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I'm polish and have a darker complexion - WHY?

koticzku  1 | 13
9 Apr 2007   #31
I think in Poland people like dark skinned girls .. isnt it? btw many germans also have dark skin. and many Indians have black skin like africans. Its all about genelogy and demography.
FISZ  24 | 2116
9 Apr 2007   #32
FISZ: would you mind telling us what is your tribe?

Leni Lenape
9 Apr 2007   #33
You are dark because at some point one of your ancestors slept with a mongrol. AKA as gypsy. You are not of full european heritage.

This is a racist and evil commentary.

Wikipedia states the definition of mongrel as:
Mongrel refers to mixed ancestry:

Among pets, one whose parentage is of mixed breeds as opposed to purebred
Among dogs, this is also called a mutt or a mixed-breed dog
A mongrel cat is often referred to as a moggy
For humans (often an insult); a mixed-race individual.

Thus it refers to lower animals and to humans it is an insult of the worst kind. This guy uses pejorative terms as if they are going out of style. Europeawake, you are a racist and you curse too much.

I am not. I just noticed something. My driver license says I am a white hispanic. You see I am white also, LOL!! So I don't hate whites, blacks or anyone. Your simple mind can only make simple connections. That's why you interprete my statements about whites as constituting hatred. What a dumb connection. I love white American culture as I love all cultures.
tica  1 | 18
9 Apr 2007   #34
man... I guess my opposite exist! I mean I'm latina and I don't look like one. Actually, 90% of people think I'm East European so what!?!? Identity is more than appearence no? hahaha anyways me too I wish I was darker, looks prettier no? (no offense to white ppl since I'm white myself! (more green now in winter hahaha))
europe awake
10 Apr 2007   #35
"I am not. I just noticed something. My driver license says I am a white hispanic. You see I am white also, LOL!! So I don't hate whites, blacks or anyone. Your simple mind can only make simple connections. That's why you interprete my statements about whites as constituting hatred. What a dumb connection"

Serve up your steaming rubbish to some one who buys it.

"I know more about history, mathematics, science, geography and current events than the majority of your precious white race. In America they are as dumb as beans."

"Any problems in the black community are the fault of the white man"

Yes this is not hate but "artistic expression" of this hispanic. Nobody cares what you say so do what your goodbye thread said and leave :). Furthermore I am a POLE therefore I know why people of my country some times have dark skin. Most cases they are mixed with gypsy's. You have no relations to us and cannot relate to our culture.

"Wikipedia states the definition of mongrel "

Wkipedia? wait did you not call people out in older threads about this resource being unreliable? hehe.
10 Apr 2007   #36
Here is more on this white hater 81458

Without a suprise his profile and friend list is very much empty :( the comments are old. Sad :( He just could not say goodbye to this place because we are all he has.
10 Apr 2007   #37
Furthermore I am a POLE therefore I know why people of my country some times have dark skin.

You are their defender, LOL. Poor folks to have you as their lawyer. You said they have no European heritage and that they are mongrels which you couldn't spell. Is that the Martin Bormann line of defense? LOL!!

You are right. I can not relate to people like you. Why do I bother responding? Am I to feel honored that you incessantly seek out my posts and answer them?

than the majority of your precious white race.

I meant your brand of white people :)

Sedzia, you must love myspace. You spend alot of time there.

Europeawake cracks me and reminds me of defense lawyers during Nazi Germany. At times they were more zealous in seeking out the death penalty than the prosecutors of the case. As stated by Roland Freisler of the Reich Ministry of Justice, "The judge, the prosecutor and the defense are one and the same." Nazi legal theorists, LOL.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
10 Apr 2007   #38
Sedzia, europe awake, do you want yet another thread closed because you are
stalking his every move just to try and make him leave?

can we all be civilized and just get along?

Jose, I can see their points on some issues, so I dont blame them as to having some
type of anger, whether its a forum or any place else, we should try to refrain from
saying things which we truely dont mean. maybe your anger at some of the posts
became an issue, its escalating and frankly getting irritating on all of your parts.

Aplogies would be welcome but not expected, but it would show the bigger man/
woman in this situation!

again I say all of you please find your dam happy place!! la la la!!
shewolf  5 | 1077
10 Apr 2007   #39
Sedzia, europe awake, do you want yet another thread closed because you are
stalking his every move just to try and make him leave?

