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It's only half decent with apple juice and I can't imagine how it can be seen as the best. However, it does have a character that most clear vodkas don't have.
Just registered my vote for Wyborowa. Cant believe how many people say Zubrowka is their favourite. Ive had a bottle of it in the house for ages - and thats saying something.
Sledz, the picture is getting clearer. Żubrówka is the option for you if you want sth a little different. Wyborowa seems to be the most popular choice amongst Poles with a bit more to spend. Luksusowa is popular too but Wyborowa takes it. For me personally, it's Pan Tadeusz every time (apart from the time it was Dębowa ;))
into gift category status and they don't wanna do that
Good point, i suppose £16 is the going rate for a decent vodka in the UK. I didn't buy any though. They also had 8 x 500ml boxes of Hobgoblin for £8, what a bargain!