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What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 May 2019   #601
Seems all these Polish foods shown lack any fiber.
All grease, fats and sugars.
kaprys  3 | 2076
13 May 2019   #602
Well, I don't know about American meat, but Polish meat doesn't contain fibre, indeed ; )
That's why you serve it with veggies.
There's more to food than fibre - like vitamins and minerals. Liver is actually known as a great source of iron and vitamin a. You can't have too much of it but once in while it's great.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
13 May 2019   #603
Seems all these Polish foods shown lack any fiber.

Yes, that is the purpose. This thread is not about salads or apples, but about Polish food which might seem controvercial, e.g, tripes or other tongues. Show some intelligence from time to time. :):)

Well, I don't know about American meat, but Polish meat doesn't contain fibre, indeed ; )

Remember, you are talking to an Am Pole. :)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
13 May 2019   #604
why would there be 'fibre' in meat? wouldn't that make it really hard to chew?
isn't that why you have vegetables?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 May 2019   #605
I was so very sure that the thread was: What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?
And all the recent foods mention here contained no fiber, only fat, grease and sugars.
Wasn't I ask for my thoughts ?
Well those are my thoughts o.k.
You would have thought you farted in church the way you embarrassed yourselves.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
13 May 2019   #606
but johnny, expecting meat to have fibre in it, and whinging about its lack, is just weird. if you want fibre, eat a bowl of Kelloggs cornflakes, or pencil sharpenings, as they taste similar.

and if anyone is embarrassing themselves here on this forum, it is you. Just saying.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 May 2019   #607
I guess you guys misunderstood me Love.

Seems all these Polish foods shown lack any fiber.

My point, all the foods recently mentioned were heart cloggers.

and if anyone is embarrassing themselves here on this forum, it is you.

And that's another difference between Americans and Eurp's, us Americans know how to laugh at ourselves when we mess up but you Eurps have a mini meltdown and throw a hissy fit from your embarrassment of being wrong.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
13 May 2019   #608
no misunderstanding JR, you clearly stated that meat should have more fibre...what you said was too simple to misunderstand.:):)
all this 'heart clogging' is a myth anyway..:):)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 May 2019   #609
you clearly stated that meat should have more fibre..

Perhaps you would like to quote where I said any such thing.

...what you said was too simple to misunderstand.:):)

Obviously not as you sure missed the point.

all this 'heart clogging' is a myth anyway..:):)

You really should stop before you embarrass yourself anymore than you have already.
Atherosclerosis or the development of plaque inside the arteries makes them narrow and this can lead to serious health problems like heart attack and stroke.

This plaque is made up of fats; and the two main culprits leading to the development of plaque formation are saturated fats and trans fats which are found in many food items like the ones shown on this page.

Myth ? Hardly Love.
kaprys  3 | 2076
13 May 2019   #610
Ehhhhm, didn't we discuss veggies that we have with liver etc?
My favourite is sauerkraut salad - not only high in fibre but also probiotics.
I also don't understand your claim about the foods described containing sugars - home made foods with no half products?
Vitamins are dissolved in fats so you need some. Sugars are definitely more dangerous but were they mentioned here?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
13 May 2019   #611
Wasn't I ask for my thoughts ?Well those are my thoughts o.k.

Yes, indeed, that`s what is expected of posters in this thread. You are perfectly right now.

And all the recent foods mention here contained no fiber, only fat, grease and sugars.

And here is where you seem to be wrong and hence the whole exchange. I said "seem" because we weren`t aware of your intentions behind your words. Did you mean whole dishes shown in the photos or only their main ingredients, that is meat?

1. If you meant whole dishes, then you were wrong saying there is absolutely no fiber in them because if you had looked closely, you would have seen they were served with various side foods containing fiber.

E.g, in post No 594, kidneys are roasted with a huge amount of onion and some pepper and I can see I also added a slice of potato to the casserole.

In post No 598, chopped tongue is simmered with mushrooms and some veg in tomato sauce.

In post 566 chicken liver is served with potatoes and sauerkraut.

In post 561, Polish cold cuts/sausage are served with two kinds of salad plus tomatoes, mushrooms, olives and brown bread.

In post 550, fried Polish sausage is served with wholemeal bread, onion and pineapple.


In post 518, the pork hock is served with buckwheat, cucumber, kohlrabi and peach.

