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Who deserves to inherit Polish Forums?

AntV  3 | 670
29 Jul 2024   #91
At times I wonder why I'm still here

Me too, but then it's the only place I can run into BB, Torq, Bobko Bobkovich Bobanov. Where I can see PAK go off where he reminds me of half the people I grew up with. Where else can you see cynicism turned into Jackson Pollack-esque art like you do everytime Novi brusquely types in a post? Hell it's even fun to experience wildly unadulterated feminazism that screams through this forum via Paulina and , to a degree, Lenka, which is then juxtaposed by the whisping Irish graceful femininity of Atch. And there's the others, some who you are glad are here others you wish to forget.
Tlum  12 | 303
29 Jul 2024   #92
And seriously, do you know any other forum or social media that allows completely anonymous posters (hi Ron ;) to post without having an account? I imagine it's not easy to manage it and keep it from spammers but PF did it (probably on and off to keep spammers and abusers at bay).
Novichok  4 | 8682
29 Jul 2024   #93
This forum could be self-moderating...

When somebody as obnoxious as Novi shows up, by a 70% vote he could be denied the right to post.

This leaves the cost of running the PC and any software fees. A Polish business or organization could be a sponsor and the only advertiser.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
29 Jul 2024   #94
When somebody as obnoxious as Novi shows up, by a 70% vote he could be denied the right to post.

Don't give yourself too much credit..... you are not hated that much...... LOL!!!
Ironside  51 | 13086
29 Jul 2024   #95
Everything comes to an end sooner or later. If that's PF time so be it. It is sad but on the other hand, this forum has been in decline for quite some time.
The only attraction of its forum is that you can talk to people you wouldn't talk to in real life. The other one is like a country club with all familiar faces and people you do not necessarily like but those are people you know and you are used to their odd ways.
The last one is you can say whatever you want however you want which is valuable nowadays.
Tlum  12 | 303
30 Jul 2024   #97
I wonder on how many forums you'd been banned from before PF embraced you and you even become religious which is the best thing that could've happened to you ;)
Novichok  4 | 8682
30 Jul 2024   #99
I wonder on how many forums you'd been banned from before

Every single one...

My approach is simple. If I don't get banned or suspended in the first 30 days I am doing something wrong.

Most don't allow even mild sarcasm...You know...hurt feelings...

My feelings were hurt many times. Now I see what a great experience that was...

Bullying is good.

Everything comes to an end sooner or later.

That is true, simple yet profound.

My friends are dying, stores are closing, my granddaughters are aging out, Dirk and Cargo are gone...Now PF is closing...It sucks...
Alien  26 | 6528
30 Jul 2024   #100
My approach is simple. If I don't get banned or suspended in the first 30 days I am doing something wrong.

Yes... it's true, with your media behavior you remind me of that black man from the Dolina Trzech Stawów in Katowice. Disinfection must be carried out.
Torq  10 | 1237
30 Jul 2024   #102
I've just sent my measly tenner...

... for July. Then we'll send our donations again in August and so on, on a monthly basis, to keep PF alive. :)

*breathes a sigh of relief*

EDIT: another donation is in! Keep 'em coming, guys!

17 to go for July!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
30 Jul 2024   #103
Great! Hopefully I can share some more next month
Torq  10 | 1237
30 Jul 2024   #104
Wow! 20 bucks is in! Rich people have started donating! :)

Thank you, milord/milady, whoever you are. *bows*

$150 to go

EDIT: this is fun but I gotta go (morning Mass at 8:30); see ya later, people.
Torq  10 | 1237
30 Jul 2024   #105
What? Still only 50 bucks after 3 hours? :(
Lazarus  3 | 364
30 Jul 2024   #106
If PF is registered as a Polish public welfare organisation, I'll give PLN 1,000 a year, no problem at all.
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Jul 2024   #107
morning Mass at 8:30

I thought you were a Methodist or a Presbyterian or something now??
Still only 50 bucks after 3 hours?

I'll donate later. Have to dash out shortly and don't have time to fiddle around with card details. That Ven-whatever it's called thing is only for US. Why couldn't they use Paypal!
Torq  10 | 1237
30 Jul 2024   #108
I thought you were

My misadventure with the calvinist heresy was a brief one (errare humanum est and all that) and I am now fully reunited with the One-and-Only, Holy and Apostolic Church.

