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Poland directly threatened by ISIS. Do Islamists planning terrorist attacks in Poland?

Crow  154 | 9525  
28 Mar 2016 /  #211
The Albanians run all the heroin and a good portion of the outdoor grade marijuana and hash in Europe as well as brothels, car theft rings, human trafficking, etc.

Some people, circles, magnates or governments definitely collaborate with worse possible scum on this Earth in order to make personal profit, abusing their time while in power. Then suddenly, for example, we starting to talk about ISIS which threatening Poland. But who is behind maniacs of all kind? After all, if nothing else, why maniacs were let to strengthen. For some personal and political gain, or both?

Did you know that few days ago judge Melvil Berd abstained himself for blaming Radovan Karadzic for bombing of markets in Bosnia and Sarajevo during conflict in former Yugoslavia? He said Muslims did it to themselves in order to blame Serbs. He said that is his opinion founded on expertise of UN experts. Expertise that was never disputed.

This way or another, collaboration with radical Muslims always coming as boomerang to countyries that colaborate with them. Its kind of God`s justice but, as we all know, when it comes to it, often innocent pays the price. You have more about western European collaboration with radical Muslims here >

British commander, General Michael Rose:

"Blackmailed the Bosnian Muslim leaders into submission. He told them that unless they agreed to cooperate, he would tell the international press that he had technical expertise proving that the grenade came from the Muslim, not the Serb, side".

Source: fantompowa.net/Flame/bosnia_sarajevo.htm
Who was responsible for the market place massacres in Sarajevo ?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
28 Mar 2016 /  #212
The question is not so much is Poland threatened, but is all of Christianity threatened .

Are there any thoughts from my Polish Christian Catholic brothers or sisters?

ISIS 'crucifies Catholic priest on Good Friday' after kidnapping him from old people's home where four nuns were shot dead

Read more: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3512288/ISIS-carries-Good-Friday-crucifixion-Indian-Catholic-priest-Yemen-kidnapped-three-weeks-ago.html

My Question is what should we do about this as Catholics..

Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
29 Mar 2016 /  #213
Do you have a source ?Never heard before

poranny.pl/polska-i-swiat/a/holendrzy-ar abskiego-pochodzenia-chcieli-kupic-w-gdyni-bron,9746566/

Three Arab-born Dutch nationals were detained at shopping mall in Gdynia, after trying to buy Kalashnikov at local gun store few hours earlier. They didn't have required permit and offered $5000 (sticker price is $644) for assault rifle with serial numbers removed. Their unusual behavior alarmed owners who started recording attempt and called police, drawing out potential transaction as long as possible. Impatient would-be buyers escaped soon after. They were caught soon after in nearby shopping mall. Since they refused to follow police orders, tazer was used. They had no dangerous items with them, police found only pepper spray at their house. They have long police record in Netherlands, including robberies, thefts and mugging. They got accused of illegal arm dealing in Poland, which carries sentence up to 10 years in prison. Police isn't sure yet if the incident is connected with terrorism.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
29 Mar 2016 /  #214
Bunch of idiots, I would write "Try harder on their school report"

Terrorist + time in a Polish Prison = Oh ****.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Mar 2016 /  #215
Terrorist + time in a Polish Prison = Oh ****.

Doubt they'd be getting out of the prison with their limbs in any functional order, to be honest.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
29 Mar 2016 /  #216
I think they'd have it better in Guantanamo than a Polish prison...

For once a Muslim in modern Europe will have to adopt to the native Christians... this could be the start of something wonderful..

I'm sure the gryspers will be more than happy to cook you a kotlet schabowy in a frying pan in exchange for a cigarette or two ... halal kotlety? I don't think so :D

I could just imagine if you told a Polish guard that you demand halal food - ja ci kurwa dam halal, ty jebany darmojad. If he realized there's no such thing as halal pork, be prepared to get the bottoms of your feet beaten with a stick - won't leave any marks but you won't be able to walk without pain for a week. That was a favorite of the commie cops.

