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New Polish traffic laws
25 - That is a contradiction but let's stay on topic....

NewsDougpol1 - 6 Dec 2019 / johnny reb - 10 Dec 2019
× Will Poland tighten border control with Germany?  2
Poland one step closer to visa waiver by US Senate  2
59 - Yes, Lenka! That's what I was referring to. Thank you:-)...

NewsPolonius3 - 28 Jun 2013 / Lyzko - 25 Nov 2019
× Roman Polanski accused of unlawful sex with a minor  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14
Polish Independence Day-Beware?  2
× Poland blocks any action on climate change  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19
Former Polish MP caught driving without a license..... twice in one day!
Warsaw a "big winner" in city life quality index
Are there interests that Poland share with Russia?  2
Poland -- good place for child-rearing
× Poland directly threatened by ISIS. Do Islamists planning terrorist attacks in Poland?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13
What the Polish government do to bring back home Polish immigrants?  2  3  4
× Commemoration of 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the WWII in Warsaw. Poland a full-fledged NATO member.
Poland's Trade Agreements with the United States on the new 5G technology
Tram line to Warsaw's Wilanów finally to be built.  2
Decent left wing analysis of the left in Poland
10 - perhaps PiS niche in making money involves migration/visa businesses.....

Newsantheads - 29 Aug 2019 / antheads - 29 Aug 2019
Is Poland the only high minded country of Cental and Eastern European countries?  2
Should 16-year-olds in Poland vote?  2
Rescue underway for miners trapped underground after tremor hits mine in South Poland
Shouldnt Poland be invited into the G-20?
Police in Poland admits spying on journalists.
× Does democratic Poland guarantee it's LGBT citizens respect for human and civil rights?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39
× Polonophobia rising in Israel.  2  3  4  5
× Visegrad Battle Group under the command of Poland  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
× Turkish invasion on Polish TV - Poland's opinion on Turkey
× Trump will hold Poland up as an example for other nations to follow  2  3  4
Prescription drug crisis in Poland
× An article: NATO is the American occupation of Poland and Europe, by Mateusz Piskorski  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
× Polish Primate condemns EU's anti-Christianity
Attack on Poland's judicial independence  2
50 - Thanks for confirmation, not that I need it. some people might. lol...

Newsjon357 - 30 Jan 2016 / Ironside - 29 Jun 2019
Poland and Kresy being reunited?  2  3  4  5  6
162 - Did you mean this or the opposite order?...

NewsCzarnkow1940 - 27 Jul 2010 / pawian - 8 Jun 2019
× Russia says: WE'LL NUKE POLAND  2  3  4  5
× British man accused of molesting teenagers in Poland  2  3
74 - Very enlightening thread. Has there been any progress made in Poland in the last eight years for...

Newsdelphiandomine - 19 Apr 2011 / johnny reb - 17 May 2019
× Poland A and Ukraine B. Compare how far Poland has advanced.  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
The poor and alone receive free food at Christmas in Krakow (video)
4 - Merged: Polish Cardinal restores power to those in need I saw this story today, and I think...

NewsInWroclaw - 23 Dec 2013 / delphiandomine - 13 May 2019
× Couple Busted For Having Sex On Water Slide At Opoczno, Poland Amusement Park
Schools in Poland to strike tomorrow  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
Pole loses language discrimination case in Germany; Scandalous!  2  3  4
× LGBT hate speech to be banned in Poland  2  3  4  5  6  7
Electronics v stadium hooligans to be implemented by Polish authorities
Poland gets a little bigger:)  2  3
Reports on gangs in Poland
21 - Their logo...

NewsPennBoy - 12 Sep 2012 / pawian - 14 Apr 2019
Polish Police Hunt for Bad Taste Boorish Brits  2
39 - Just vexatious. Perhaps people spending more than half of their life in PL is but a...

NewsShitonya Brits - 7 Apr 2019 / jon357 - 12 Apr 2019
× What should Poland do to solve the population crisis?  2  3  4
× Hollywood's War with Poland.  2  3  4  5
150 - Mammia mia, here we go again. My my, why can`t you resist it? :) No, you...

NewsIronside - 22 Mar 2010 / pawian - 30 Mar 2019
× Campaign urges US to suspend ties with Poland over Holocaust law
Polish Airline LOT has the biggest fleet of 737-8MAX in continental Europe..grounded
Will Polish people and Poland be forever slaves and nobody?
20 - Do you mean "well wishers", perhaps?...

NewsDavid555 - 3 Feb 2018 / Lyzko - 28 Feb 2019
Congrats to Poland - your people realize industry is important.
× More anti Polish sentiment in western media ("Apple is worth more than Poland")  2  3  4
73 - Are we now going to debate what "welfare" is, Mr. Clinton? How about: So, how cool...

Newsrychlik - 30 Jul 2010 / Rich Mazur - 23 Feb 2019
Poland's fight against paedophilia  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
277 - Wouldn't that cause them to have a high pitched femmy voice ? That was posted ten years ago....

Newshyperamazing - 29 Oct 2008 / johnny reb - 23 Feb 2019
CHERNOBYL...threat to Poland?
29 - Exactly! But the right wingers bleat on about coal :( :(...

Newswildrover - 2 Feb 2011 / Dougpol1 - 14 Feb 2019
Let us save Poland. Suggestions  2
Poland's young voters turning to the right - DW news  2  3  4
× Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51
1530 - Whites pawned theirs to feel good for five minutes. Gone. Bye. Adios....

NewsSpike31 - 22 Oct 2018 / Rich Mazur - 13 Feb 2019
What Polish political party are you in favour of and why
6 - Merged: Donating to Polish political parties Is this legal for foreigners to do? Or is it...

NewsWielkiPolak - 3 Jun 2011 / Intermarium - 11 Feb 2019
Poland exports 60 million tonnes of meat annually.. but..
11 - I can't say it's that great to be honest, but neither is what you get in the UK...

NewsDougpol1 - 27 Jan 2019 / Chemikiem - 10 Feb 2019
× Ultra nationalist protest at death camp in Poland - serious mistake?  2  3  4  5

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