Why is it when any group comes together to create competitive trading conditions people start yelping "communism" or "soviet
I would suggest asking people in European nations such as Germany, France or even Poland whether EU has made them more competitive on world market...Reality of EU and other such organizations is to flood domestic markets with imported goods at cheapest prices...Motto of all capitalism is 'If it costs too much to build it here, i.e. workers get 'paid too much' you build it cheaper someplace else', like China...If Poland is so competitive in economy and job market, then why Poles all go to UK, Ireland or other places to work?...This is all globalism, and globalism only works for capitalist oligarchs.
Also, ask Europeans what effect large influx of immigrants has on labor market and culture.
Religion is seperate issue, but when a society descends to a base materialism, with no spiritual foundation, greed and criminal elements have a field day...This is part of what Prelate was talking about.
US is run by gangster mafia consisting of corporate criminals, military-medical-industrial complex and Zionistas...And, yes, US move toward 'soviet' environment: One only has to look at TSA searches of American citizens who wish to travel by air to see the most blatant example...Unfortunately, Americans are so brain dead and complacent that they accept this erosion of their rights...Soon, in US, you will need bio-metric ID to work in certain industries.