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Polish looks?

Seanus  15 | 19666
30 Jul 2009   #481
Exactly, honesty isn't always the best policy but it works sometimes. Well, I didn't always like being called ginger as a kid but I learned to live with it and now like it.
tornado2007  11 | 2270
30 Jul 2009   #482
No, I am very serious. I will try to estimate their nationality :)

no i think rock is more of an boy myself :)

Exactly, honesty isn't always the best policy but it works sometimes. Well, I didn't always like being called ginger as a kid but I learned to live with it and now like it.

i like to be as honest as i can with people, however in this case i'm not face to face with the person or don't even know them. Plus the fact i've never spoken to 'Alycia' before so the nose comment might not get the conversation off to a good start!!!! lol
southern  73 | 7059
30 Jul 2009   #483
My cousin still insists I look Russian

You don't look russian.You look mixed.

The bridge of my nose is from my Polish grandfather but the tip is from my German mother.

Exactly.The nose has two totatlly distinctive parts.It is not a slavic nose and this mainly makes you appear mixed.
You have slavic eyes and cheeks but your mouth is not slavic at all.
Miss_Alycia  2 | 12
30 Jul 2009   #484
Exactly, honesty isn't always the best policy but it works sometimes.

I really appreciate your honesty. =)

Plus the fact i've never spoken to 'Alycia' before so the nose comment might not get the conversation off to a good start!!!! lol

I can understand that. I just wish those people would start embracing who they are. As for me, I love my Polish nose, haha.
Seanus  15 | 19666
30 Jul 2009   #485
I'd say you were Polish. You have typical Polish features.
Miss_Alycia  2 | 12
30 Jul 2009   #486
Exactly.The nose has two totatlly distinctive parts.It is not a slavic nose and this mainly makes you appear mixed.
You have slavic eyes and cheeks but your mouth is not slavic at all.

I'm actually Polish, Irish, English, German and Dutch.
southern  73 | 7059
30 Jul 2009   #487

The cheeks.


The hair.


The jaw.


The mouth.

I am not sure about the eyes.Maybe they are polish-german,they are not typical polish or german or dutch.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346
30 Jul 2009   #488
I dont know about "slavic looks", but, I think you are pretty.
tornado2007  11 | 2270
30 Jul 2009   #489
I just wish those people would start embracing who they are

i agree, that would be a good start, who cares if you have a 'Polish nose' or a............

I love my Polish nose

good for you, that is said on rare occassions in this forum, although JB loves hers too.

I'm actually Polish, Irish, English, German and Dutch.

come on you've forgotten; Italian, Russian, Brazilian and Bhutani, tut tut you can be very forgetful sometimes :)
StarFireSong  - | 5
30 Jul 2009   #490

I'm the cousin Miss_Alycia mentioned. She was talking to me via text & told me to come here. Sorry if I'm barging in on your conversation & if you tell me to go stuff it, I'll go stuff it. :P

I'm just curious as to whether or not I look Polish. I'm a mutt, so... Here goes. :)

rock  - | 428
30 Jul 2009   #491
I'm just curious as to whether or not I look Polish

No. You look Turkish.

Where is your picture ?

ok, ok you look Polish :)
StarFireSong  - | 5
30 Jul 2009   #492
Sorry, I'm having issues with this thing. Trying to get it back.


Edit: AWESOME! I got it! :D

  • StarFire

  • StarFireSong
tornado2007  11 | 2270
30 Jul 2009   #493
the straight on shot you don't look Polish but the profile shot looks more Polish if you ask me.
In the first photo you look more Germanic than Polski.
Miss_Alycia  2 | 12
30 Jul 2009   #494
the straight on shot you don't look Polish but the profile shot looks more Polish if you ask me.

I actually agree with you. We both have the same bridge.. I think. *looks back & forth to our picture.*
tornado2007  11 | 2270
30 Jul 2009   #495

omg you have a scary avatar!!!!! lol
StarFireSong  - | 5
30 Jul 2009   #496
the straight on shot you don't look Polish but the profile shot looks more Polish if you ask me.
In the first photo you look more Germanic than Polski.

That's...interesting, lol. I do have some Germanic blood in me, along with Polish (duh), Irish, Scottish, Dutch, English, French, & Native American. There's my mixed blood. :).

I actually agree with you. We both have the same bridge.. I think. *looks back & forth to our picture.*

ROFLLL! I think my nose slopes slightly more than yours does. Yours is like, wicked straight.

rock  - | 428
30 Jul 2009   #497
Native American

That is Turkish blood :)
tornado2007  11 | 2270
30 Jul 2009   #499
please excuse him, as you can see he is obsessed by Turkey/Turkish, don't get him going :) lol.

The Alien is a much better improvment on the scary teeth, reminds me of the x-files.
rock  - | 428
30 Jul 2009   #500

Native Americans passed America from Siberia. There are some theories ( not proved yet) that Native Americans are Turkic. There are very interesting similarities in the languages.
Miss_Alycia  2 | 12
30 Jul 2009   #501

The cheeks.


The hair.


The jaw.


The mouth.

I am not sure about the eyes.Maybe they are polish-german,they are not typical polish or german or dutch.

Thank you for the throughout information. I can definitely see my hair and my cheeks as you mentioned.

omg you have a scary avatar!!!!! lol

Sorry! I changed it. Any better? It's not an alien, it's a vampire or a witch, lol. I was on a search for a better avatar. The cherry did look good though. HA.
StarFireSong  - | 5
30 Jul 2009   #502
It's so weird to read what you guys think I look like. It's like getting a peek into people's thoughts for a bit. :)

tornado2007  11 | 2270
30 Jul 2009   #503
Sorry! I changed it. Any better? It's not an alien, it's a vampire or a witch, lol.

lol, it looks alien like but what do i know about the extraterrestrials that cruise the universe, I still think Mulder would be interested in this specimen
rock  - | 428
30 Jul 2009   #504
please excuse him, as you can see he is obsessed by Turkey/Turkish, don't get him going :) lol.

What I say has a basis of course.
tornado2007  11 | 2270
30 Jul 2009   #505
What I say has a basis of course.

i know, its cool i was justing having a laugh with you, pulling your leg so to speak.
StarFireSong  - | 5
30 Jul 2009   #506
That link's interesting. I just scanned through it, but I'm gonna go read it so I can absorb it more fully. :)

southern  73 | 7059
1 Aug 2009   #507
that Native Americans are Turkic. There are very interesting similarities in the languages.

So Americans have to give their land back to Turkey.
beckski  12 | 1609
5 Aug 2009   #508
My turn, my turn!

I'm told I have a big Polish forehead (as you can see in my first pic.)
My eyes are more detailed in my second pic.

  • beckski.jpg

  • myface.jpg
gumishu  15 | 6228
5 Aug 2009   #509
that Native Americans are Turkic. There are very interesting similarities in the languages.

So Americans have to give their land back to Turkey.

half the world should belong to Turks heheh - oh Lord :)

and behold now, the Turks live in Anatolia for a couple of millenia - well they always lived there ;) - now this is the largest scale state-run brainwashing in the world I guess - poor little Turkish souls who are faced with the 'lies' about there country and nation on a daily basis :P

btw it must be very interesting what they think about the Alexander bloke - was he Greek who conquered Turks or was he a Turk who conquered half of the world :)
rock  - | 428
5 Aug 2009   #510

Read a little bit moron.

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