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Love my polish girlfriend alot but under pressure from family

Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Nov 2009 /  #121
Aha, that's why so many left was it? Such staunch patriotism ;) ;)
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
13 Nov 2009 /  #122
I agree totally

What with? The fact that muslim men play with European women who dont know the reality, that they dating men that are scum with no balls? They have no intention of entering in to a long term relationship because their "culture" dictates that they marry someone of their own race and religion?

Love is a reciprocal thing, its not a one way thing...something some cultures fail to understand because they are forced in marriage.

Hope it'll help you. (It's a bit cryptic, but it's true!) You should forget about the ones you want to have, and think about the ones who want to have you..

Its called "moving on"

the only thing she should be afraid of is all those infections you might've cought while sleeping around.

Well, lets face it, most of it he reads in magazines and what naked bodies he sees comes off the "top" shelf!

Now just thank me and go active! Argh I can't belive that I helped no-Polish-guys to getting a Polish girl, woe betide you won't treating this Polish girl well!!!

Your English is just fine sweetie....As for help...there is now helping those that dont want to be helped...he just had some fun with a pretty girl...no good gentlemanly intentioned...just a poor girl used!

hehhh. why did you that? must be man heart thing.

He's a gentleman, thats why.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
13 Nov 2009 /  #123
Love is a reciprocal thing, its not a one way thing...

if that was a response to my giving love 100% and leaving 0% to her, you dont understand what the true gentle man means. if i gave 50% and leave 50% to her, the risk is one of us may have a heartache. a man even at the beginning should start with 100% taking all risk at the beginning. if he gets a response and asked to be shared the love by her, then, the rest is easy. if not, she will say a healthy bye. however, most of women dont know this.
galwayman  1 | 10  
14 Nov 2009 /  #124
All i can say is ! god love this girl , because when religion and family come into a relationship its doomed from the begining .

I think your words but its all in one from the start of this forum ShelleyS
greeneyed912  - | 3  
14 Nov 2009 /  #125
what is wrong getting married to any of village girls?just focuson ur matter ,dont go out of issue;)
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Nov 2009 /  #126
what is wrong getting married to any of village girls?j

Yes,I always ask first:Are you maybe a village girl?
greeneyed912  - | 3  
14 Nov 2009 /  #127
u look like had been ****** up by a turk ....... u allude turks,dont rush out
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Nov 2009 /  #128
Serbs and Greeks will clear.Promise.
16 Nov 2009 /  #130

First of all, English is fine. All you need to do is be understood and you are. Not only that, but it is not your first language...

Second of all, you are totally correct. I don't think you understood what I meant. I don't know this guys situation, but I just don't want him to get hurt if she doesn't love him in return.

My situation is exactly as you have mentioned. We are the best of friends, but she has already made it clear she is indeed wanting only one man for the rest of her life and she isn't ready to begin anything now. Yet, I fight for her - not in the normal sense, but I give everything to see her and be with her. She is and will not be ready for quite some time - maybe years. If something is worth waiting for (and this beautiful, smart, wonderful Polish girl is) then one can certainly wait. I will wait and I will look to no other...
loveMYcountry  - | 19  
27 Nov 2009 /  #131
This girl you „love“ is only a traditional and religious Polish girl. „I will wait and I will look to no other...“ ->...<- ahahah, I swear you look to other girls too!!! Your dick is hard of Polish girls...or surely of east european girls. She don‘t will have sex till her marriage night and I beat you American can‘t bear this...I would like to prevent this girl from you. You really don‘t know how to steal the heart from this girl. She is not an American girl k98_boy!

Gentleman means ->Do you open all doors for her? Do you let her first in the room? Do you put her jacket off and on? Do you pay everything for her? Do you gave her handkisses? (Polish tradition)! Do you gave her compliments (only rly earnest-meant).

Do you told her what you feel for her?? Speak the three words out, buy her a ring and ask if she wanna be your gf. If you are in love so much what for do you wait? if she is as beautiful as you says she will have fast a better man and you lost. I don‘t wanna give you a tip anymore, you should know it self, you are a real coward. Again, I would like to prevent this girl from you.
southern  73 | 7059  
27 Nov 2009 /  #132
„I will wait

I will wait means only one thing:''Why no money till now?Potrzebuje pienadze.''I had the same illusions till I found the answer.
loveMYcountry  - | 19  
27 Nov 2009 /  #133
ahah gangster, but who you means potrzebuje pienadze? I don't see your point.
southern  73 | 7059  
27 Nov 2009 /  #134
When you wake up switch off the light.
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
27 Nov 2009 /  #135
Paying everything for her is not being a Gentleman, that's just crazy. Girls don't want to depend upon a man all the time. Its nice to do all the things you say but not all the time, it loses its appeal if its not done spontainiously.

Being a Gentleman is about treating her as an equal and being there for her when she needs you.
southern  73 | 7059  
27 Nov 2009 /  #136
Girls don't want to depend upon a man all the time.

Yes,they want to depend upon several men.Sometimes I cannot understand.
loveMYcountry  - | 19  
28 Nov 2009 /  #137
"treating her as an equal and being there for her when she needs you." yea this too, but to the other things you write I can only say: You haven't the faintest clue!!!

A girl should never pay something when she is together with the guy, especially when they have a date! A nice girl do at first everything that she wanna pay (but she knows that she won't at the end), 'CAUSE a real Polish guy disallow ALWAYS that the girl pay!!!

