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Do I look Polish? (my picture)

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
25 Oct 2020   #241
the recent film about 303

I once read an article on how Polish pilots allegedly claimed bigger numbers of downed German planes than they id in reality. There were no BBC drones to record air skirmishes at the time.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
25 Oct 2020   #242
Polish pilots allegedly claimed bigger numbers of downed German planes

"The Polish record was so impressive that Stanley Vincent, the RAF commander of the base at Northolt, took it upon himself to verify their claims."

Following the squadron into combat Vincent witnessed how the Poles dived at the German bombers in their Hurricanes 'with near suicidal impetus'.
pawian  226 | 27510
25 Oct 2020   #243
how the Poles dived at the German bombers in their Hurricanes 'with near suicidal impetus'.

And then another witness added that Poles were intent on killing Germans, while British pilots were satisfied with downing a plane. That is why I said Zumbach was a natural born killer. :):)
matimm94  - | 2
25 Oct 2020   #244
here u can see
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
25 Oct 2020   #245
Poles were intent on killing Germans,

Oh yes no question the Poles who survived the initial Nazi/Russian invasion along those imprisoned in Siberia who subsequently joined the allies wanted revenge and had a true hatred of the enemy, as far as many polish soldiers were concerned their entire families had been liquidated by the germans / soviets, revenge was a high priority.

Germans would $hit themselves when they were captured by a Polish unit , they would beg to be handed over to the British or Americans.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
25 Oct 2020   #246
Oddly enough, I remember reading about a German officer on the eastern front being out of bullets and looking at his enemy soldier thinking first he was fighting the red army, after understanding it was a Polish soldier he exclaimed that he would had surrendered long ago if he knew he was fighting the Poles! Then a Soviet officer (not sure if in Polish uniform or not) approached the German and executed him.

I read it about In a book about Berling's army
mafketis  38 | 11156
25 Jan 2021   #247
If you walked down the street of any Polish city no one would think 'Ooooo a foreigner!' so basically yes, you don't look stereotypically Polish but you're well within the range of variation

And you should take the pictures down sooner, there are some very disturbed and sick people on this forum (a word to the wise)
LostSoul  3 | 83
25 Jan 2021   #248
I always thought I look a bit Jewish.
Anyway, I placed those photos in Unsee, I didn't log in, so I can't. Well, they will disappear after 1 day. Duh...
mafketis  38 | 11156
25 Jan 2021   #249
I always thought I look a bit Jewish.

Then you'd fit in in Poland were many people look a bit (or very) Jewish...
Atch  22 | 4299
25 Jan 2021   #250
I took a look. Polish faces come in many different types and therefore yes, you could be Polish. However you could also be many other European nationalities,
LostSoul  3 | 83
25 Jan 2021   #251
Which nationalities? Be honest, please.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
25 Jan 2021   #252
That's a typical skinny Polish "ski hump" nose, not a jewish one. Jews have far wider noses and don't have that "ski hump" but are more hooked and bulged out.
LostSoul  3 | 83
25 Jan 2021   #253
ski hump

No, I didn't break my nose. I received that nose and dark brown hair after my dad. My mom has dark brown hair, naturally and a straight nose.

What is "ski hump" nose, according to you?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
25 Jan 2021   #254
I never said you broke your nose... I said that it resembles what's known as the "ski hump" nose that many Polish people naturally have. I see it often in Gorale and the southwestern part of Poland. I'd think it's a Germanic influence as Poles to to have more rounded noses not as sharp and hawk like Germans, Saxons, etc. do.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
25 Jan 2021   #255
What is "ski hump" nose

After a couple of centimetres it Goes down like a bit of a slope, I have one.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
25 Jan 2021   #256
Google "dorsal hump" or "dorsal hump nose." That's the part that protrudes more in certain Poles.
LostSoul  3 | 83
25 Jan 2021   #257
Thanks for your response.

My parents are from various parts of Poland, Kresy Wschodnie, Mazowsze, Świętokrzyskie etc.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
25 Jan 2021   #258

Mine are from Kresy, maybe thats why our noses are similar ?
LostSoul  3 | 83
25 Jan 2021   #259
That's a typical skinny Polish "ski hump" nose, not a jewish one.

Can you do the photo comparision of Jewish nose and "ski hump" nose?
Don't use my photos, though.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
25 Jan 2021   #260
Jewish nose

Animated... but you get the idea...

Far wider, far wider "button" at the end that goes downward, etc. Poles who have it tend to have one that's thing and bony, not wide and fleshy.

  • images.jpg

  • Untitleddesign51..jpg
mafketis  38 | 11156
25 Jan 2021   #261

I've never heard of a "ski hump" nose, but the late American actor/comedian Bob Hope (born in England) had a "ski jump" nose.... with a long convex curve
Atch  22 | 4299
25 Jan 2021   #262
Which nationalities? Be honest, please.

You could be French, or Spanish or even Irish. You look very like a teacher I had at school in Ireland. She was from Galway and taught us French and German. What are you worrying about, exactly? That you don't look 'European'? Europe is a vast continent with every kind of face and colouring imaginable. I don't understand why you seem to be worried that you don't look Polish enough.
LostSoul  3 | 83
25 Jan 2021   #263
I don't know, a lot of people have a stereotype that every Pole is blond and blue-eyed and every Polish woman is like that. With a straight or upturned nose, of course.

There is something about that R1A1 haplogroup, eh?
mafketis  38 | 11156
25 Jan 2021   #264
a lot of people have a stereotype that every Pole is blond and blue-eyed

a lot of people aren't very smart, no one who's been to Poland has the stereotype of blond blue-eyed Poles... brunettes are more common
LostSoul  3 | 83
25 Jan 2021   #265
You are right, it's usually foreigners who have that stereotype. But also I hear from Polish people that if you look the way I do, you must have Jewish relatives.

mafketis  38 | 11156
25 Jan 2021   #266
You might have some Jewish ancestry... some Poles were/are Jews and there was intermarriage. Also, some Jews converted to Christianity and more or less melted into the general population (despite what some weird freaks say just... ignore them).
Atch  22 | 4299
25 Jan 2021   #267
I hear from Polish people that if you look the way I do, you must have Jewish relatives.

Polish people or Polish-Americans? And anyway, so what if you had Jewish blood? Would it matter? And if people make you feel bad about yourself, just tell them to bog off. Don't hang out with anti-Semites :-D
LostSoul  3 | 83
25 Jan 2021   #268
I think, mostly Internet comments I read somewhere. Although I got some remarks at school that I look like a witch.
Anyway, I understand some controversies regarding Polish-Jewish relations, it's a difficult topic. I don't wanna talk about it.
Let's stick to the topic.
My great-grandparents fought against Nazi Germans and my whole family was very patriotic.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
25 Jan 2021   #269
Nazi Germans and my whole family was very patriotic.

Same here.

I got some remarks at school that I look like a witch.

Kids can be very nasty, ignore it you look Polish to me.
LostSoul  3 | 83
25 Jan 2021   #270
Far wider, far wider "button" at the end that goes downward,

@Dirk diggler

Well, not every Jew has a nose like that, though. Some have straight noses, even upturned, I noticed.
Look at those people here.

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