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Polish Girlfriend Does Not have my Trust, Please help :(

co0k 1 | 8  
9 Apr 2009 /  #1
There's a story behind this but I'd rather not bother you guys with a uncomfortable emotional outbreak when it's completely unnecessary..

I'm simply looking for some advice.. My girlfriend has cheated on me, my trust is shaken,
I've found some uncomfortable messages and i want to know if i should be Worried, for i can't speak polish very well?

These messages are from a Guy, I don't expect you guys to translate all of this, Just simply read it over and tell me if i should be worried about him.. however if you have any concerns and the ability please do translate anything bad, Thanks

these are several messages, not just a very long one..

a dziekuje:*

hmm tym bardziej:D tzn.
milo ze tak twierdzisz :)

na chwile obecna brak.
ale pewnie w tym badz w nastepnym miesiacu koncze klatke piersiowa i zacyznam podbrzusze i noge:)
a ja jakies 2 do 3 miesiecy plecy ^^.
hmm pewnie ze wiem jak to ma wygladac;d nie jestem osoba ktora robi sobie nieprzemyslanie tattoo tylko po to zeby byc"fajnym" :P

hmm wymeczysz.. powiadasz xD?

hehe. nie no ogolnie bedzie kolor kolor i napewno kolor;d

a co dokladnie to... klatke widzalas;), podbrzusze ma skladac sie z 2 rewolwerow, miedzy nimi czarna roza a na nich szarfa z napisem;), reka chce mozna powiedziec ze tradycyjna gwiazdke a nie nauticala:P albo cos takiego.

hmm noga bedzie miecz z wezem. mam bardzo fajny projekt zwlaszcza ze ma rozbudowane tlo ;) co daje fajny efekt.
natomiast plecy? ogulnym zamyslem mych plecow bedzie temat "salwador dalli ;]" od lopatki beda schodzily "komiskowe" slonie dallego itp itd;)

tak:) uwielbiam obrazy dallego i naprawde jest to cos wspanialego zobaczyc surrealistyczny poglad czegos co na ogol jest naprawde noralmne;) a staje sie niezwykle i jeszcze bardziej interesujace;)

a co do plecow to wiadomo 1 sesja to bedzie kontor a potem kolor postaci i tlo- lekkie bo wiadomo nie chce miec calych plecow w tle tylko ladne i ujme to tak... zmyslowe akcenty;)

hmmm Giorgio de Chirico to chyba jego znam jeden badz dwa obrazy napewno... tolow kobiety z bananami:P (nie wiem czemu akurat to;d) a co do sztuuki to zainteresowania a w przyszlosci dosc nieodleglej studia. A.S.


na medycyne jestem za glupi:P

a co do a.s.p to pewnie rysunek albo fotografia:) w zaleznosci od tego co zobacz w jednym z moich snow xD hehe. na chwile obecna o tym nie mysle.

i staram sie zyc chwila;d i dostrzegac kobiety bez glowy i banany;)

Moja droga:P jak czlowiek sie uczy i pracuje i nie ma czasu podrapac sie w swoj slicznym xD i zgrabny tyleczek [joke] to tak sie ma :P

a co do dziecka.. ehe napewno xD kumpla... :P

Hmm niestety musze zdementowac to... lecz poniez ze:P sypiam po 4 godziny i prowadze aktywny tryb zycia, bieganie itp itd natomiast co do twojego wieku... booze to stara

hehe:) nie lubie sprzatac wole gotowac xD

bardziej mnie to relaskuje;)
hm.. a co do dzieci to nie niechce;d a twoj wiek? czujesz sie jak 40 latka? za ladna jestes na rozstepy na tylku i brzuchu;d xD

i lekkim zarostem na twazy ^^ ;]jestes xD 19? to tyle co ja fuuu;d hehe.... a co do dzieci nie mam i miec nie bede;] ha.

! (wystarczy ze moj brat sie postara xD i przedluzy "dobry rod" bo ja jestem z tego zlego "miotu xD"

nie;d gustuje w jedrynych i fajnych dziewczynach xD ;d hehe

a co do gotowania too kuchnia wloska, hiszpanska oraz meksykanska:) hmm a jak sprzatanie sspie pale;d to chyba to polubie [buhaha] - wybacz meski zarcik;) :P

taa jeszcze powinnas powiedziec... "gdzie moj obiad suko:P"

hmm ta xD nie watpie...

jak bym, mial do wyboru obiad albo ded:P no to suuper:D XD

hmmm no dobra;d zrobie obiad .! :D

lepsiej xD?

ja demoralizuje xD?

co pan.?!
w dupe dac moge dac:P xD

moja polŻczyzna:P tez jest slaba xD a mimo tooo lubie to slowo xD hehehe:)

moj tylek tez jest zajebiaszczy:D :P hm.. nie nieide dziewczynko spac:> i jutro sprzatac nie bede;d xD.
Seanus 15 | 19,672  
9 Apr 2009 /  #2
Where is the proof that she has cheated on you? Did you catch her in the act?