Poland does not need more Muslims - quite frankly, I'm happy that there is a small peaceful community of Tatars around Bialystok and Eastern Poland. I have no issues with them and I consider them to be part of Poland's society. Many of these guys fought against the Russians during the Polish-Bolshevik war and other powers too. They've defended Poland in many wars ever since the Commonwealth. Poland does need a little flavor - but importing terrorism and refugees with a totally different culture that refuse to assimilate and will live off the government and demand that the people adapt to them... no thanks...
Crow  154 | 9525  
29 Mar 2016 /  #217
The question is not so much is Poland threatened, but is all of Christianity threatened .

you heard the Pope. He count on Russians for worldwide protection. But Poland, despite being in NATO and EU have that mechanized brigade on Kosovo and, frankly, Christians there, including monks and priests, suffer from radical Muslims and Albanian ISIS veterans and face even verse fate then Syrian or any Near Eastern Christians. i personally expect that Poles goes wild on Kosovo first time armed provocation occurs. Situation there is behind volatile already.

Prison isn't that bad in Poland

i know that general Radislav Krstic don`t complaint. He says he love Poland. Who knows, considering situation and development with radical Muslims, Poles maybe already consult with him. He is experienced
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
31 Mar 2016 /  #218
Radislav Krstic

Vojislav Seselj acquited on all charges I may add. Finally some non politically motivated justice from the ICTY.

The war in Bosnia and Kosovo is widely regarded as the 'cradle of modern Jihadism' These are the same international terrorist groups that fought in Afghanistan against the Soviets, then Bosnia, then Afghanistan and Iraq again, and now in Syria and Iraq.
Crow  154 | 9525  
31 Mar 2016 /  #219
In most direct way, Vojislav Seselj`s acquittal is political victory over the radical Muslims and over the bearers of Nazi ideology in Europe.

Vojislav Seselj acquited on all charges I may add. Finally some non politically motivated justice from the ICTY.

Exactly. But, what else could be epilogue. From the angle of western Europe, it was alright to molest Serbia for Seselj`s political ideas but, when it came to decisions of the court that would enter history of European and world juridical practice, no chance that nonsense could win. If nonsense won, it would tomorrow serve as the most blatant proof of western European manipulations with `international` court as it suits to them.

Seselj was main proponent of ideas of Greater Serbia. He himself never denied that and always spoke that Serbians of all faiths (Christian Catholic and Orthodox and, Muslim) needs to live as brothers. Seselj politically fought for his ideas and that was it. While bearers of ideas of Greater Albania, Croatia and Bosnian Muslim Caliphate ruled in these countries, Seselj never ruled in Serbia. Seselj never won on elections for president in Serbia and his Radical Party was never able to win and form government in Serbia. Still, west of Europe and USA supported extremists in the region who were for something Greater and Serbia was punished because of something Greater no matter that bearers of that ideology never ruled Serbia. Not to mention all kind of propaganda in connection to idea of Greater Serbia, when nothing bad happened in the name of that idea, when proponents of that idea never got chance for practical realization of their idea.

Trial to Seselj was trial to his ideas, which BDW aren`t negative but essentially based on truth and what is most important his ideas suggest national unity of Serbians, not mutual destruction. So, court today decided that is Seselj innocent.

One more important thing. Separation of Croatia and Bosnia from Yugoslavia, for Serbia was problem in political sense because Croatia and Bosnian Muslims wanted to separate from Yugoslavia and in the same time to take something with them, what they didn`t bring when Yugoslavia was formed (borders among Yugoslav republics were not historical borders but borders drawn by Yugoslav communists). Serbia wanted to negotiate about everything but, Germany recognized independence of Croatia and Bosnia, cutting that way political dialogue within Yugoslavia and giving wings to extremists which then attacked local Serbians and federal Yugoslavian army, in Bosnia and in Croatia.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
31 Mar 2016 /  #220
Seselj never won on elections for president in Serbia and his Radical Party was never able to win and form government in Serbia.

