Vawery 3 | 13 26 May 2010 / #1I was wondering about if polish girls like to be in a relation with a foreign boy, which is usually a difficult relation and sometimes a weird relation, or they simply like to be with a local boy as that uses to be easier for them.In my opinion I have to say that they like their boys, and maybe that's just because they're afraid (and soooooooooooo afraid I'd say) about meeting with another boys, I mean foreign boys, and that's due to the fact that maybe they just prefer comodity and seccurity of the local things. Despite that I hate this way to think. F*ucking polish girls who just want to meet with their local boys and they can't even make an effort to know different boys, different cultures, differents countries... But, I'm not saying that this is the only way that they deal with relationships, but in my experience I've seen a lot of this.So, what do you think about that guys?
Seanus 15 | 19668 26 May 2010 / #2Some Polish girls like foreign guys and others prefer locals given their sheer numbers ;)
Miguel Colombia - | 351 26 May 2010 / #3I was wondering about if polish girls like to be in a relation with a foreign boy..Judging by the way you write, the things you write and your profile, I feel sorry for any girl that could find you interesting.
SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1589 26 May 2010 / #4F*ucking polish girls who just want to meet with their local boys and they can't even make an effort to know different boys, different cultures, differents countries.It's their choice. Everybody has the right to choose.But there are more and more relationships with foreigners as well. More Polish girls work abroad etc.However, there are not many foreigners in most parts of Poland.
nincompoop_not 2 | 192 26 May 2010 / #5I mean foreign boys, and that's due to the fact that maybe they just prefer comodity and seccurity of the local thingshow old are you? :D
Seanus 15 | 19668 26 May 2010 / #6You have to understand the Polish psyche in that they are much more comfortable with their own. Those that are a little disillusioned with them go for foreigners but I maintain that they still hold a soft spot for their own even then.
OP Vawery 3 | 13 26 May 2010 / #7how old are you? :DWhy it's important my age? Well, I'm 23 if you want to know it.
SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1589 26 May 2010 / #8You have to understand the Polish psyche in that they are much more comfortable with their own.Polish girls, in general, are not used to date foreigners, because there are not many foreigners in most parts of Poland.
OP Vawery 3 | 13 26 May 2010 / #9I feel sorry for any girl that could find you interesting.Ehmm... No comments. I'd like to say you a few things, but it will better if I don't say it, cause you don't deserve a word of mine.
Seanus 15 | 19668 26 May 2010 / #10Not used to dating, that's right Szwed. Poland still hasn't seen a large influx of foreigners though there are quite a few here in Silesia.
King Sobieski 2 | 714 26 May 2010 / #11are you still whingeing about the girl that had a boyfriend that you pursued, that lo and behold, didnt want a bar of you?
pawian 220 | 24926 12 Oct 2019 / #12Do the polish girls like foreign boyfriends or they just prefer local boys?I think Polish girls like good decent boys first of all - like most women, I suppose - whether they are foreigners or locals, doesn`t matter.
pawian 220 | 24926 15 Oct 2019 / #13I think Polish girls like good decent boys first of allSo, the boys should be: mature, responsible, caring. Also, non-drinkers. Cleanliness is a must. And loyalty is very important too. They should have a sense of humour. If they possess the before mentioned qualities, they can smoke or swear, though. Don`t need to be very handsome.These are preferred personality traits for prospective husbands from my female students during class tutor lessons. Hardly any girls mentioned kids etc - they don`t think about it yet.
Lyzko 42 | 9518 16 Oct 2019 / #14A colleague of mine who spent much longer than I in Poland, when we were both in our early thirties, told me when he returned, that he found most of the young ladies whom he tried to meet, were clearly more comfortable with local guys, particularly with those with whom they'd grown up.He in fact spoke, indeed speaks, Polish far better than yours truly (having been raised in a Polish-American household of recent immigrants from Poland, much as with me and German), knows the culture inside out, and yet felt a bit of the ol' cold shoulder on many occasions from women he was attempting to date.I might add too, he looks what one might describe as "typically Polish", nonetheless reported his disappointing experiences.
