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What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

Alien  26 | 6528
3 Dec 2023   #1141
A lot of work but I like it.

After this treatment, your hands smell like fish until the evening.
3 Dec 2023   #1142
smoked but without oil.

As a non-Pole I would eat them. Smoked fish are common over here. I like smoked peppered mackerel in sandwiches for lunch.
jon357  72 | 23654
3 Dec 2023   #1143
small fish

I don't mind whitebait now and again, but as far as I'm concerned, sprats are for cats.

I like smoked peppered mackerel

Me too, but I've not had mood mackerel for years.
Alien  26 | 6528
4 Dec 2023   #1144
sprats are for cats.

Fresh smoked sprats are very tasty, also cans, although canned sardines in oil are even better.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Dec 2023   #1145
sprats are for cats.

Exactly, jon!! When I eat cat food aka winter sprats from the same bowl with our three cats, I develop a closer and deeper bond with them. Our cat counsellor advised me to after one of them got a depression.

Fresh smoked sprats are very tasty,

Tasty, yes, though there is tastier smoked fish. In case of winter sprats, what raves me is nibbling at those tiny bones.
jon357  72 | 23654
4 Dec 2023   #1146
When I eat cat food aka winter sprats from the same bowl with our three cats

Mine would open a vein if I tried to eat his food. If it was sprats, I wouldn't though. And he'd not be very happy if he saw them in his bowl.

mood mackerel

Autocorrect. would obviously be smoked.

nibbling at those tiny bones.

Rather you than me. The same with tinned pilchards.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Dec 2023   #1147
Mine would open a vein if I tried to eat his food

You talking about a dog now???

And he'd not be very happy if he saw them in his bowl.

Mine aren`t, either coz we serve them better stuff! However, when they see me over their bowl devouring sprats, they jon in to develop a deeper bond with me. They know it is good for them!! hahahaha

tinned pilchards.

Very good. Can oil is excellent, too - after consuming the fish content, I always drink the remaining oil. I even pour it onto my bread slices instead of butter.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Dec 2023   #1148
your hands smell like fish

Yes, Smell Like Fish Spirit is a cult song.
Alien  26 | 6528
6 Dec 2023   #1149
Smell Like Fish Spirit is a cult song

Maybe it is, but in real life I can never wash my hands and get rid of the smell after peeling smoked sprats.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Dec 2023   #1150
Recently I have taken to smoked lard. I have always loved lard in its fried form called skwarki to sprinkle on pierogis. Smoked lard is delicious, too - soft and fragrant.

I use it on my sandwiches instead of butter coz I need a lot of calories to survive winter time in Poland. My ancestors did, too, for centuries and I certainly support such ancient culinary traditions.

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jon357  72 | 23654
9 Dec 2023   #1151

Dripping is a better translation of smalec.

Lard generally refers to smalec wyrafinowany.

Basically, if you'd spread it on bread, it's dripping. If you'd put it in a chip pan or pastry it's lard.

Personally, I prefer beef dripping to pork.



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OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Dec 2023   #1152
Dripping is a better translation of smalec.

No, it isn`t. :):):

Check the meanings of lard and smalec again and tell us why. :):):)

Lard generally refers to smalec wyrafinowany

This means sophisticated smalec. :):):):)

Basically, if you'd spread it on bread, it's dripping.

Who said I spread it???? :):):)

Jon, I can`t take and show photos of each step of my cuisine coz I am too busy for that. When I said I use smoked lard on my sandwiches, I meant it literally.
jon357  72 | 23654
9 Dec 2023   #1153
Yes it is.

The stuff you spread on bread is dripping.

Lard is white and usually comes in blocks.

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Dec 2023   #1154
The stuff you spread on bread is dripping

Let me repeat: who said I spread it on bread???? :):):)

Lard is white and usually comes in blocks

Usually in GB and Russia. In Poland, as we wish. hahahaha
OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Dec 2023   #1155
Let me repeat: who said I spread it on bread???? :):):)

This is pawian`s style in Poland. Abandon hope all ye who enter here. hahahaha buhahahaha

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jon357  72 | 23654
9 Dec 2023   #1156
Let me repeat: who said I spread it on bread?

