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Help With Translating Handwritten Polish Records

6 Mar 2018   #1

I have several images of records that may be related to my family that I obtained from the Geneteka website. I was hoping someone here might be able to help provide me with a translation of them. I understand that some of them, maybe all of them, may be illegible. I did try to increase the contrast, but not sure if that helped.

If that's too much to ask, any recommendations on reputable translation services would certainly be appreciated.


kaprys  3 | 2076
6 Mar 2018   #2
That's not Polish. It's written in the cyrillic. Your ancestors must have been born under the Russian partition.
OP rickzawadzki
6 Mar 2018   #3
Hi Kap,

Thanks for the clarification! The records are supposedly church records. My great-grandfather was born in Wypychy, Pniewo, Mazowieckie, Poland around 1880. Was that considered part of the Russian partition at that time?
kaprys  3 | 2076
6 Mar 2018   #4
Well, I don't really know for sure but since the records are in the cyrillic, I'd say so. They wouldn't have used it under the Prussian and Austrian partition.

I have seen similar records before. They use the Latin alphabet when giving the name of the father, the baby etc but the rest is in the cyrillic.
Paulina  19 | 4505
6 Mar 2018   #5
@Rickzawadzki, at the time that territory where your great-grandfather was born was part of the Kingdom of Poland (also known as Congress Poland) which was a puppet state of the Russian Empire:

My region was also part of Congress Poland at that time and my family's church records are also in Russian (my aunt got them translated).
OP rickzawadzki
6 Mar 2018   #6
@kaprys @paulina Thank you both for your help and education. So, from here on out, if I'm looking for a translator I should seek someone who can reliably translate Russian rather than Polish, correct?
cinek  2 | 347
6 Mar 2018   #7
It's definitely Russian. Mazowieckie was Russian partition in XIX century. I could only decipher some dates and names but cannot grasp the actual meaning of those documents. You must find some Russian person to translate.

Paulina  19 | 4505
6 Mar 2018   #8
I should seek someone who can reliably translate Russian rather than Polish, correct?

Yes, all the scans are in Russian. I've noticed some Polish names written in Latin alphabet ("Józefу z Prusów", "Jan") as kaprys mentioned, but that's it, so you need a Russian translator, probably someone who has some experience in translating archives from the past or at least someone who has a Russian philology degree (since some of the language may be outdated), I guess.
OP rickzawadzki
7 Mar 2018   #9
@Paulina @Cinek Thank you again for being so helpful. This definitely puts me on a better track towards having them translated. I really appreciate it!
Paulina  19 | 4505
7 Mar 2018   #10
You're welcome, Rick :)
30 Apr 2021   #11

Translate handwritten name list

Looking for someone to read/translate a family member list written in Polish. I cannot read some of the names. Have the list in digital format.
Lenka  5 | 3542
30 Apr 2021   #12
I can give it a go if you want
chirogal10  - | 2
21 Jun 2021   #13

Translating handwritten Polish records

Does anybody know a resource for translating birth, death, and marriage records from Polish Archives? Can they be posted here? I have scans.
Mbogdanowicz  - | 2
16 Nov 2021   #14

Help translating document Piotr Bogdan- death
skan 4: 18184PiotrBogdanJanElżbietaMalinowskaWigryStudzianneMiejsce przechowywania ksiąg:
Archiwum Państwowe w Suwałkach

16-400 Suwałki, ul. Kościuszki 69Indeks dodał: Maślanek_Joanna
Thank you,
Mbogdanowicz  - | 2
19 Nov 2021   #15

Help- translation Piotr Bogdan death
skan 4: 18184PiotrBogdanJanElżbietaMalinowskaWigryStudzianneMiejsce przechowywania ksiąg:
Archiwum Państwowe w Suwałkach

16-400 Suwałki, ul. Kościuszki 69Indeks dodał: Maślanek_Joanna
Thank you,

pawian  226 | 27587
19 Nov 2021   #16
Help- translation

You are not asking for translation but for deciphering an illegible document. This is a huge difference.
This copy is really bad quality.

I can`t help much coz all I am able to read is already included in the name of the document.
6 Jan 2022   #17
Hello-I have found what I think is a birth record of Wladyslaw Langowski. I am looking for someone to translate it basically for the names and possible relationships. I cannot tell if it is all one record or several births recorded in the same paragraph. I would attach the file but do not know how as I am new to this forum. The link is and it is record #118. Any suggestions for a reputable translator would be appreciated.

Thank you!
Looker  - | 1129
9 Jan 2022   #18
My Russian is very basic, but I'll write what I see there:
The first word is a town name - my wild guess is Lutocin?
Lutocin - October 22 / November 3rd. Present: Anna Wilara - midwife (?) residing in Lutocin, 48 years old, in the presence of: Franciszka Dobiesza, 43, and Jan Asztęborski, 31 (?), presented male infant born in Lutocin on the previous day, at 10:00, by Anna Langowska, 23, unmarried maid resided in Lutocin. At the time of his baptism he was given the name Władysław. (...)

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