You only come with this bullsh** 'cause you are a guy who wanna disavow this, you are stingy 'cause I beat you don't had a good Polish education. For me is everything I bring up as a matter of course! My mother learned me as a nipper, how a man have to treat the girl he like. I see it in the Polish everyday life, in my family and how my father treat my mother and I think that's nice and a piece of Polish tradition. You all can laugh about the gentleman things I'm talking about, but girls just love it! They like to be treated from a guy like a princess. Perhaps not all girls, but I talk for the romantic girls. And I want to be the man and guardian for her. But you guys should all doin' what you believe it's right, I think a lot in this forum don't live in Poland, I can't reeducate you, I only share my way and ken.
loveMYcountry  - | 19  
28 Nov 2009 /  #139
King Sobieski
ahahah wolne żarty! Szukasz zaczepki?
Nika  2 | 507  
28 Nov 2009 /  #140
Chyba tak.
Thank you for your post loveMYcountry. I agree with your point of view but if it was me saying that they would all say I'm a gold digger.

Thank you to all the men that have their honour and know how to treat a lady.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
28 Nov 2009 /  #141
Do you gave her handkisses? (Polish tradition)!

If you live in Poland now you should know that hand kissing is very uncommon among you people. People at my university just laugh at it.

I agree with you that men should act like gentlemen, but it should be on a reasonable level.
loveMYcountry  - | 19  
28 Nov 2009 /  #142
Yea of course, not to each girl, only to this one you like more or to women you respect, like your babcia, mother, ciocia, etc.

People at your university laugh 'cause it's an older practice, they just wanna be cool. Dumb ahah.
When you wake up switch off the light. CO? Are you able to give account?
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
28 Nov 2009 /  #143

No, I'm not Polish

No I don't live in Poland because I have a job that keeps me away but I am in Poland every weekend and every holiday.

My Polish girlfriend gets angry if I try and pay for everything, she does not want to be kept by me, she wants to look after herself too sometimes.

In England I was brought up to pay everything when I go out with a girl but the world has moved on. Girls want equality and to know they can look after themselves without a man doing everything for them.

I have had girlfriends from a few different countries and all of them liked to be treated equal.

I might not have been clear, always offer to pay but when they say no, let them pay for their part. Just dont pay everytime.

If they want you to pay everytime, in my experience, they are gold diggers.
southern  73 | 7059  
28 Nov 2009 /  #144
f they want you to pay everytime, in my experience, they are gold diggers.

I don't have problem to pay for date expenses however many polish girls want small presents,tips,a kind of financial transfusion as well.
loveMYcountry  - | 19  
28 Nov 2009 /  #145
"My Polish girlfriend gets angry if I try and pay for everything, she does not want to be kept by me, she wants to look after herself too sometimes." YEA, a nice girl do at first everything that she wanna pay (but she knows that she won't at the end), 'CAUSE a real Polish guy disallow ALWAYS that the girl pay!!!

You aren't Polish, so everything is clear. Let her pay if this is OK for you. I would have a bad conscience when I would let the girl pay.
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
28 Nov 2009 /  #146
She made it very very clear she does not want me to pay every time but I have never let her pay for me. I listen to what my girlfriend wants I don't do what other people expect.

Hmm, I wonder why she is with me and not a Polish guy?
loveMYcountry  - | 19  
28 Nov 2009 /  #147
A lot men need the slogan "the world has moved on" as a fine excuse, but I swear girls enjoy it still when the man pay for her, help her to put her jacket on etc. sure! To be gentleman to them have nothing to do with the "equal" you speaking all the time about. Treat her equal, of course, but be anyway a gentleman. Don't ask something, just pay. Before she realised you should have do it and it will give no awkward exchange about money.

"I listen to what my girlfriend wants I don't do what other people expect." yea great! But if this would be my gf I would pay for her anyway, she will accept it at any time.

"Hmm, I wonder why she is with me and not a Polish guy?" ahah I know as much as you, don't ask me.
29 Nov 2009 /  #148

If I were the American you think I was, would I not as soon just said screw all the trouble and go on to another "east european girl"?

Everyone has a different idea of a "gentlemen". From the other people in this thread, it is clear your version is laughable so I have no problem saying that I do not fit all your "standards". Yes, I have told her how I feel and I don't see how any of this makes me a coward? That's a shame you'd like to prevent her from me, but it's quite good you can't do a damn thing about it!

My Polish girlfriend gets angry if I try and pay for everything, she does not want to be kept by me, she wants to look after herself too sometimes.

As with me. She never gets to the point of yelling, but she really does not like me paying for everything.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
29 Nov 2009 /  #149
I agree with your point of view but if it was me saying that they would all say I'm a gold digger.

Not at all, Im English and wouldnt expect to pay for anything on a date, in the 6 years with my ex I didnt pay for one drink or one meal..Im not a gold digger, I just believe that a man should pay if he's taking me out.

A lot men need the slogan "the world has moved on" as a fine excuse.

Very true, but its not just a Polish thing, any decent man will do this.
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
29 Nov 2009 /  #150
Very true, but its not just a Polish thing, any decent man will do this.

I'm a decent man, I listen to what my gf wants. The first few times I paid even though she asked me not to, when I got home she had slipped the money into my pocket.

Am I not decent because I did not pay for the meal?

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