I'll donate later.

Cool :)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 Jul 2024   #109
I'll give PLN 1,000 a year, no problem at all.

You better get your debt paid off to Cargo Pants first, Money Bags.
He bought your debt two years ago when you fled Warsaw owing over a $1000.
And that was just to one person.
God only knows what you owe your ex-wife and countless bar tabs.
Lazarus  3 | 364
30 Jul 2024   #110
I'll donate later.

Would you be OK with donating 1.5% of the income tax you pay in Poland?

I reckon that all admin needs to do is set up a Polish public welfare organisation and run PF through that. Could easily argue that the site exists to discuss Poland and Poland-related topics in English and thus is of benefit to Polish public welfare. Then the members in Poland can all donate 1.5% of the income tax they pay. That would easily cover the PLN 9k admin has set as the goal.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
30 Jul 2024   #111
What? Still only 50 bucks after 3 hours? :(

....maybe we will still need an outside advertiser? Some ad which generates 200 Dollar per month....I said it before that should be more reliable for our admin/owner than having to rely every month on our chaotic band of misfits....even with lotsa good will and all?

It could be a combination...maybe PolAm could help with that?
Lazarus  3 | 364
30 Jul 2024   #112
our admin/owner than having to rely every month on our chaotic band of misfits

He doesn't. He just sets up as a Polish public welfare organisation and gets annual donations Q1 of each year. The PF members in Warsaw alone would cover half of his annual target.
Novichok  4 | 8682
30 Jul 2024   #113
....maybe we will still need an outside advertiser

No. When free speech runs into money, money wins every time.

We live in a matriarchal LGBT and migrant hell where every child gets a participation trophy and nobody can have his feelings hurt.

That's why I was banned from every forum before PF, not because I tried to organize a hit on someone.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
30 Jul 2024   #114
He just sets up as a Polish public welfare organisation

He did??? So we have a solution? :)

No. When free speech runs into money, money wins every time.

The worst option would be then "no speech" least here because there will be no PF anymore!
Paulina  19 | 4558
30 Jul 2024   #115
I personally wouldn't be OK with donating any money in any way to this forum. I've never liked how it was run and so I'm not going to contribute to something that I don't agree with...

Others can send $5-10 or whatever makes sense.

"Whatever makes sense" may won't be enough though... I agree with BB - having adds on the forum would be more reliable. I just don't know if anyone would be interested in advertising here - if the traffic is big enough...

Btw, 10 dollars is 40 PLN. There's no way in hell I would spend such money every month on this forum... lol Sorry, I'm just being honest...

It could be so much more than it is, and could attract so much more traffic than it does.

I also thought that, but I'm afraid that ship has sailed long ago...

He did???

No, he didn't, it's just Lazarus' suggestion.
Novichok  4 | 8682
30 Jul 2024   #116
Let's be real. PF, like so many Polish restaurants in the Chicago area, will end when the owner wants out.
This moment has come. Say thank you and move on...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
30 Jul 2024   #117
No, he didn't, it's just Lazarus' suggestion.

This moment has come. Say thank you and move on...

To bad....I will miss it all....warts and all! :(
Paulina  19 | 4558
30 Jul 2024   #118
@Bratwurst Boy, PF is mainly a relatively small number of regular members these days... Even if it closes down, we could in theory set up our own free forum and hang out and discuss there, I guess...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
30 Jul 2024   #119
....maybe there is no such thing as "free forum" anymore....otherwise we just could stay here?
Lazarus  3 | 364
30 Jul 2024   #120
I personally wouldn't be OK with donating any money in any way to this forum.

That's where a public welfare organisation comes in: you donate 1.5% of the income tax you paid in Poland. More specifically, the government takes 1.5% of the income tax you paid and sends it to the organisation you nominate on your tax return.

it's just Lazarus' suggestion.

A suggestion that the admin can follow and will get him at least one ninth of the way to his goal (and that's in the unlikely event that I'm the only person who throws in their 1.5%).

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