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What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

johnny reb  49 | 8003
10 Sep 2019   #721
I'm inclined to say whisky in the glass

Johnny Walker Red Label Scotch, one of my favorites.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
11 Sep 2019   #722
I'm inclined to say whisky in the glass but

Sorry, I meant the other glass in the last pic.
Atch  22 | 4299
11 Sep 2019   #723
Looks like thin tomato soup or the liquid from a dish like gołąbki.
kaprys  3 | 2076
11 Sep 2019   #724
@johnny reb
Alcoholis really bad for your health. Just don't. ...
11 Sep 2019   #725
Where from have you got Rydze?

The mushrooms in the 2nd picture of post 719.

I meant the other glass in the last pic.

I'm inclined to agree with Atch, looks like a thin tomato soup/sauce. I can't quite make out what the dish is next to the glass that has some of the sauce in it.
Ironside  51 | 13083
11 Sep 2019   #726
The mushrooms in the 2nd picture of post 719.

No, I mean those are rare, where he got them from in a real life.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
11 Sep 2019   #727
I'm inclined to agree with Atch, looks like a thin tomato soup/sauce.

Sorry, girls, that was just my own version of Bloody Mary. You can see a pepper jar behind and I used the teaspoon to mix sugar coz I like the drink very sweet.

The sauce in the tub is herring in tomato juice.

Johnny Walker Red Label Scotch, one of my favorites.

I get two or three bottles at the end of each schoolyear. I take them to family reunions coz I am not a fan of whisky.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
11 Sep 2019   #728
Red Label Scotch

JR thats just a pi** in a btl,prefer lowest black,green gold or on an occasion blue,just like Carlo Rossi wino which
is one crappy wino and popular in Poland.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Sep 2019   #729
Those are all out of my price range as the Red gets me there just as fast and does the same job.
kaprys told me to quit because it was bad for my health.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
11 Sep 2019   #730
Also, females don`t like when their partners drink too much. Money wasted on alcohol could be spent in a better way, e.g, on kids.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
11 Sep 2019   #731
It is spent in a good way already. Since there is so much tax within the price of alcohol, the government surely spends it on your kids. If you don't drink, where the government is going to take the money to build schools from?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
11 Sep 2019   #732
the government surely spends it on your kids.

hahaha Good.

Hey, guys, how often do you eat corn for lunch? I saw that scene in E.T. when a wife gives her husband corn on the cob and he finds out it is raw. After an initial shock and indignation, he accepts it after she persuades him to eat it.

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TheOther  6 | 3596
11 Sep 2019   #733
how often do you eat corn for lunch?

Never. That stuff is GMO over here, used for animal feed and ethanol production.
kaprys  3 | 2076
12 Sep 2019   #734
@johnny reb
Indeed, think about your cholesterol!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
12 Sep 2019   #735
Never. That stuff is GMO over here, used for animal feed and ethanol production.

That is very interesting. Questions:
Is all corn sold in the US modified?
Do most Americans share your views and abstain from eating corn?
12 Sep 2019   #736
how often do you eat corn

If it's on the cob, not that often. I like sweetcorn but it's more hassle to eat it that way, plus picking it out of your teeth after takes forever.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
13 Sep 2019   #737
I see. I use dental floss after each veg which I eat so corn is not a problem. :)

Easter breakfast: the main ingredient is bread. :)

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Miloslaw  22 | 5208
13 Sep 2019   #738
Do most Americans share your views and abstain from eating corn?

I don't know about Americans but for me, corn is inedible and disgusting.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
13 Sep 2019   #739
There are two kinds of corn: sweet and fodder. You might have come across that fodder one.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
13 Sep 2019   #740
I was fed sweet corn on the cob as a child,grilled and with some butter on it.
It made me want to throw up....... disgusting.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
13 Sep 2019   #741
I see.
Btw, those differences between people are so fascinating, If we were all alike and the same, I would commit a suicide after a few years due to unbearable boredom. :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Sep 2019   #743
Do you like munching raw veg? I am old but I still have all my teeth intact. I sometimes have a feeling they are growing so I need to wear them down regularly. :):)

My fav munchy veg is kohlrabi. Broccoli, too, though today I prefer to cut off their tops and focus on stems.

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21 Sep 2019   #744
Do you like munching raw veg?

With the exception of normal salad stuff e.g tomatoes, and also onions and peas straight from the pod, not really. I don't particularly like that crunchy texture. Is that Coquille St Jacques in the first photo? It certainly looks like it. Brown rice too? Yuk.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
21 Sep 2019   #745
I am old but I still have all my teeth intact

Me too, but the only raw veg I like, besides lettuce,tomatoes,onions,spring onions and cucumber, is celery and radishes.
Both with plenty of salt.
Brown rice is disgusting.
I love Coquille St Jaques.
21 Sep 2019   #746
Actually, now that you mention it, I quite like radishes. I like celery in dishes if it's cooked, but hate the taste of it raw.

I wouldn't have salt on any of it!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Sep 2019   #747
It certainly looks like it. Brown rice too? Yuk.

Yes, Coquilles. Not brown rice in the first pic, it is wild rice.

Brown rice too? Yuk.

I usually have it instead of white rice which is deprived of valuable nutrients.

Both with plenty of salt.

Hey, the guide book of rabbit care advises to sprinkle some veg for your rabbit with salt.
21 Sep 2019   #748
it is wild rice.

It is still crunchy and horrible :( I know white rice has been stripped of nutrients, but I like it. For the nutrients I will have wholemeal bread or seeded bread which I do like :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Sep 2019   #749
The crunchier, the better. Rice, veg, whatever. I need to wear down my teeth every day. :):)

For the nutrients I will have wholemeal bread or seeded bread which I do like :)

Good but is it enough for the recommended daily nutrition?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Sep 2019   #750
Both white rice & bread are horrible for you as both are very high in carbs and full of sugar.
Not foods for someone over forty.

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