there must be Tatar blood in my ancestry. Those of you living in Poland and therefore more familiar with 'Polish looks' will have a better idea on this than me as I'm just making a 'scientific wild-assed guess'.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
24 Nov 2011   #1067
Yea you look a little Polish
andersm  4 | 32
24 Nov 2011   #1068
I'm extremely proud of my Polish heritage and I would be honoured if my features were considered Polish.

  • Galenzoski Sisters
southern  73 | 7059
24 Nov 2011   #1069
You look more coming from Anglosaxon heritage.
Teffle  22 | 1318
24 Nov 2011   #1070
TBH you could come from any number of places - England, France, Netherlands, Greece...

I wouldn't exclude Poland, but I wouldn't get too excited either.
andersm  4 | 32
25 Nov 2011   #1071
Mostly people think I'm Italian or Greek. I put a photo onto my profile page from about 15 years ago so you get the idea.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
25 Nov 2011   #1072
I'm extremely proud of my Polish heritage and I would be honoured if my features were considered Polish.

the fashion and hairstyles in the group photo are a bit misleading. it's all to do with the passage of time and what one is used to seeing.

however, i see a possible ukrainian connection. it's in the eyes.
andersm  4 | 32
25 Nov 2011   #1073
That photo is out of the 1960s - its the only one I have of my mother together with her sisters. Your statement about the eyes is interesting - I always thought my mother had a bit of an Asian. She had dark brown eyes and her lashes were straight as a board. What is the ethnic mix that makes up a Ukrainian?
Peter Cracow
26 Nov 2011   #1074
daytripper and pnysu (if they are blue-eye blondes, not bald-headed rakes) gentle try to pay your attention guys that this thread has a little stuffy atmosphere. Atmosphere full of complexes to be exact.

Anybody who know a little about Polish history learnd about 2WW, 1WW, Polish/Soviet war, division to 3 parts which belonged to Germany, Austia and Russia, Turkish wars, Tatarian wars, Napoleon wars, Sweden wars, Polish Commonwealth which included Lithuanians, Latvians, Bielorussians, Ukrainians, huge Jewish immigration. Should know also about big Vlachs (Romanians) immigration to Karpaty (Carpatia), Czech influences, Italian influences, Viking towns and villages, almost contemporary Duth, French, Greek, Gypsy, Tartar villages, Gaelic and Goth presence...

I am perfectly sure that they all (with a special thanks to armies) worked hardly on making a new Poles. Now, the point is: who are Poles? And what it has to do with blue-E and blonde-H? I am blue/blonde and skinny myself but one of my aunts is called Gypsy because of her look. We all have a very distant appearances in my family despite of close relationships.

From the other side: daytripper and pnysu know perfectly that self-identification does not tell us all about our ancestors. And I'm sorry but blue/blonde is European (or even Scandinavian) invention and having these features you undoubtedly have any Viking or "ethnic Pole" sniper among your (more or less distant) ancestors. Your traps failed.
jochemczyk  1 | 35
30 Nov 2011   #1075
From what I have seen living in a Polish community and having been to Poland 3 times it seems that the Northern people are more often darker haired and have a different look than the people from the South. I was on vacation in Costa Rica a couple of years ago and saw a guy working as a security guard . I knew straight away that he came from the same area as my Dad because he looked like my Dads family. Sure enough when I approached him he did indeed come from Katowice area and was amazed that I would know that. Having said all that why is the subject of the way different races look being discussed on here or any where else for that matter. My Dad is Polish my Mum is English/ Irish but the English part has a French name that goes way back.Who can know exactly who are ancestors were ,Europeans are a real mixture of many races and aside from that fact who the hell cares. GROW UP
10 Feb 2012   #1076
Merged: Do I look Polish?

I'm more of a mix of European heritage, but I do have Polish ancestry. Do I have any facial characteristics typical of Poles or other Slavic countries?

I don't know if these are good enough pictures to tell :/
Also, I was wondering if anyone could tell something about my surname ---->Drozdowski. I don't know much about my ancestry and I don't know if anything could be determined from that, but any random information would be interesting. Thanks ahead of time.
gumishu  15 | 6228
10 Feb 2012   #1077
I would not have doubts that you have some Eastern European ancestry - you wouldn't stick out on a Polish street in the slightest (in the right clothes ;)

the history of Polish surnames is usually a pretty bland one - you got a core name 'drozd' which is thrush in English I believe - then either a place (village) was named after the bird itself or after a person who was named after the bird (a personal name Drozd you would think it a nick actually) - so you got a place name Drozdów (Drozdów meant originally belonging to or created by Drozd) (you can try to google the name there probably are a couple of such places in Poland all definitely small or otherwise I would have know them) - then comes the time where people start to be called with something more than just the first name this is the time also when nobility cristalizes in Poland (ok nobility formed earlier actually) - and the typical method of creating the surnames among the nobility is to take it from some of their villages towns - Drozdowski means simply 'of Drozdów' - and that's it
beckski  12 | 1609
10 Feb 2012   #1078
I don't know if these are good enough pictures to tell

What pics?
andersm  4 | 32
10 Feb 2012   #1079
Do I have any facial characteristics typical of Poles or other Slavic countries?

If I saw you on a street in Canada I would know you were of Eastern European descent and if forced to say I would go with Ukrainian before Polish. Just something about the cast of the features. You're a pretty girl regardless of ethnic mix.
southern  73 | 7059
10 Feb 2012   #1080
Do I have any facial characteristics typical of Poles or other Slavic countries?

Nose,lips and a suspicion of high cheeks point to slavic ancestry.Especially the central part of face is slavic.

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