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Why are threads deleted or send off topic list?

mafketis  38 | 11260
25 Nov 2015   #31
You hate everyone and just complain.

Well I was agreeing with him and he managed to turn it into an ugly fight (not agreeing in exactly the right way is apparently also a grave offense). He certainly seems intensely angry at something or somone and I think this is just a convenient target. The forum has seen worse I suppose just ignore politely until he gets bored is probably the best policy.
Ktos  15 | 432
26 Dec 2015   #32
Merged: I would like to know who is today's moderator

Who is moving threads, cancelling or merging them?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
26 Dec 2015   #33
Who is moving threads, cancelling or merging them?

Absolutely. Bone ignorant, whoever they are. And definitely PIS sympathisers, when MODS should obviously, like journalists, be on the fence.
Vincent  8 | 800
26 Dec 2015   #34
Absolutely. Bone ignorant, whoever they are.

We get many "silver surfers" like you on here, but they are not ignorant, arrogant, aggressive and know how to use forums correctly. Please consider joining a local computer club, and doing a crash course on "how to use internet forums" It might stop you looking so silly in the long run.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
26 Dec 2015   #35
We get many "silver surfers" like you on here, but they are not ignorant, arrogant, aggressive and know how to use forums correctly.

Sorry but it you MODS who are ignorant Vincent, who tolerate posters such as Crow, while subjectively binning threads that are of value to people who LIVE IN Poland.

It's not so hard to grasp after all, even for you I would have thought.

All IMO.
Crow  155 | 9699
26 Dec 2015   #36
in my contemplation i sometimes feel that is owner of this web site Polish who have Serbian wife. Sure, its not necessary that Pan-Slavic elements here result from that. No, it is quite possible that this web site just tend to be modern and sane.
Librarius  - | 90
26 Dec 2015   #37
in my contemplation...

In my contemplation no annoyance may befall me, no temptation turn me aside, no alien power sweep me away.
22 Jan 2016   #38
Merged: post about a Polish criminal caught in UK

Why is such a post so off topic that it can't be discussed here? 80% was a copy-paste from the newspaper. Anybody can visit the newspaper to read the news; PF is not a can to dump pre-written information into. If you want the 'news' to stay, your original comment that is bigger than the quote must be included.
Ironside  51 | 13083
22 Jan 2016   #39
What do you care?
Borsukrates  5 | 129
29 Jan 2016   #40
MODERATORS! For your information, throwing threads and post around pushes Google and other indexing spiders (bots) off-balance. Google and other search engines have a hard time indexing . This is bad for SEO.
Szalawa  2 | 239
12 Apr 2016   #41
jon losing the debate rather badly

Not the first time I seen a thread or post edited towards Jon's favor
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Apr 2016   #42
Almost like IS the owner of this forum.
We will wait for an explanation from the mods.
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Apr 2016   #43
We will wait for an explanation from the mods.

If one might hazard a guess, I suspect they'd say that the post in question was removed because it was just a long cut 'n' paste from the internet.

In fact they did say that. In red letters so you wouldn't miss it.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Apr 2016   #44
I see that they have decided to put that thread back up in Off - Topic jon.
Adrain has a couple of questions for you.
Thank you mods. as hopefully this thread will be an educational one if some people can refrain from their nasty belittling remarks..

In fact they did say that. In red letters so you wouldn't miss it.

I must have missed it as it is gone now.
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Apr 2016   #45
I see that they have decided to put that thread back up in Off

Actually, JohnnyReb, you started that thread yourself and tried to pretend the mods wrote your first post.

Adrain has a couple of questions for you

Answered long long ago, when you were having your lunchtime enema.
Szalawa  2 | 239
12 Apr 2016   #46
Actually, JohnnyReb, you started that thread yourself and tried to pretend the mods wrote your first post.

Actually Jon, he did not. As you see I quoted Johnny in the bin, then his post was moved towards a thread
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Apr 2016   #47
Thank you Szalawa.
jon is just upset right now.
When he is upset he starts with his belittlements as you can see.

, when you were having your lunchtime enema.