Lyzko 42 | 9518 16 Oct 2019 / #16Maybe. However, his fluent social skills, his Polish, above all his good looks, ought to have been a shoe in. But it wasn't.
Sylvio 19 | 154 18 Oct 2019 / #17Girls always look for what is comfortable first! Not just in Poland. UK is the same. Generally, the thicker the girl the less likely to want a foreign man. Also, all ladies like their men to be confident , full of energy, plans, and able to stand his ground to other men. Foreign men are none of that, regardless of country
Lenka 5 | 3534 18 Oct 2019 / #18And yet more Polish women marry foreign than Polish man marry foreign girls. So how is it if girls don't like them?
Lyzko 42 | 9518 18 Oct 2019 / #19My experience with Poles here in the States is that many young ladies are attracted by the exotic, the unfamiliar aka the foreign!Typically, a Polish woman will marry a Columbian, even an Egyptian, Chinese or non-Western European man in order to provethat Poles across the board aren't xenophobic. This trend though among Polish men, I've yet to see:-)When I was in Poland, I found that the last thing younger Polish women wanted to hear was some white dude chuntering on and on aboutPolish culture, how Chopin and Mickiewicz were so great etc ad nauseum. Were I an African-American, say, with the Peace Corps forexample, I'd have had every Polish woman eating out of my hand, knowledge of Polish or not.
Lenka 5 | 3534 18 Oct 2019 / #20Now you took it to the other extreme which is as silly as Sylvuo's claims. The truth, as usual, is in between.
Lyzko 42 | 9518 18 Oct 2019 / #21Often times yes, Lenka, you'd normally be correct.I'm merely speaking from my own experience, limited by comparison though that might be.
Sylvio 19 | 154 19 Oct 2019 / #22The reason why more Polish women marry foreign men, is because western men look better for the same par. Average PL guy is no good for export, anywhere west of us.
Ironside 50 | 12460 19 Oct 2019 / #23The reason why more Polish women marry foreign menAre few. Open broders, More women to men ratio in Poland. Immigration.Average PL guy is no good for export, anywhere west of us.Talk for yourself. Have you actually been anywhere bar your behind?
Lenka 5 | 3534 19 Oct 2019 / #24Open brodersOpen borders work for both sexes so hardly an explanation for why more women go for foreign fruit.Worth mentioning is also that both genders go for different nationalities.
Ironside 50 | 12460 19 Oct 2019 / #25Open borders work for both sexes so hardly an explanation for why more women go for foreign fruit.You're contradicting yourself in the same sentence.It is an explanation. We are not talking about men but women. Notice topic of the thread.
Lenka 5 | 3534 19 Oct 2019 / #26It's funny since you responded to quote about the fact that more Polish women marry foreign man than Polish man marry foreign women.
kaprys 3 | 2101 19 Oct 2019 / #27The idea that Polish women marry 'exotic' men to prove that we're not xenophobic is just ridiculous, I'm sorry.As for why more Polish women marry foreigners than Polish men do, well one of the reasons might be that there's the archetype of matka Polka and not necessarilly ojciec Polak.
johnny reb 46 | 7356 19 Oct 2019 / #28When I was in Poland, I found that the last thing younger Polish women wantedThe four days that you spent in Poland 30 years ago hardly found much.Polish girls, like any other girl in the world, want to be spoiled with the finer things in life.It's more about the size of the guys wallet then where he is from.
Rich Mazur 4 | 2897 19 Oct 2019 / #29When you marry an "exotic" man, your life will be "exotic" and not in a good sense. One day, your exotic husband will go back to his exotic homeland with your semi-exotic kids so you can start looking for another exotic guy.As we know so very well, staying married is a walk in the park, so adding all the exotics to it is a sure fire to make it last and last...Especially, when the "loved" one is a Muslim.
Lyzko 42 | 9518 19 Oct 2019 / #30In that sense Johnny, Polish women are therefore as toxic as any American golddigger!Somehow though, in former times aka pre-Reagan, women anywhere on the whole were less up front about being greedy filth. Perhaps they showed just a wee bit more needed feminine finesse and made the inevitable rejection slightly more palatable, handling disappointment witha modicum of maturity:-)If the popular media were any indicator, I think I'm right.