You should try it :) :) :)

Usually in GB and Russia

Biedronka and most other supermarkets have it so your wishes are granted :) :) :)

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Dec 2023   #1157
You should try it :) :) :)

No, I shouldn`t. :):):) I would lose the delicious taste of the original texture of a smoked lard strip. :)*:P):) I need to feel in all dente on my teeth which I have retained all until today. AmaSing! hahaha

Biedronka and most other supermarkets have it

You are really crazy to offer this molten shyt to me. :):) The last time I used it was 32 years ago in the USA when I economised on food to survive the first weeks of my stay during an economic crisis.
jon357  72 | 23654
9 Dec 2023   #1158
smoked lard strip

Looks a bit like salo.

this molten shyt

Nothing finer to fry chips in.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Dec 2023   #1159

Whatever you call it, it is Polish wędzona słonina called smoked lard in English. :):):) It isn`t dripping or smalec.

Nothing finer to fry chips in.

And nothing better to clog your deep fryer. :):):)
jon357  72 | 23654
9 Dec 2023   #1160
Polish wędzona słonina called smoked

Usually salo. In my region though, it's fatty bacon.

Lard is rendered, salo isn't,

clog your deep fryer

Deep fryer????

Philistine! Only a chip pan or even better, a chip shop range.

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Dec 2023   #1161
Usually salo.

It isn`t the word normally used in English. :):):)

Lard is rendered, salo isn't,

Not always:

Only a chip pan

Wow! I had no idea you can use a non-electric pan to fry chips! Amasing! Thanks. :):):)
jon357  72 | 23654
9 Dec 2023   #1162
It isn`t the word normally used in English

The problem is, that outside a few regions it's not often eaten, however those outside those regions who do eat it, generally have roots in Ukraine, hence salo.


Written by a non-native. From Italy too, where they're so uncultured that they don't even put pineapple on pizza.

Wow! I had no idea you can use a non-electric pan to fry chips!

You can't. We were just pretending for the 300 years between the invention of potatoes by Sir Walter Raleigh and the discovery of electricity by Valerie Barlow.
9 Dec 2023   #1163
Abandon hope all ye who enter here

I couldn't eat that. Heart attack on a plate.

I need to feel in all dente on my teeth which I have retained all until today.

What happened today?

Nothing finer to fry chips in.

I hate the taste of lard :(

the discovery of electricity by Valerie Barlow.

Almost spat my tea out at that one!!
mafketis  38 | 11263
9 Dec 2023   #1164
Dripping is a better translation of smalec.

I dunno... where I'm from drippings (usually plural) is the fat/solids from cooking meat (though where I'm from it's more likely to be turned into a gravy rather than spread on bread).
OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Dec 2023   #1165
Written by a non-native.

Exactly! By a European. While you, British outsiders, think you can impose your pathetic culinary rules on Europe??? Forget it!!! hahahaha

I couldn't eat that. Heart attack on a plate.

Exactly!! One needs baboon heart and cardiovascular system to survive it. :):):)

I hate the taste of lard :(

You didn`t try smoked lard, it is obvious. "_"_"_
jon357  72 | 23654
9 Dec 2023   #1166
That too. Collected in the roasting tin. I've got some now. Can be used for gravy as well, though it depends on how fatty it is.

Nothing nicer than a sliced beef sandwich on bread spread with beef dripping and a bit of mustard.

I hate the taste of lard

The same. I use vegetable lard generally, but sometimes use half and half lard and butter/marge in pastry for a meat pie.

think you can impose your pathetic culinary rules on Europe

Yes. We invented mouths. And if you tried to smoke lard, it would melt. Unless you mean French lardons or fatty bacon, which as we've established beyond any doubt, isn't lard or anything like it.
9 Dec 2023   #1167
where I'm from drippings (usually plural) is the fat/solids from cooking meat (

It is here too.

One needs baboon heart and cardiovascular system to endure it. :):):)

Think of your arteries!

You didn`t try smoked lard

I won't be going to either!
mafketis  38 | 11263
9 Dec 2023   #1168
generally have roots in Ukraine, hence salo.

Saw an old guy in Hungary demolish about half of a massive chunk of szalonna (basically thick słoniny) armed with nothing but his thumb and a tiny knife he used to carve off small pieces... had to have eaten over half a kilo in one sitting..... an impressive feat.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
9 Dec 2023   #1169
Saw an old guy in Hungary demolish about half of a massive chunk of szalonna

Sounds OK to me!
jon357  72 | 23654
9 Dec 2023   #1170
had to have eaten over half a kilo in one sitting..... an impressive feat.

I bet he enjoyed it.

I had a lodger who used to put big slabs of it on bread with a gherkin on top. The fridge was full of it. I just use it for skwarki and sometimes for frying things.

Home / Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

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