When jon gets flustered he turns to belittling people in hopes they will start arguing with him to redirect the issue. (junior high school tactic)

Usually he has his tag team here of Harold and delph to back him up with a ton of their nasty belittlements also.
That is why they are called the Brit Bullies.
I know jon, "there I go again" lol
Damn the truth stings dunnit.
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Apr 2016   #48
then his post was moved towards a thread

By JohnnyReb, a naughty old man with way too much time on his hands and too little else and added to in a mild way by yourself, a naughty 'student', one of life's born followers, best seen and not heard.
Szalawa  2 | 239
12 Apr 2016   #49
Is that so lord Jon, how much longer till you croak? you wont live forever, and it is the young that will build the future society. You have not seen nor you have heard me Jon, and who exactly do I follow may I ask?

Alright Jon, how did Johnny delete his post in this thread and re-post it under a new thread?
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Apr 2016   #50
how much longer till you croak?

A while yet.

how did Johnny delete his post in this thread and re-post it under a new thread?

In this thread? Delete? Try again...
Szalawa  2 | 239
12 Apr 2016   #51
In this thread? Delete? Try again...

No Jon, I will not try again, This is what happened
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Apr 2016   #52
you started that thread yourself

How could I possibly do that jon ?
Now you are still continuing to be wreckless with the truth to save face or is it that desert heat that has got to you ?

For the last time, The mod. moved that Thread to Off - Topic, not me.
I then continued where it was left off. Got it !

a naughty old man with way too much time on his hands and too little else...

Oh jon Paleeeeez, you are on here 24/7/365 with six times more posts then I have.
Most of them contain condescending remarks to show your "brilliance".
Talk about to much time on their little hands. lol
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Apr 2016   #53
I then continued where it was left off. Got it !

So so funny, but no. You ressurrected a post from random and started a new thread out of mischief!

The thing that isn't so funny is that it was about gas chambers and holocaust denial, but then again, you never did have much in the way of standards...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Apr 2016   #54
You ressurrected a post from random and started a new thread out of mischief!

jon since you insist on calling me a liar and belittling me why don't you PM a mod and ask them if they did not start the thread in Random.

No apology necessary as I am sure it would just be full of belittlements and insults.

The thing that isn't so funny is that it was about gas chambers and holocaust denial, but then again, you never did have much in the way of standards...

Can you support that I ever mentioned gas chambers or the holocaust for you to make such a substandard remark ?
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Apr 2016   #55
they did not start the thread in Random.

How can you start a thread in another thread? Magic?

that I ever mentioned gas chambers or the holocaust

Being in a post with your name on, jut sayin', Johhny, just sayin'...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Apr 2016   #56
How can you start a thread in another thread? Magic?

My middle name is Magic jon. Johnny Magic Reb !

Being in a post with your name on

And where may we locate that post jon ?
I know, you are always just saying, especially all the saying you do for the Polish people.
Being a Brit you really shouldn't be talking for the Polish people.
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Apr 2016   #57
And where may we locate that post

Where you left it.
5 Jun 2018   #58

What happened to that thread last time in Poland?

It's gone why? WHere is freedom of speech? Anyway, I had a reply planned about suing people and how we compared America to Poland. You guys who visit this forum frequently know I got in a fight with that asian guy in Sogo. Did I have a chance for suing him or the bar here in Warsaw since he attacked me and all I did was trying to use the bathroom and had patriotic clothing during Independence Day march which he probably didnt like because hes Vietnamese or something? I mean could I have just went to a lawyer the next day or would I have had to go to the hospital and fake an injury suffered by him first? Also did it matter =that I was fighting back and hit him once good as well? Thanks Im curious how the lawsuit stuff work in Poland. I always wonder how blacks and minorities in the u.s. and in general people get money while I never did or do and have been treated in this life so much worse (plus need money as I got kicked out of the usa and am unemployed).
johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Jul 2018   #59
I would like to know who is today's moderator

You and everyone else.
If we knew we could hold them accountable so that is why they try to stay invisible.
They hold us accountable but we aren't allowed to hold them accountable.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Mar 2020   #60
They hold us accountable but we aren't allowed to hold them accountable.

We don`t pay, so we can`t demand or require anything. A very old rule. :)

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