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What is your favorite Polish Vodka?

1 Jul 2007   #181
I don't like any vodka. Not to be recommended.
witek  1 | 587
1 Jul 2007   #182
then you are not a true Pole
FISZ  24 | 2116
5 Jul 2007   #183
You can make wisniowka homemade very easily....

And tastes awesome! I love this stuff. I have trouble finding Wisnia in the US though
Lady in red
5 Jul 2007   #184
I remember when I was a child going to visit one of my Uncles. He was trying to make his own vodka in the kitchen. It was so funny, there were all these copper pipes and stuff around the kitchen. He was very serious and we only saw him during our stay, if we went into the kitchen. Lol.

My Auntie, made him move it all to the garden shed. I'm not sure he was very successful with it. Why bother? Polish vodka, as I remeber was pretty lethal stuff.
FISZ  24 | 2116
6 Jul 2007   #185
DeBowa "red oak" Good stuff!!
jtmWIEN  2 | 24
9 Jul 2007   #186
Belvedere. Its as expensive as hell but for some reason I can tell the difference and love it.. maybe its all in my head

Bols is good too (& cheaper).
littlebeezz  2 | 20
11 Jul 2007   #187
the bison pee vodka and apple juice is yummy
14 Jul 2007   #188
Wisniowka and the lemon vodka (Cytronowka??) sorry for spelling my polish is pigeon polish!!
8 Aug 2007   #189
zubrowka is my favorite. spiritus is great, but strong!!! cytrynowka is awesome!! its a lemon vodka..its delicious!!! oh and for the person who posted whats best to eat after polish drinking?!! its obvious...kabanos and pickles!!
markdz  - | 8
10 Aug 2007   #190
Zubrowka !!

I got a case once from NY and my dad went nuts happy. Came over every weekend !!!!
All I drank when I was in Poland, with apple cider and peach slices. Well, I did drink other things, and didn't get that drunk !! ; )
Qacer  38 | 125
12 Aug 2007   #191
I like the smell and taste of Zubrowka. :-) It's especially good with apple juice.
12 Aug 2007   #192
Bols but always drink with limits. Only a bit on some parties.

Still prefer beer ;)
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
12 Aug 2007   #193
How many times do I have to say this. Bols ain't Polish. It's Dutch.
porta  18 | 225
12 Aug 2007   #194
Dworek is the only Polish vodka we can get here in Norway ,but it's good :) I'm more of a whiskey drinker anyway.
12 Aug 2007   #195
How many times do I have to say this. Bols ain't Polish. It's Dutch.

Fu*ck haha
Sry then. Its only proof for that im not an alcoholic, dont know a lot about it ^^
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
12 Aug 2007   #196

I think it is made in Poland. It is just that the company is Dutch. It has a link with Soplica Wodka.

Happy drinking.
dasla  - | 52
12 Aug 2007   #197
so which one has the grass in it, not to keen on that one. the rest will do fine hic!
dasla  - | 52
12 Aug 2007   #199
yer in the bottle it was green long and thin,
daffy  22 | 1153
12 Aug 2007   #200
Zubrowka. :-) It's especially good with apple juice.

agreed. goes down easy :)
markdz  - | 8
12 Aug 2007   #201
thats Zubrowka. And its Bison grass.
dasla  - | 52
12 Aug 2007   #202
thankyou markdz.
i was not sure it has an unusual taste.
gavin79  3 | 72
10 Sep 2007   #203
What are peoples opinions on "Wyborowa" ? I have been buying this in Tesco's for quite some time now but it is very expensive here at £14.99.

What would I expect to pay for that same bottle in Poland (poznan) ? and what is the most popular wodka you can buy there ?
Ronek  1 | 261
10 Sep 2007   #204

well expect to pay the same ammount in ZL...
god! I know our vodka is great but common paying so much to get a drink ;P?
gavin79  3 | 72
10 Sep 2007   #205
well expect to pay the same ammount in ZL...

Well thats good news :-)

Alcohol is so expensive over here in the UK, all it is, is tax tax and more tax oh and import duty he he

Cant wait to get to Poznan
HAL9009  2 | 323
19 Sep 2007   #206
Yaay! Żubrówka is finally widely available in Ireland :)
I bought my first bottle in the supermarket yesterday (for considerably more than it would cost in Poland!).
Before now I had to ask my Polish friends nicely to bring back a bottle from Poland...

Żubrówka is simply the best. Pycha - can you say that for booze?
szarlotka  8 | 2205
10 Oct 2007   #207
Not sure if this was Polish Vodka but whatever it was I think I should keep a bottle handy!

Doctors save man with vodka drip
Australian doctors have kept an Italian tourist alive by feeding him vodka through a drip for three days, medical staff in Queensland say.

The 24-year-old man, who had swallowed a poison in an apparent suicide attempt, was treated while in a coma.

anglikgirl  2 | 11
11 Oct 2007   #208
i like zubrowka vodka with apple juice
wildrover  98 | 4430
11 Oct 2007   #209
yes thats one of my favourites , also the honey flavoured one , which i don,t know the name of....
Zgubiony  15 | 1274
11 Oct 2007   #210
Miodowka? Possibly Zoladkowa Gorzka?

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