Wouldn't it be funny if they were all the same person?
10 Apr 2007   #40
I'm sorry Patricia. Please explain to me the points with which you agree with them on. Maybe there is a miscommunication on my part. I am awaiting your reply anxiously.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
10 Apr 2007   #41
I know more about history, mathematics, science, geography and current events than the majority of your precious white race. In America they are as dumb as beans."

Jose, this might be a little confusing. being a teacher, I think this could have been
re-worded so to speak. I dont have anything against constructive debate, but
I do know when anger speaks . So by that, I think this could have triggered some
confusion and we all need to remember we cannot possibly understand each others
lives, reading books VS experience.

"Any problems in the black community are the fault of the white man"

Again, Jose, we cant blame just White man. when generalizing its easy for someone
to get upset because a great deal of Immigrants who are White, never owned, bought
or enslaved anyone.

And again, I can only say, govt was to blame for alot, People with power , used that
power and down in the southern section of the states, we all know even law
enforcement was involved.
10 Apr 2007   #42
At times they were more zealous in seeking out the death penalty than the prosecutors of the case. As stated by Roland Freisler of the Reich Ministry of Justice, "The judge, the prosecutor and the defense are one and the same." Nazi legal theorists, LOL.

You were not around back then. Also you are not european. You speak from story books. Do not act like to were there. So please as said before you are like a broken record.

"do you want yet another thread closed because you are
stalking his every move just to try and make him leave?"

His threads have all been locked because of pointless nonsense. He brings up things that have nothing to do with the topic in order to strike a fire. Sadly he has gone beyond and is well known beyond these walls. Too bad so sad :(
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
10 Apr 2007   #43
His threads have all been locked because of pointless nonsense.

Hes defending himself, your defending yourself. whos gonna win?

I have misunderstood many topics. and some have misunderstood me.

10 Apr 2007   #44
Puerto hispana you should try reading before you make trouble this man did not say the poster was not european

post by europe awake (You are not of full european heritage)

hispanas post: (You said they have no European heritage ) Nice one fool. Check your typos before you post. You clearly went out of your way to exaggerate what was said. Go make trouble elsewhere.
10 Apr 2007   #45
You were not around back then. Also you are not european. You speak from story books.

This book is by the noted German intellectual, Ingo Muller. The publisher is
Harvard University Press
Cambridge, Massachusetts 1991
TITLE- Hitler's Justice The Courts of the Third Reich
Translated by Deborah Lucas Schneider

This book offers the reader an opportunity to survey the history of the German legal system during Hitler's rule, as well as before and after it.

You were not around back then. Also you are not european.

That is immaterial. Why do you insist on such pernicious nonsense?

Again, Jose, we cant blame just White man. when generalizing its easy for someone
to get upset because a great deal of Immigrants who are White, never owned, bought
or enslaved anyone.

You're right. I'm wrong when I wrote that nonsense.
10 Apr 2007   #46
"Hes defending himself"

Like pointless topics such as oprah? Going on about some fictional revolution he claims has been talked about on the boards. Nothing has been spoken of that I know of.
10 Apr 2007   #47
Patty, have you read your mail? :) Hey, and don't worry, you really shouldn't take any of these guys serious today. :)
10 Apr 2007   #48
You're right Patricia. I will write down 1000 times-

I will not respond to Sedzia, Europa, Puzzler and all other hatemongers no matter how vile and degrading their comments are.

Thank you Patricia, Artur and Lonestranger. Forgive my stubbornness. I am a jackass for answering these 'cretinos'!

You guys win. Keep posting anything you like about me. It will fall on deaf ears, LOL.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
10 Apr 2007   #49
Patty, have you read your mail? Hey, and don't worry, you really shouldn't take any of these guys serious today.

heh , Arien, I will go there now, dont worry, I am just trying to hopefully establish
some understanding. whether right or wrong, I wish I could buy these two a drink
and we all go out and have some fun time.. now lately thats my happy place!

Hey, I know, lets make a happy hour pub online. everyone grab a fav drink
and meet up on a happy note :) Happy is me... weeeeeeeeeeeee.... lol

-4923 :)


ok sedzia, ya lost me, but I will be found, oh yes, I will :) lol
17 Apr 2007   #50
Many Polish people have darker complexion and get tan easily in summer. We are not Eskimos. Do you have any other problems?

