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What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Dec 2020   #871
garbanzo beans are not a combination that I'd encourage.

Yes, a spot on remark. But I can`t resist trying everything out.

Let`s look at other combinations - in Polish - kombinacje machinacje. :)

Shrimp in noble mushroom sauce and sprouts - what you think?

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mafketis  38 | 11263
30 Dec 2020   #872
what you think?

You have one weird palate...

But then I enjoy dried roasted onions and parmesan cheese mixed together as a snack, so.... mine is not exactly canon either.....
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Dec 2020   #873
You have one weird palate...

hahaha exactly. Sort of - a weird plate for a weird palate.

mine is not exactly canon either.....

Ours are not canon, but cannons for stomachs.

roasted onions

Not roasted but fried. Plus aubergine and pork hock.

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Lenka  5 | 3548
30 Dec 2020   #874
If I ever open a food business please, PLEASE do not take photos :D

But yeah, you do have some unusual tastes :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Dec 2020   #875
please, PLEASE do not take photos

hahaha yes, my photos are horrible, I know, coz I don`t take them for photo competitions or as an illustration for a culinary blog. I take them for my sole memory refresher purpose coz I like reliving those great moments again and again.

you do have some unusual tastes

Experimenter is my second name. :):)

Oops, I made a mistake in the description for the photo above. Not pork hock but assorted sausages, fried. Hence fried onion.

Now is pork hock, boiled, with fried oyster mushrooms:

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Lenka  5 | 3548
30 Dec 2020   #876
Experimenter is my second name

It's definitely not mine.

How do you come up with ideas?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Dec 2020   #877
What ideas? There are none, I only cook and eat what I like. :):) Sometimes I use my wife`s production.

Croquettes and artichoke. BTW, it is easy to make croquettes, almost like meat stuffed pierogi. My wife is a specialist.

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30 Dec 2020   #878
Chickpea next to it

Not a combo I would try. The only times I've used chickpeas is in Indian food or soup.

Shrimp in noble mushroom sauce and sprouts - what you think?

Definitely weird. I get the feeling that you just plate up whatever you feel like eating at the time!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Dec 2020   #879
you feel like eating

Exactly. I love noble mushrooms and shrimp - it was natural to put them together.
Such combinations work fine in 99% cases. That failure with chickpea was a single occurence. :)

PS. Now, when I am looking at that pic, I am getting a taste for the dish again. Tomorrow I must get some shrimp coz we only have squid and frozen paella.
30 Dec 2020   #880
I love noble mushrooms and shrimp - it was natural to put them together.

That part is fine. It's the addition of beansprouts that shall I put it.....unappealing........
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Dec 2020   #881
It's the addition of beansprouts that is..

Aaaa! funny, it wouldn`t occur to me. Sprouts are not only healthy but also deliciously crispy when you fry them. :
30 Dec 2020   #882
it wouldn`t occur to me

Really? That's what I find strange about your food combinations........having said that, I put home-made chilli jam in my fish finger sandwich at lunch.

deliciously crispy when you fry them. :

It wouldn't occur to me to fry them. I've only had them in Chinese food or salads. To be honest I find them bland.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Dec 2020   #883
That's what I find strange about your food combinations.

Not only you. But my poor wife already got used to it. hahaha

It wouldn't occur to me to fry them.

I buy a small container of stir and fry sprouts every week. As for their blandness - yes, when raw. But frying changes it into an interesting taste.

I recommend everybody to try it out - you won`t be disappointed.

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31 Dec 2020   #884
But frying changes it into an interesting taste.

I'll take your word for it. I can't see me rushing to try them to be honest. Plus, I'm really not fond of fried food......
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Dec 2020   #885
I can't see me rushing to try them to be honest.

hahahaha You are like my kids when very young. They also used to refuse some innovative ideas from me and prefered to rely on the traditional Polish cuisine of my wife. Only with age did they become more open for new tastes. E..g, I taught them to ear sushi, though initially they couldn`t even look at it without disgust.

I put home-made chilli jam in my fish finger sandwich at lunch.

