My mother is Polish father German, ancestors are Jewish.
That would make you
German then.
I see that you are to embarrassed to put in your profile what country YOU live in so you can afford to be so judgmental.
they got from **** hole countries such as the US England and France?
Tell us what s-pit country you live in so we can compare/judge it to what you call the ***hole countries.
My bet is that YOU are more of a slave in YOUR country then the Polish people are in Poland.
No one has any respect to Poland nor Polish people.
I do, in fact I have a lot of respect for just their resilience alone.
What I don't have respect for is fradycat punks that "hide" in the shadows talking smack to belittle others.
(Kind of like tying someone's hands behind their back and then getting into a fist fight with them, nothing fair about it.)
People that do that are known as "Insecure Trolls" with huge inferiority complexes.