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Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks.

George8600  10 | 630
18 Oct 2010   #31
I want to say Silesia and Wroclaw, but any time I tell them about it over there they get really mad at me.... lol
Marek11111  9 | 807
18 Oct 2010   #32
All Germans are part of Slav as they took or occupied lands inhabited by Slavs they have mixed.
George8600  10 | 630
18 Oct 2010   #33
Indeed, genetic tests have shown that Poles truly are a Slavic nation, I mean there is some germanic blood but not enough to make a plausible argument.
guesswho  4 | 1272
18 Oct 2010   #34
I want to say Silesia and Wroclaw

The "Germans" I've met lived mainly in Danzig and Nikolaiken.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
18 Oct 2010   #35
All Germans are part of Slav as they took or occupied lands inhabited by Slavs they have mixed.

Nope Marek, Slavs were latecomers and invaded germanic lands.

Google the map of Ptolemy...germanic towns and settlements where now is Poland already 2000 years back.
The migration of Slavs into central Europe didn't start before the 6th century AD.

Google is your friend!

This is all in another thread. I feel sure that the OP is talking about Modern History.
Ogien  5 | 237
18 Oct 2010   #36
Here's the distribution of the R1a haplogroup which is common in Slavic populations.

R1a Distribution
guesswho  4 | 1272
18 Oct 2010   #37
You mean, the red is all Slavs? Actually it can't be because Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are definitely not Slavic.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
18 Oct 2010   #38
It isn't...the biggest red part shows a distribution of R1a of only 47%, meaning less than the half are (pure) slavic. Even ethnically cleansed Poland "only" get's 51%

The same with the germanic R1b, the percentuage differs but especially in central Europe we are incredible mixed! No wonder with our history :)
Marek11111  9 | 807
18 Oct 2010   #39
The same with the germanic R1b, the percentuage differs but especially in central Europe we are incredible mixed! No wonder with our history :)

as I said before
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
18 Oct 2010   #40
No, you said the Germanics were the intruders, the invaders...but it's the other way around. We were here first!

Just saying...
Marek11111  9 | 807
18 Oct 2010   #41
Germans where the intruders that is correct statement, you were first to grab for swords also correct.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
18 Oct 2010   #42
Stop lying!
You people did ride on the "mean, agressive Germanics agains poor, sweet, innocent Slavs" myth for far to long already!

We have proof that Germanics settled first as far as 2000 years back in what is now Poland.
There is even a map about it. Look for Ptolemy's Magna Germania map as I advised you before.
Slavs invaded these lands not before the 6th century, half a millennia later.

It isn't that hard....,1518,720513,00.html

Magna Germania 2000 years back:

Slavs invading from the East...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
18 Oct 2010   #44
Sure...even Ptolemy worked for the German propaganda ministry already back in 200 AD....suuure!


Claudius Ptolemaeus (Greek: ῖ Klaúdios Ptolemaîos; c. AD 90 - c. 168), known in English as Ptolemy (pronounced /ˈtɒləmɪ/), was a Roman citizen of Egypt who wrote in Greek.[1]
He was a mathematician, astronomer, geographer, astrologer and a poet of a single epigram in the Greek Anthology[2][3]. He lived in Egypt under Roman rule, and is believed to have been born in the town of Ptolemais Hermiou in the Thebaid. He died in Alexandria around AD 168.[4]

An Roman with egyptian heritage...the poster model of an propagandist for Germans!!!
George8600  10 | 630
18 Oct 2010   #45
Here's the distribution of the R1a haplogroup which is common in Slavic populations.

You'd be surprised how many Greek Slavs there are.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
18 Oct 2010   #46
We have proof that Germanics settled first as far as 2000 years back in what is now Poland.

Yet according to the latest DNA distribution study it looks like Slavs were there already. Take a look at Estimated Y-DNA distribution 2000 years ago throughout Europe.

Estimated Y-DNA distribution 2000 years ago

Face it Germans are mutts as this map clearly proves.

Link is broken here's another one.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
18 Oct 2010   #47
"estimated" being the key word! Your source being just another forum poster:

I created this map to give an idea of what Europe might have looked like genetically during the late Bronze Age or early Iron Age. scientifical...maybe I should go and make a funny map myself and post it!

PS: We are all mutts here in central Europe...and there is nothing wrong with being european mutts.
But still historical facts shouldn't be denied or falsified..germanic tribes were here first, period!
(okay...second...after the Celts)
PennBoy  76 | 2429
18 Oct 2010   #48
Must be pretty common in Poland because almost anyone I've met there was partly a German too.

It is, i have at least 7 or 8 friends who are partially German, some look very German, the Teutonic type ;) . But the east has been a place for German settlements for centuries.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
18 Oct 2010   #49
But the east has been a place for German settlements for centuries.

2 Millennia actually...
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
18 Oct 2010   #50
we were here first, period!

Says you and Nazi pseudoscience, newest findings tell a different story period. Move on no need to buy into 70 year old propaganda made up to make the Germans feel better about themselves.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
18 Oct 2010   #51
Says you and Nazi pseudoscience,

Just google you idiot nutter.
That is mainstream bad if you are to stupid to read and process facts.

Ptolemy's map is 1800 years old! What a Nazi he has been!!!
(There must be an old drawing/statue of him with an SS uniform making the Hitler greeting...)
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
18 Oct 2010   #52
Ptolemy's map is 1800 years old! What a Nazi he has been!!!

Notice that even on that map "Magna Germania" is west of Elbe river.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
18 Oct 2010   #53
Look where the Slavs are 2000 years back...still much further East!
Slavic "Drang nach Westen" anybody!

ShortHairThug  - | 1101
18 Oct 2010   #54
Exactly everything east of Oder River was Sarmatia and mutts in between. Historically speaking Elbe was always a dividing line even during the reign of Charlemagne, although his realm extended further east.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
18 Oct 2010   #55
I'm not sure what you are seeing but I see here the natural border of the Vistula between Magna Germania and Sarmatia...

And as far as I remember even Charlemagnes Empire didn't go anymore as far as the Vistula, having been pushed much farther west!
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
18 Oct 2010   #56
I see here the natural border of the Vistula between Magna Germania and Sarmatia..

What can I say; perhaps you need glasses. Where's Oder River then?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
18 Oct 2010   #57
Just look right and above on the map where the border's clearly mapped as the Vistula!

Where's Oder River then?

Probably there where it always has been! ;)
convex  20 | 3928
18 Oct 2010   #58
Where's Oder River then?

Oder is the one that springs from the Sudeti Mountains...oops, that'd be the Elbe...
PennBoy  76 | 2429
18 Oct 2010   #59
Part German, Karol Strasburger actor, and Janusz Reiter former ambasador

  • Karol.jpg

  • 0102031635200.jpg
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
18 Oct 2010   #60
Just look right and above on the map where the border's clearly mapped as the Vistula!

Once again Where's Oder River then? Did they miss it somehow?
You ever seen an island in the Baltic Sea above Vistula River? Perhaps it’s lost island of Atlantis, don’t tell me its Gottland, part of present day Sweden would also be visible if that was the case besides have you noticed how the land slops upward. That’s clearly by Szczecin.

Home / Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks.

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