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What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2024   #1261
your wife could do more washing!

The dishwasher does it. :):):) This is Poland, not your incel basement in US white trash ghetto.

Poles at parties usually pile their plates high with everything on offer

No, only gluttons do it. Stop selling such lousy advice, it is Poland, not your incel basement during a party in US white trash ghetto. hahahaha

I am not a glutton like you so I stack only half of what is available on offer. And then I repeat the procedure again and again. That is decent eating. Ha!!!!
Alien  26 | 6527
6 Jan 2024   #1262
Poles at parties

Usually, during the lunch break at congresses, the buffet is so crowded that when I wait in line, I put on everything as quickly as I can. However, I don't do it out of greed, just to avoid standing in line again.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2024   #1263
the buffet is so crowded

Are there many Americans at your congresses????

I put on everything as quickly as I can.

That is crazy. Go to other congresses where they don`t economise on food for participants.
Alien  26 | 6527
6 Jan 2024   #1264
Are there many Americans at your congresses????

They are usually mainly German. They stand meekly in line and do not complain.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2024   #1265
They are usually mainly German

I see. Why doesn`t the congress organisers provide more food so that participants don`t fight for it?
Alien  26 | 6527
6 Jan 2024   #1266
participants don`t fight for it?

There is no shortage of food, but usually there is a shortage of time. The lunch break passes quickly.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
6 Jan 2024   #1267
The dishwasher does it.

You call your wife the dishwasher? Wow!

Okay but I'm sure not to her face! :)

Yeah, who stacks and empties the dishwashing machine most of the time in your "Polish" home anyway? According to the PF feminists it has to be your wife and not you! :)

I am not a glutton like you so I stack only half of what is available on offer. And then I repeat the procedure again and again.

Oh, so you personally keep using the same plate again and again for everything on offer. Gluttony in slow motion.

That is decent eating. Ha!!!!

Why complain that your children are gluttons for having sausage and a dry savory dessert on the same plate at the same time when they are not sitting properly at a table to eat anyway as shown in the photo you posted? :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2024   #1268
using the same plate again and again for everything on offer.

Exactly! Coz I am enviromentally friendly and don`t use up world`s resources to wash up a silly plate.

your children are gluttons

Show me where it was said so, darling. :):):)
Poloniusz  5 | 969
6 Jan 2024   #1269
Show me where it was said so

It's understood from the conversation.

You complained that your children had their main meal and dry, savory dessert on the same plate and at the same time even though they were not sitting properly at a table anyway.

I said piling food like this isn't so uncommon even in public gatherings.

You (the bourgeois communist) condescendingly dismissed this as gluttonous.

Coz I am enviromentally friendly and don`t use up world`s resources to wash up a silly plate.

No, it's because your dishwasher wife doesn't want to do more work! :)

If you were so environmentally friendly as you pretend to be then you would avoid more electricity and water consumption all together and use compostable paper plates instead, Mr. Fallout Farmer! :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2024   #1270
It's understood from the conversation.

No, that is your biased interpretation, darling. :):):)

I said piling food like this isn't so uncommon even in public gatherings.

Yes, in your Am white trash ghetto incel basement. But let me repeat, this is Poland, darling. :):):)

you would avoid more electricity and water consumption

I DO avoid electricity and water consumption on my plates!!!! I simply don`t wash them. I just leave them on the desk and on the next day they shine with 100% cleanliness coz the cats have washed them at night. HA!!!!!! I got you!!!

Mr. Fallout Farmer! :)

:):):) I never played that computer game. Is it your fave one???? hahahaha
Poloniusz  5 | 969
6 Jan 2024   #1271
white trash ghetto incel basement. But let me repeat, this is Poland

Why won't you answer why your family doesn't sit together around a table to eat like actual Polish families do?

Is life under Tusk so dire now that you had to burn all your dining furniture to keep warm or sell it just to buy food?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2024   #1272
sit together around a table

But we do!!! I just don`t talk about it coz it is so obvious.
Check me out how I gobble down traditional Polish chicken soup at a family table:

  • DSCN4793Kopiowanie.jpg

  • DSCN4795Kopiowanie.jpg
mafketis  38 | 11260
6 Jan 2024   #1273
gobble down traditional Polish chicken soup at a family table

phone on the table?

And adding magi to the broth?

My approach to chicken (or any) soup is very weird. I always finish as much of the liquid as possible and only then eat the solids (and only add magi to the noodles afterr the liquid is gone).
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2024   #1274
phone on the table?

It isn`t mine. Sb put it there., It is a smartphone while I still use an enviromentally friendly mobile phone.