The only food that is really pure fat and grease is fish liver in post no 572.

2 If you meant meat as a main ingredient, you failed a little because meat doesn`t contain fiber.

Can you see now why some posters thought they need to correct you?

saturated fats and trans fats which are found in many food items like the ones shown on this page.

Here you are right, but you should have said that at the very beginning. :)

But it is obvious you only look at the photos instead of reading our comments:

I said: After an hour, I started to feel hungry again. It just came to my mind that Polish food must be so fatty and full of calories - how would Poles survive those harsh winters in the past and today?

or Fat pork can raise your cholestorol to an alarming level but it is so yummy...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 May 2019   #612
how would Poles survive those harsh winters in the past and today?

Same goes for most people living in the continental climate regions. Probably explains why the cuisine is broadly similar.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
13 May 2019   #613
Same goes for most people living in the continental climate regions.

You mean Europe without Great Britain?

What I meant was that they are not especially Polish.

How about aubergine? Is it Polish food or not? Watch out, it might be a trap! :)

this can lead to serious health problems like heart attack and stroke.

Yes, but life is generally a fatal disease. I either cut aubergine finely and add to other fatty meat dishes or fry it in olive oil with fatty cheese, ham and greasy mushrooms on top.

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johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 May 2019   #614
Yes, but life is generally a fatal disease.

True but having a stroke at 40 and being paralyzed the rest of your life or dying just because you eat horrible food is just dumb.

Personally I don't eat dead animals guts and stay on a white meat diet like occasionally chicken and pork.
The organs of an animal is where all the toxins build up and are stored.
Polish breads and pasta's are loaded with sugar.
Polish meats, sausages and cheeses are pure saturated fat and trans fats which are horrible for you.
I prefer to stick to my baked fish or chicken with tons of steamed vegetables.
14 May 2019   #615
People just need to eat a sensible diet, eating healthily is not rocket science.
I would definitely eat the kidneys, I love them, and also tongue. I would eat the liver, but it's not something I'm quite so keen on.

I don't have pleasant memories of cod liver oil, all kids seemed to have to have spoons of it as a child, it tasted awful :(
kaprys  3 | 2076
14 May 2019   #616
Moderation is the key.

Is it because of Omega 3?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 May 2019   #617
eating healthily is not rocket science.

No but we are creatures of habit.
When I use to eat ground beef I would slap on some cheese with mayo & ketchup on a bun...... all by habit.
Now I put it on half a bun with onion, pickle and mustard.
Little things like that can add up by the end of the week big time to feel better.

Moderation is the key.

Absolutely it is.
If you want to look real healthy...... always be just a little bit hungry.
14 May 2019   #618
Is it because of Omega 3?

It is Kaprys, although back then no-one talked about Omega 3, everyone just knew that fish oil was good for you. I used to dread the spoon and bottle coming out :(
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 May 2019   #619
Me, too, as a kid. Today I drink it straight from the bottle, like juice. And only the fear of overdosing vitamins prevents me from drinking the whole bottle at once. I also drinik that oil in which tinned fish liver is kept. And sardines, too. Am I crazy or my body just needs that stuff? :):)

The organs of an animal is where all the toxins build up and are stored.

Who knows?

I prefer to stick to my baked fish or chicken with tons of steamed vegetables.

Yes, we eat a lot of that too but showing it here would be boring.

So, one request - don`t judge our cooking ways so superficially after seeing only a dozen pictures in this thread. :):)

having a stroke at 40 and being paralyzed the rest of your life or dying just because you eat horrible food is just dumb.

Yes, that is why I never eat meat solo. Look at that dish below - isn`t it virtually exploding with fiber?

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johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 May 2019   #620
but showing it here would be boring.

No more then plates of grease and fats shown here with a bright colored vegetable.

So, one request - don`t judge our cooking ways so superficially after seeing only a dozen pictures in this thread. :):)

Awe come on Pawian, play fair, my Polish grandmother cooked thousands of meals for me.
The topic of your thread is asking the members here a question and for their opinion.
You ask for my opinion and then tell me not to judge because you don't like my answer.
My opinion is that Polish food is very heavy with grease and fats that are very unhealthy for humans.
I label it "artery clogging food" as any nutritionist would.

Yes, that is why I never eat meat solo.