That is to Serbia's credit.
The man is an apology for a human being and I hope he dies in great pain.
Crow  154 | 9525  
31 Mar 2016 /  #221
Vojislav Seselj was main political opponent to Slobodan Milosevic. Seselj was for direct Serbia`s military intervention (support) to local Serbs in Bosnia and in Krajina when they were attacked, while Milosevic was for political dialogue and negotiations over opened questions. Milosevic politically defeated Seselj.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
31 Mar 2016 /  #222
Please don't patronise us Crow. Those of us who cared for the Balkan people and donated know those facts. One of which is, this criminal wanted to brave out NATO' s 3 day bombing, and carry on the cleansing of Kosovo, but was outvoted. The man is guilty by association and todays' verdict is a grave error.
Crow  154 | 9525  
31 Mar 2016 /  #223
Serbians would brake the chains of western European propaganda and they would win. That would be great victory for Poland, too.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
1 Apr 2016 /  #224
Those of us who cared for the Balkan people and donated know those facts

I remember this period very very well as I was in the latter part of grade school when this happened and paid close attention to it. I followed the war every night on the news and on the internet through my old school 56k modem. No one cared about the Serb's who died during the 90's. The fact is, prior to the supposed Srebnica massacre - there were 2,500 local Serbs killed- nothing of this was mentioned in the media. There wasn't much mention of the fact that after the Serbs met with the Americans and agreed to pull out their tanks in Kosovo and only use police officers to patrol the area. Well, the Albanians would constantly provoke the Serbs by killing cops, then the Serbs would go catch the perpetrators and kill them, then they'd kill more cops, then the Serbs would retaliate. Even Madeline Albright said that the Albanians were provoking the Serbs.

There were tons of foreign mujaheddin especially in Bosnia and later a bit in Kosovo. This was the cradle of jihadism in Europe. Later on, many of these fighters would fight in Chechnya and even later in Iraq/Afghanistan. Now, we're seeing them in ISIS and Al-Nursa/Al-Qaeda.Even over the past years, various news outlets would cite how the veterans of the Yugo and Chechnian wars were the most prized fighters ISIS and would be chosen to lead battalions.

These people are a threat to Europe and humanity worldwide - including even Muslims themselves because they view anyone that's not in their own clique as infidels. Even Al-Nursa (an Al-Qaeda affiliate/branch) fights against ISIS and vice versa because they consider each other infidels.

We've gotten to the point where the West is now helping Al-Qaeda. Even now Israle is treating Al-Nusra fighters in its hospitals.
Just think about this and put it into perspective for a moment... injured extremist Sunni terrorists being helped by Israel...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Apr 2016 /  #225
There were tons of foreign mujaheddin especially in Bosnia

Not in Bosnia, there weren't. The best estimate is around between 1-2000, and they were regarded with hostility/suspicion by the locals and the ARBiH. Given that the ARBiH was really in a poor state, they had no real choice - if they didn't accept them, then the supplies from friendly Muslim countries would have dried up. Given that there was officially an embargo in place (that both the Croats and Serbs could break easily) - it's easy to understand why they were accepted because the Bosniak side simply didn't have any choice.

Worth pointing out that Greeks and Russians were on the side of the Serbs (it's known that the Greek flag was raised over Srebrenica after it fell) and quite a few Catholics on the side of the Croats. A lot of the Croatian war crimes were funded by the Croatian diaspora as well.

As for the local Serbs killed in the villages around Srebrenica, it's not a big secret. The situation in the enclave was dreadful, and these nightly raids were pretty much the only thing keeping the enclave alive. The ARBiH didn't have the capability of breaking out, the Serbs knew that all they had to do was sit tight and let them suffer - and they didn't care that Serb civilians were getting killed.

Kosovo on the other hand was a total mess, and to this day, I have no idea why NATO intervened. The KLA were certainly no better than the Serbs. Can't say I agree with the idea of Kosovan independence when there was no legal basis for it.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
1 Apr 2016 /  #226
"As for the local Serbs killed in the villages around Srebrenica," So why isn't anyone on trial in the Hague for these crimes, where is the justice for the murdered Serbians?
Crow  154 | 9525  
1 Apr 2016 /  #227
Worth pointing out that Greeks and Russians were on the side of the Serbs (it's known that the Greek flag was raised over Srebrenica after it fell) and quite a few Catholics on the side of the Croats.

