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Archive Profile of: "johnny reb"
johnny reb
[Suspended until: 12 Apr 2025] -
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30 Jul 2014
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13 Mar 2025
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Helsinki, Finland
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Better than Milo, Joker or Lyzko
Worshiping on Sunday, Reading, Hiking, Travel, Fishing, Culinary, Chess
Latest Threads
Poland's Trade Agreements with the United States on the new 5G technology
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Rural Poland Heritage
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Have Polish Women been Poisoned Yet to Hate Men.
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Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump
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Is it Possible to Get Permanently Banned From the Polish Forum ?
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Immigration Free Poland is Not Being Racist
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Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland?
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Staying on thread (re-closed)
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Is the Administrator of the P.F. a Native Pole ?
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Latest Posts
Unwanted pregnancy in Poland - threats, rights
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New Polish traffic laws
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What does a Polish person need to visit the USA under the VWP - Visa Waiver Program?
- USA, Canada
Roman Polanski accused of unlawful sex with a minor
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I am Polish and I am offended.
- Off-Topic
Poland blocks any action on climate change
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Making American cheeses (Polish and EU ones are terrible!)
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Do the Polish girls like foreign boyfriends or they just prefer local boys?
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Polish Tattoo (considered the eagle)
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Free Tyskie beer at Kiełbasa Factory
- USA, Canada
Demko - Finding Polish ancestry.
- Genealogy
Saying the YEARS in Polish WORDS
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Oils and fats in Polish foods
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Need some Polish dessert recipes
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Piekarski surname - is it Polish?
- Genealogy
Poland directly threatened by ISIS. Do Islamists planning terrorist attacks in Poland?
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Which cities in Poland are nice to visit
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Importance of Religion in Poland
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Cosmetic surgery in Poland...
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Commemoration of 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the WWII in Warsaw. Poland a full-fledged NATO member.
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Poland in photo riddles
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What are qualites of Germans?
- Polonia
Requirements for bringing a Dog into Poland
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Poland's LOT Air Problems
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Beautiful women in Polonia, WI
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Rescue underway for miners trapped underground after tremor hits mine in South Poland
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Air shows in Poland are annoying
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How long a Pole can stay in the United States? I need clarity on immigration laws in the US and Poland
- USA, Canada
Why are young Poles turning away from Church and religion?
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Polish blood only makes up 1% of your "Polishness"
- Genealogy
How do Polish people see homosexuality?
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Russian citizen wants immigrate to Poland
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Where to buy marihuana in Warsaw?
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Attraction from a Polish man?
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Political correctness in Poland
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Which Poland's city is LGBT friendly?
- Travel
Cost of a C-section in Warsaw and hospital recommendation
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Why are Poles in other countries called "Plastic Poles"?
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Business English teacher from UK urgently needs help with some short Polish to English translations.
- Classifieds
Why is Poland such an American boot licker?
- History
Polish Primate condemns EU's anti-Christianity
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Looking for meaning of a phrase ("Yatz Gatz Spetagamie")
- Language
Child support in remarriage and child support increase for adult children in Poland
- Law
Thoughts on moving to Poland from USA
- USA, Canada
What made you join Polish Forums & whats attractive here?
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Do I need a Health Insurance? Freelancer in Poland (umowa o dzielo)
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"Pan" or "Ty" - how people address each other in Poland?
- Language
A Personal Request to all PF members
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Is it safe to drive in Poland?
- Travel
Are foreigners with kids on work visa in Poland eligible for the "Family 500 PLN" benefit money?
- Law
British man accused of molesting teenagers in Poland
- News
Hollywood's War with Poland.
- News
Poland's society at communism and socialism time
- History
American baking products (bread, shortening, etc)
- Food
Study Shows Irish Voters Rejected the Nice Treaty Referendum Due to Poland's Entry Into the EU
- History
Should Poland be given ANY credit for ALLOWING Jews into Poland for 1000 years?
- History
Is it safe for Indians, Sikhs living here in Poland? Any Temple / Gurudwara in Wroclaw?
- Life
Michigan Polish markets and places?
- USA, Canada
Asking Polish Girl to be in a relationship
- Love