LOL i wish I had this problem, sadly i'm only a quarter polish so I get pastey :(
haha.. I'd trade your darker skin for my pastey eskimo skin lol
Granpa  - | 4
29 Oct 2008   #51
Good day ~

Select individuals, and sometimes entire Families throughout Poland, and for that matter, throughout Europe have a skin pigmentation that's somewhat darker than what we consider "The Norm".

These select few offer different "shades" of pigmentation, from a light tint to a darker brown and can be compared to any number of ethnicities today, simply because of the way they look.

I have/had several Uncles and Aunts that were/are so affected. As a Pole, I have learned that as a general statement, the root cause is "Latent Genetics" ~ it's all in the Genes as it were.

The process started with the migration path of humans entering Polonia so long ago. They came through the Near East for the most part over a period of decades. Here, through inter-marriage between cultures, in some, the DNA was slightly modified, a normal progression of events given the circumstances.

1240 AD plus and minus, was a time period of conquest by the Khan's of Mongolia. Marriage was not a consideration when the Hord's occupied Polish Lands and pro-creation was one of the top subjects in their "to do" list.

As such, the infusion of Mongol DNA, combined with the modified DNA from the migration, added a "Latent" effect to the offspring of later generations.

When the conditions were correct, at times, a portion of or the entire Mongol DNA overides the expected pigmentation of most Polish People. Consequently, even today, you'll see some Poles with a lighter and/or a darker skin pigmentation than you'd otherwise expect.

Tom Lassek
Rakky  9 | 217
29 Oct 2008   #52
While traveling in the area of Poland known to Lemkos as Lemkovyna (south from Gorlice to the Slovakia border, east to the Romanian border), our tour guides pointed out the Gypsies to us as we drove past one of their communities. They told us that these people were originally from Asian descent - Indian - which explains their complexions and hair color. I met a guy at the Lemko Vatra with whom I'd corresponded over the previous two years, and was surprised to see that he had darker skin. As it turned out, he had some Gypsy blood in him. Perhaps you do, too?
KielbasaK  1 | 5
29 Apr 2009   #53
Apr 29, 09, 11:59 - Thread attached on merging:
Poles have dark complexion?

hi.. i'm polish and im' kinda dark skinned and black hair..just a question.. why are polish people much darker than for example russians? and why ain't there any blonde people in poland?
marz  - | 13
29 Apr 2009   #54
I disagree, there are a lot of blond people in Poland. We are a wide mix of all European nationalities combined over centuries resulting in different complexions. My background is an example as I was born in Poland as were my parents, but one of my grandmothers was Russian, the other Ukrainian while one of my grandfathers was German. I ended up blond with pale skin...go figure.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
29 Apr 2009   #55
hi.. i'm polish and im' kinda dark skinned and black hair..just a question.. why are polish people much darker than for example russians? and why ain't there any blonde people in poland?

Where did you get this S**t! there are alot of blond Poles, as many as Germans, i dunno what part of Poland you were in maybe you saw Gypsies in Rzeszow area or Vietnamese in a Warsaw flea market. There was actually a study done not to long ago and it turned of that 1/3 of us are blond, and 80% got light eyes (blue, green, or gray) plus many peoples hair color gets darker with age, there isn't too many Polish children with hair other than blond or dark blond and most are pale.
krysia  23 | 3058
29 Apr 2009   #56
I was a cute little blondie when little, now I'm a train wreck
HatefulBunch397  - | 658
29 Apr 2009   #57
Pennboy it's not the end of the world. It will be okay, I promise. It's not a big deal to have a tiny bit of tan and hair that is maybe medium brown instead of light. The world will not end because someone has a brown eye and not a light green one.
pawian  226 | 27556
29 Apr 2009   #58
Yes, Poles have dark complexion.
Miru  1 | 24
29 Apr 2009   #59
No, they don't. If I met a person looking like the one on the photo you provided I would assume that it's an immigrant. When I was still in school I used to be the only person with dark hair in class and people were always surprised when I told them that it's my natural hair colour. I think it all depends on which part of Poland someone comes from.
rjeden  - | 29
29 Apr 2009   #60
I have blond hair and blue-grey eyes and all my family too. At my work only one person has dark hair but has blue eyes. I think that people who have dark complexion are offspring Tatars, Ukrainian or Ormian. or gypsy. Polish people are mixing.

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