Reminds me of sweet buns with ham topping which I microwaved.

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3 Jan 2021   #886
You are like my kids when very young. T

Not true! I'm willing to try just about anything, but given that I'm not very keen on beansprouts, I don't see that frying them is suddenly going to make them more appetising.

which I microwaved.

Doesn't it make them all soggy?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
3 Jan 2021   #887
frying them is suddenly going to make them more appetising.

Stir fry with beef and black bean sauce.

Or make a sauce,

3 tblspns Oyster sauce.
2 Tblspns low salt soy sauce.
1 Tblspoon Sherry.
1 teaspoon sugar

1/2 cup chicken sock.

You can add some cornflour to thicken the sauce

Fry the beef put it aside, fry the beans and any other veggies you like, pop the beef back in and throw in the sauce.
3 Jan 2021   #888
Stir fry with beef and black bean sauce.

I'm sure it's lovely Dolno, but with noodles and minus the bean sprouts! I've been known to fish them out of chow mein too! To me, they add nothing to the dish.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Jan 2021   #889
Doesn't it make them all soggy?

Yes, but that was taken into account - I wasn`t trying to make them crispy coz other dishes are better for crispiness..

E.g, ribs and oyster mushrooms

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2021   #890
Now, some perfect food for real alpha macho supremacists. Try it out one day if you feel masculine enough. Bowine marrow sandwiches. Can be toasted if you like.

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delphiandomine  86 | 17823
6 Jan 2021   #891
real alpha macho supremacists

Pawian, you are too much. ;)

But frying changes it into an interesting taste.

Oh yes, absolutely. They go wonderfully with chicken and garlic.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2021   #892
Pawian, you are too much. ;)

No, I am not, fortunately.:) But I love experimenting with all kinds of foods, including those for true and fake machos. . Experiment is my second name. :):) Besides, I love trying food which I read about in books - this marrow came to my mind when I read about an Inuit boy who has it and thinks it is delicious.
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Jan 2021   #893
Very nice roasted, however it helps if you've got one of those really long spoons to get it out.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2021   #894
No, a spoon would leave too much marrow inside. I always use a knife and cut the marrow out evenly from inside the bone. I cook it twice, thrice a year.
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Jan 2021   #895
a spoon

Have you seen the special kind for marrow?

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2021   #896
Wow, funny. But it is so long that probably suits long and thin bones the best, e.g., poultry. While I use only beef ones, sometimes pork when I cook hock.
6 Jan 2021   #897
oyster mushrooms

Do you coat them in breadcrumbs or something? That's the second pic of oyster mushrooms you've posted that have a coating. I would just saute them in butter.

Bowine marrow sandwiches.

I would give that a go, I'm sure they're very tasty.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
6 Jan 2021   #898
But I love experimenting with all kinds of foods, including those for true and fake machos

I have to admit, you are definitely a true macho for being willing to try some of this ;)

But it's fascinating that you're trying stuff from books - are you sure you're not really some pre-war intellectual from Lwów who has been reincarnated, Pawian?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Jan 2021   #899
Do you coat them in breadcrumbs or something?

No, flour is enough. Pure saute isn`t good for me coz the mushrooms get soggy and if I still wanted them to be crispy, I would have to burn them. So, flour coating gives the sufficient crispiness.

I'm sure they're very tasty.

It depends. The taste is OK but the texture...... this marrow is extremely fatty - I am not sure you can take it - one really needs strong psyche.
11 Jan 2021   #900
flour coating gives the sufficient crispiness.

I see. I've never had soggy mushrooms when I've sauteed them, but the butter does need to be hot enough first. I wouldn't want them to be really crispy, but just cook them for longer if you do. Generally, I only fry pieczarki though, never tried fried oyster mushrooms.

this marrow is extremely fatty

Maybe not then, I thought it would be more meaty than fatty.

one really needs strong psyche.

I must admit to not liking fat in meat, unless it's marbling in an actual cut. It's one reason why I find black pudding so disgusting :(

Home / Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

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