And your point to that is ?
You are still eating all those dangerous saturated and trans fats aren't you ?
Eating a pickle with them isn't going to change that fact.
Those toppings of cream cheese and such that the Polish pour on really cap the heart attack waiting to happen.
My opinion and just saying......
kaprys  3 | 2076
14 May 2019   #621
Well, mustard contains sugar. Check the ingredients. Also check the ingredients for the pickles you buy. I'm pretty sure they contain sugar, too. So where's your healthy eating? Cheese on the other hand contains calcium at least.

Of course, moderation is the key.
As I said before, liver is a great source of iron and vitamin a. Check how healthy it is if you don't believe me. You can't have it too often (as I remarked before as well) but once in a while it's not worse than having pork. In fact, I believe it's healthier.

As for your Grandma's cooking, did she die at forty from a heart attack?
It is not about varied home made cooking but snacks, sauces and fizzy drinks people nowadays eat too often.

I usually simply eat fish like salmon or mackarel to get my omega 3.

As for the last picture, you have some lean meat, kasza and veggies there, both full of fibre. I don't see any grease on it. I'm not sure, pawian, but is it turkey's neck? I cook it for my dog ; ) I just can't imagine having it on a plate, even though I often buy turkey meat.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 May 2019   #622
You ask for my opinion and then tell me not to judge because you don't like my answer.

Yes, that`s because I don`t like reading you in general, as you seldom show any reason in other threads, so when you showed some here at last I was a little flabbergasted. I am sorry. :)

You are still eating all those dangerous saturated and trans fats aren't you ?

Yes, but I combine them with healthy stuff. )

Those toppings of cream cheese and such that the Polish pour on really cap the heart attack waiting to happen.

Yes, that`s right but remember that one needs to listen to their body to know which foods to choose. I only eat what my organism tells me to. I never eat anything that my body rejects. That is why I feel I have to eat fatty foods because that`s what I want subconsciously.

I'm not sure, pawian, but is it turkey's neck? I cook it for my dog ; )

Yes, it is! We don`t have a dog, only two cats, so I have to eat that stuff myself. :) But I am truly fond of it - picking little pieces of meat from between those tiny neck bones is so exciting.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
14 May 2019   #623
I am sad because the Polski Sklep has closed down in A., this town in Wales where I am now. Thanks Brexit.
Luckily the one in C. is still open. I buy Silesian style sourdough bread, rye sourdough , kefir, sauerkraut, and cherryJaffa cakes.
British style bread just doesn't compare. Although we do have some good baked goods in the old fashioned bakeries.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 May 2019   #624
Can you buy such bread?

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14 May 2019   #625
Widely available in The UK now due to Polish Bakery.
kaprys  3 | 2076
14 May 2019   #626
Kefir is great. Especially on a hot summer day with new potatoes. Or chłodnik, yummy.
I prefer Polish bread to what I could buy in the UK, too.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
14 May 2019   #627
closed down in A.Luckily the one in C. is still open.

Erm help roz you working for MI6, where is a and c, if you give me R I can use russell's paradox to find the polski skleps.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 May 2019   #628
you seldom show any reason in other threads, so when you showed some here at last I was a little flabbergasted. I am sorry. :)

Apology accepted.
I really do plan on coming to Poland and I do love good food so this thread was of extreme interest to me.
In other threads I am usually responding to rude hateful people which brings the worst out in me.

I feel I have to eat fatty foods because that`s what I want subconsciously.

It's called 'self control' buddy.
kaprys said it the best, "all in moderation".

As for your Grandma's cooking, did she die at forty from a heart attack?

You got me fair and square on that one.......she lived to be 99.
If you are young and very active, getting lots of exercise, Poland's heavy foods would be less risk of a heart attack then if an old man like me who's metabolism has all but shut down sat down to three big meals a day and ask for seconds.

I just can't eat food like that anymore without packing the fat pounds on even if I eat in moderation.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
15 May 2019   #629
where is a and c, if you give me R I can use russell's paradox to find the polski skleps.

ha ha ha, soon we will need it here in the land of soggy bread.

( A and C are in fact Aberystwyth and Carmarthen)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 May 2019   #630
Remember communist times? That was the most desired dinner dish for Poles then, due to shortages of meat.

Kotlet schabowy

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Home / Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?
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