And adding magi to the broth?

Yes, magi works wonders on broths! Magical results! Believe me!

I always finish as much of the liquid as possible and only then eat the solids (and only add magi to the noodles afterr the liquid is gone).

Yes, maf, it is very complicated, indeed. But I fully respect your approach. I did it my way is what differs us from rightists who only do what Kaczynski tells them.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
6 Jan 2024   #1275
I did it my way is what differs us from rightists who only do what Kaczynski tells them.

You have the table manners of a dog just like Tusk.

  • gettyimages55970770.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27817
7 Jan 2024   #1276
You have the table manners of a dog

Yes, to scare off the cats which hop onto the table and try to prey on my food while I am eating.,
Alien  26 | 6527
7 Jan 2024   #1277
Yes, to scare off the cats

Do you growl at them when they try to approach?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
7 Jan 2024   #1278
No growling coz I fear choking on food which I am eating. I just bare my teeth which I have retained all until now. That is enugh.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Jan 2024   #1279
Polish pancakes can be a little different than the ones in other countries.

My fave are cottage cheese pancakes. Cheese is inside as stuffing, of course. I like when it is sweet flavoured. Some recipes suggest adding raisins.

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jon357  72 | 23654
21 Jan 2024   #1280
cottage cheese

I used to like the ones with serek and strawberries. There were as few places in Poznan that did that and they were always a treat.
Lenka  5 | 3548
21 Jan 2024   #1281
Naleśniki with peanut butter and powidła śliwkowe. Mniam. Although I like the cheese ones a lot too.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Mar 2024   #1282
Fried aubergine, with oyster mushrooms and cheese. And Polish strong beer, of course. Salad is fresh produce from the garden - leek and rukola.

  • DSCN6468Kopiowanie.jpg

  • DSCN6470Kopiowanie.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Apr 2024   #1283
My Polish Pawian tortilla! Ingredients: fermented cucumber, Italian lettuce, tomato, fried squid strips, potatoes, boiled chicken scraps, sauce.
I fry my tortillas so that they are crispy down there. :):):) Delicious dish. I strongly recommend you try it.

  • DSCN4924Kopiowanie.jpg

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  • DSCN4933Kopiowanie.jpg
Feniks  2 | 857
16 Apr 2024   #1284
Delicious dish.

Not for me. That combination of ingredients together would turn my stomach :(
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
16 Apr 2024   #1285
That combination of ingredients together would turn my stomach :(

Same here.....Jerzy has very strange tastes......
Joker  2 | 2447
16 Apr 2024   #1286
.Jerzy has very strange tastes......

He must have the worlds worst breath after some of the disgusting plates he has posted.

The cottage cheese pancakes look interesting though....:)
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
16 Apr 2024   #1287
He must have the worlds worst breath after some of the disgusting plates he has posted.

I couldn't agree more....... what a total slimeball when it comes to food!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Apr 2024   #1288
would turn my stomach :(

very strange tastes.....

disgusting plates he has posted.

That`s what I meant to achieve in this thread when I started it 13 years ago. Superficial foreigners judge the dishes only by looking at them, having no idea how they taste. :):):)

Thank you very much for cooperation. :):):):)
Feniks  2 | 857
18 Apr 2024   #1289
Superficial foreigners judge the dishes only by looking at them, having no idea how they taste. :):):)

Certain ingredients compliment each other Pawian. That looks like you used up the leftovers in your fridge for the tortillas. Additionally, I would say only the fermented cucumbers are 'Polish' as such :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Apr 2024   #1290
Certain ingredients compliment each other

In case of my pawian`s ingredients, your claim is still a private theoretical belief, not based on empirical knowledge resulting from actually trying the dish. :):):)

That looks like you used up the leftovers in your fridge for the tortillas

Only chicken scraps were leftovers. The rest had been freshly prepared for the dish. :):):)

Additionally, I would say only the fermented cucumbers are 'Polish' as such

Mission Impossible part 5!!! :):):) Do you reject Polish potatoes introduced in Poland by King Sobieski in 1683?? Or lettuce introduced in Poland by Italian Queen Bona in 16th century??? Or tomatoes introduced I don`t remember when or by who but if you question their Polishness, then we shouldn`t talk about tomato soup as a Polish dish at all??? Or chicken which was already known to Poles and Polesses during the reign of the first king of Poland Boleslaw the Brave in 11th century???

You should certainly get a better grip on Polish history. hahahaha buhahahaha

PS. The only truly foreign ingredient was squid. 1 vs 5. :):):)

Home / Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?
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