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What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

28 Dec 2023   #1231
what exactly?

Placki ziemniaczane z serem?

I simply can`t overlook that positive side of him.

By sinking to his level? Pity.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Dec 2023   #1232
As for the riddle - No.
As for the level, where and when exactly coz I don`t remember.
As for pity, yes, indeed. It is.
Alien  26 | 6528
29 Dec 2023   #1233
the riddle

Cheese pancakes.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Dec 2023   #1234
Sorry, zero cheese in the dish. Those yellow spots which you can see mean another ingredient.
Think harder.
Alien  26 | 6528
29 Dec 2023   #1235
Think harder

There are still apples left. Racuchy jabłkowe.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Dec 2023   #1236
still apples left

Yes!!! Apple pancakes. They do contain a heavy doze of grated apples. One of very few dishes which all our kids like so my wife is happy coz there are no complaints.

I am not fond of them, though. Apples are not my cup of wine.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Dec 2023   #1238

Z is too cloze to S on the keyboard. Not my fault. :):):)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Dec 2023   #1239
Pumpkin isn`t fruit

When I wrote it, I didn`t mean botany but cuisine and cooking. This is a culinary thread, not biology lesson. HA!!! I got you.

Smoked lard is delicious, too - soft and fragrant. I use it on my sandwiches instead of butter

But when I feel I shouldn`t exaggerate with too much pork fat, I skip it or use olive oil at times.

Here is breakfast - typical in my case and in most Poland - slices of bread covered with sth. I always add some veg as side dish.

Ingredients on bread are dried sausage, smoked bacon, highlander cheese, blue cheese and smoked trout.
Side dish is Polish veg salad covering pineapple chunks, plus mini kohlrabi and one pepperoni.

  • DSCN4769Kopiowanie.jpg
johnny reb  49 | 8003
31 Dec 2023   #1240
When I wrote it, I didn`t mean botany but cuisine and cooking.

I didn't know that would change it from being a fruit.
HA ! Got you again
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Dec 2023   #1241
hat would change it from being a fruit.

Yes, in a culinary thread pumpkin is veg. Ha!!!!

HA ! Got you again

No, it doesn`t count coz I had got you before when you insisted that pumpkin is used in cooking as fruit.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
31 Dec 2023   #1242
Yes, in a culinary thread

Is that the dictionary's definition or just something somebody said in a thread ?

you insisted that pumpkin is used in cooking as fruit.

Show us where I insisted on any such thing.
You said that a pumpkin was not a fruit.

Pumpkin isn`t fruit. :):):)

I corrected you and stated a pumpkin is a fruit and why it is a fruit.

I beg to differ with you professor, as anything that starts from a flower is botanically a fruit.

Do you put a sock on and then the shoe or do you put both socks on first and then your shoes ? lmao !
Ironside  51 | 13087
31 Dec 2023   #1243
Ingredients on bread

Who made it? Ingredients are fine but the workmanship and esthetic of the food have a lot to be desired.
That person made that food underrepresented.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Dec 2023   #1244
something somebody said in a thread ?

No, it is in the tittle of the thread. Eating and food means culinary stuff.

I corrected you and stated a pumpkin is a fruit and why it is a fruit.

Yes, but doing it in a culinary thread your insistance on pumpkin being fruit meant that you want to also cook it as fruit which is a bit far fetched.

Do you put a sock on and then the shoe

We don`t eat socks or shoes here. If you do, write about it in US culinary thread! Ha!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
31 Dec 2023   #1245
pumpkin being fruit meant that you want to also cook it as fruit which is a bit far fetched.

Why ?
So you are saying you eat your pumpkin raw in Poland ?
We cook it here in the U.S. as in pumpkin pie and cookies.
Alien  26 | 6528
31 Dec 2023   #1246
eat your pumpkin

It's best not to eat it at all.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2024   #1247
By sinking to his level? Pity.

It isn`t pity but fun. That is why I missed johhny. His paranoic claims make my day, especially now in wintertime.

You said it with discernible contempt but who are you to blame for my attitude?? I just need certain things to survive another day in a good shape. :):):):):).
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
4 Jan 2024   #1248
It's best not to eat it at all.

I don't even know why this is being discussed as a foodstuff..... disgusting.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
4 Jan 2024   #1249
Here is breakfast

I would happily eat everything on the plate on the left.
But nothing on the plate on the right.
5 Jan 2024   #1250
I haven't tried any tasty Polish food, but it's not as bad as Lithuania.
Alien  26 | 6528
5 Jan 2024   #1251
I haven't tried any tasty Polish food

So you've never tried anything Polish before.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jan 2024   #1252
I haven't tried any tasty Polish food

There is plenty.

I love goat products. This smell which many people consider repulsive is like heavenly fragrance to me. As a child, I spent a lot of months in the countryside - my parents left me and my sister at acquianted farmers` for the summer. I spent days on my own coz my elder sister had more interesting things to do than take care of me. I wandered around the farm day by day and peeked into every nook and cranny. The smell of the pigsty, stable, barn, etc got imprinted in my mind forever. Lovely.

So, I love goat milk and cheese. Luckily, they are offered in great variety here.
Alien  26 | 6528
5 Jan 2024   #1253
I am sure, Polamd doesn't know what a goat or a sheep is.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jan 2024   #1254
doesn't know what a goat or a sheep is.

But a camel is like a big goat. While koala bear is like a small goat. Pretty similar.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2024   #1255
My kids must have inherited those strange eating habits after me coz my wife is very conservative about food.

See one of kids` choice of a teatime snack - sausage and poppy seed cake.

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Poloniusz  5 | 969
6 Jan 2024   #1256
My kids must have inherited those habits after me coz my wife is very conservative

Nah, read the t-shirt.

They prefer to be awake rather than woke like you.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2024   #1257
Nah, read the t-shirt.

It is amassing you prefer to admire the T shirt than the food. hahahaha

than woke like you.

I am not woke, I am Waka Waka! hahahaha

Tsamina mina, eh, eh
Waka waka, eh, eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa

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Poloniusz  5 | 969
6 Jan 2024   #1258
It is amassing you prefer to admire the T shirt than the food.

Maybe it was message meant for you to say you are an overbearing parent as most leftist households are when it comes to their uncompromising ideology and demand for conformity. :)

I am not woke, I am Waka Waka! This time for Africa

You are suffering from white savior complex as is the case with most overbearing parents in leftist households who love to virtue signal. :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2024   #1259
demand for conformity.

No more. I asked him many times to eat like a traditional Pole - sausage and cakes separately. He didn`t listen and did it his way. So I gave up.

You are suffering from white savior complex

Yes, I strongly believe that our white Prime Minister Tusk is a Saviour!!!! But it is not a complex, it is confidence!!!
Poloniusz  5 | 969
6 Jan 2024   #1260
I asked him many times to eat like a traditional Pole - sausage and cakes separately.

As if you were going to use separate plates too so your wife could do more washing! LOL!

Poles at parties usually pile their plates high with everything on offer so they don't have to get back in line. Maybe you would know this if you ever got invited to one. :)

Besides, poppy seed cake is often made too savory. So much so that you could get away with spreading butter on it.

Being on the same plate isn't going to ruin the taste of the sausage.

He didn`t listen and did it his way.

He is the anti-woke resistance. Because of him Poland will not perish!

So I gave up.

You might as well. Once your son and his generation become of voting age the woke left will only be read about in history books!

Home / Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

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