Don`t make confusion on this. That was not religious war. But, it is great truth that western Europe tried to manipulate with religion in order to use it in anti-Serbian propaganda.

In reality, worldwide dogs of war took part in hostilities, on all sides, simple as mercenaries.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Apr 2016 /  #228
So why isn't anyone on trial in the Hague for these crimes, where is the justice for the murdered Serbians?



But you have to remember the situation - they were facing genocide, they had no means to defend Srebrenica and the only way to survive was to raid these villages. You really have to wonder what the Bosnian Serb game was - they knew fine well that these raids were happening and did nothing to prevent them.

It's easy to take the moral high ground from hundreds of miles away, but in such a situation, I think most normal people would think about protecting their own over any higher ideals and morals.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
1 Apr 2016 /  #229
" only way to survive was to raid these villages" There is never any excuse to murder noncombatant innocents on any side . NEVER!
Crow  154 | 9525  
1 Apr 2016 /  #230
You really have to wonder what the Bosnian Serb game was - they knew fine well that these raids were happening and did nothing to prevent them.

Complete area was UN safe heaven (zone under UN protection and forbidden for military activity). Serbians respected it and hesitated to enter area. At the same time, worse mujaheedines used opportunity and mutilated local Serbians. Later happened inevitable- revenge and, at the same time, using chaos as cover, crimes of some paramilitary groups orchestrated by secret services of western Europe and USA.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Apr 2016 /  #231
There is never any excuse to murder noncombatant innocents on any side . NEVER!


Your people are circled and you know from previous incidents that the UN are not going to actually protect the "Safe Area". You know that in similar situations, the enemy has committed acts of genocide. Nothing is getting through, and the only way to try and feed people is to fight back. Meanwhile, the enemy is killing your innocents all over the country freely.

In that situation, would you be honourable, or would you do what had to be done?
Crow  154 | 9525  
1 Apr 2016 /  #232
In that situation, would you be honourable, or would you do what had to be done?

It was not about that. Ratko Mladic had duty to react as military commander. That`s duty to end mutilation of Serbian civilians. But, problem was that many Bosnian Serbian soldiers, members of Mladic`s army, had relatives in those Serbian villages that were massacred. Mladic had many problems to control their wrath.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
2 Apr 2016 /  #233
Kosovo on the other hand was a total mess, and to this day, I have no idea why NATO intervened.

Because both the UNHCR and the UN Peacekeeping Force reported that in their view ethnic cleansing was a real probability; that's why.

where is the justice for the murdered Serbians?

FFS. Serbia were the aggressors all through the war. How old are you Dolno? There is NO historical argument about who attacked who.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
2 Apr 2016 /  #234
Delph "would you do what had to be done?" So you advocate the murder of innocent noncombatants and children do you ?

Dougpo "Serbia were the aggressors all through the war" So are you saying that this makes it ok to murder innocent noncombatant Serbians? Just because in your opinion they "Started IT".

You pair remind me of Hitler and Stalin
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Apr 2016 /  #235
So you advocate the murder of innocent noncombatants and children do you ?

I prefer not to judge people that did it in the face of certain genocide. As history shows, they were indeed subjected to genocide.

Because both the UNHCR and the UN Peacekeeping Force reported that in their view ethnic cleansing was a real probability; that's why.

I actually wonder if it would have happened. Albanians were heavily, heavily in the majority in Kosovo - something like 81% were Albanian and only 9% were Serbian. They had access to arms through third countries (especially Albania, but not only) and Kosovo would be quite difficult for the Yugoslav Army to operate in. The KLA were certainly capable of doing damage to the Serbs, especially as Milosević had ruined Serbia economically.

You pair remind me of Hitler and Stalin

I'm pretty sure you would do exactly what the Bosniaks did in Srebrenica.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
2 Apr 2016 /  #236
"you would do exactly what the Bosniaks did in Srebrenica." No there is never an excuse for either side to commit mass murder of innocents,

Would you advocate the random murder of Muslim innocents because of the barbaric actions of ISIS?, I for one would not
Crow  154 | 9525  
2 Apr 2016 /  #237
Because both the UNHCR and the UN Peacekeeping Force reported that in their view ethnic cleansing was a real probability; that's why.

Probability? Is that what destroyed Iraq and Libya? Probability?

General Lewis Mackenzie: We Bombed The Wrong Side - Kosovo's Independence Immoral


So, not truth. You have r5pports from western European countries and USA that confirmed that Albanians provoke and that NATO mistaken for supporting them.

But, biggest conformation that are Serbians right came from Polish parliamentary investigators who proved Serbians view on situation- that NATO bombing and Albanian KLA creating chaos and that because of that chaos civilians massively abandoning region. The credibility of NATO's was seriously undermined in mid-May 1999, when Ikonowicz and Sierakowska undertook a fact-finding mission to Belgrade and the refugee camps in Macedonia, returning with a full condemnation of both the NATO raids and their rationale. Ikonowicz reported that he had failed to find any eyewitnesses to Serb atrocities among Albanian refugees, while according to him refugees said that they had fled not the Serb army but the KLA and NATO bombs.

Serbia were the aggressors all through the war.

This absolutely isn`t correct statement. Serbians didn`t start the war. Legally, morally and historically they were right and Serbians wanted to enter in negotiations (from the stronger positions in negotiations), about all opened issues, even about separation of some regions from Yugoslavia. But Germany cut the political dialogue by preemptive recognition of Croatia and Bosnia and then extreme Muslims and Nazi pro-German ustashe attacked local Serbs.

Just because in your opinion they "Started IT".

As i said, Serbians didn`t start hostilities. Plus, Serbians were victims of genocidal war because Bosnian Muslims and Nazi Croat ustashe attacked Serbians in accordance with their developed genocidal ideology that targeted Serbians (one can easily google on that).

These days international public is shocked to found out that court in Hague failed to prove responsibility of Serbian political leaders. It is even found out that those who were proponents of ideas of Greater Serbia (BDW, nothing genocidal on anybody there), never ruled Serbia and that it was exactly Slobodan Milosevic (elected Serbian president) who opposed to proponents of Greater Serbia and defeated them polltically. But, biggest nonsense for international public coming after conclusion that western Europe and USA supported Bosnian and Croatian political leaders who acted on the base of genocidal ideology for something Greater, while at the same time NATO and EU did everything possible to destabilize Slobodan Milosevic.

So, it is truth. Serbs are right all the time. Serbians were not attacked for reasons as they were accused in mass media hysteria by NATO and EU leading powers. Serbians were punished by those who wanted to remodel Slavic South as it suits them, sponsoring and mobilizing in the process local radical Muslims and Nazi pro-German Croat ustashe.

American about Serbs - The truth about Kosovo-Independence


back on topic

back on topic

yes Pane. i would do exactly that

So, ISIS and attack on Poland. Well, let them try. Let morons just try that. They would face Sarmatian finest, for Poles would hunt them to hell, from where ISIS came anyway.

Polish Special Forces 2016 || "Strength and Honor For you, Fatherland!"

and Poles won`t be alone. Their Serbian brothers would be with them

Serbian Special Forces 2016 - Dolazimo "Kosovo is Serbia" |1080p|

3 Apr 2016 /  #238
The Mosque recently built at Mokotow is a potential breeding ground for radical Islam and terrorists.
jon357  72 | 23482  
3 Apr 2016 /  #239
The Mosque recently built at Mokotow

What "Mosque recently built at" (perhaps you mean 'in') Mokotów?

And why would that one be "a potential breeding ground" for something and the city's other 5 or 6 Mosques differ?
Ironside  50 | 12928  
3 Apr 2016 /  #240
You pair remind me of Hitler and Stalin

Really? They remind me of Pinky and the Brain:

delph and doug

The Mosque recently built at Mokotow is a potential breeding ground for radical Islam and terrorists.

That building shouldn't be allowed, in fact should be demolished.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Poland directly threatened by ISIS. Do Islamists planning terrorist attacks in Poland?Archived