I know it's hard but women often dwell on their ex-partners. Polish women seem to do it even more so in my observations. If you are a foreigner, you have to be mindful that they may do it. Almost every foreigner I know here has had a GF who has done the dirty on them.

Remember this motto: What I don't know doesn't hurt me
OP co0k 1 | 8  
9 Apr 2009 /  #3
Lol maybe i should have been more clear, She already HAS, This is another guy i'm worried about her repeating such with
Seanus 15 | 19,672  
9 Apr 2009 /  #4
Then why are you with her? Kick her to the kerb/curb. If my woman did that, there would be serious words and a long discussion. I trust her implicitly, I have a good un but I've already laid down the groundrules.
OP co0k 1 | 8  
9 Apr 2009 /  #5
Serious words and a long discussion, You think i havent done such? i guess i'm just looking for a reason, thanks for your help? :D

these were from her

These are the messages from my Girlfriend to Him..

alez prosze Cie bardzo,sama prawda;) pic to mozemy zawsze hehe

mhmm^^ masz jakies inne dziary?

A masz juz jakies konkrety co i jak bedzie wygladalo? ja sobie wydziaralam z 3-4 tyg temu kregoslup,teraz tez chce klate hehe

no wiesz,nigdy nic nie wiadomo ^^ a co chcesz miec? :)

a konkret? Wymecze Cie :D

brzmi naprawde zajebiscie.

Ciekawe jak wyjdzie,pewnie sporo pracy przy tym bedzie,i cierpienia :D
a chcesz sobie cale plecy dziarac? tak konkretnie calosc z tlem, czy tylko ze tak powiem obrys 'postaci'?
interesujesz sie sztuka ze S.
Dalí ? ;)

no tak, cale plecy miec wypelnione to troche shitowo :P

A robisz cos w kierunku artystycznym czy poprostu zainteresowanie i podziw?
Szczerze to ja za Dalim specjalnie nie przepadam, z surrealizmu wole Giorgio de Chirico albo Maxa Ernsta;)

haha, najwidoczniej kobiety i banany Cie kreca :D
asp? A co konkretnie? tez mialam takie plany ale zmienilam na medycyne ^^

aww nie ma glupich,wszystko zalezy od zainteresowan ;D

ja mysle ze rysunek lepszy! tzn nie wiem, sama rysuje wiec heheh, walic fotografie :D
Szczegolnie jezeli interesujesz sie tego typu sztuka.

Nie wiem co Cie kreci w kobietach bez glow i w bananach xD a wlasciwie to w kobietach bez glow,rak i nog haha
moze to taki dziki fetysz poprostu :o

hahah kreci mnie to :o xD
ale ja mam glowe,rece i nogi , jeszcze xD i nie mam bananow :(
o tak, nie ma to jak kobieta cala we krwi z jakims mozgiem w rekach, jami lol

dobry robisz interes widze :D
szkoda tylko,ze z jelita szybko sie rozciagaja,lepsze sa z odbytnicy ^^ lol.

a co masz zamiar mnie pocwiartowac? i zrobic z moich jelit jakas nowa serie skakanek? hah
pojeb <3 :D

mhmmmm no ciekawie ciekawie... xD lol
a Ty co nie w szkole lub robocie lub hmmm czymstam? :P

no bo wiesz,jakis dziwny klimat sie zaczynal robic xD haha

no takkk,swieta swieta..ja dzis nie w robocie ani nie w szkole,dziecko sie rozchorowalo.

Tzn nie moje lol opiekuje sie corka kumpla od jakiegos czasu :P
widzisz,gdybys utrzymywal porzadek to teraz nie musialbys sprzatac moj drogi, o! :D

jasne jasnee,zawsze jest czas! poprostu nie spij tyle xD

nie no, jeszcze nie moj czas na dziecko..19 lat to troche za malo:P
na dodatek jak nie ma kandydata na ojca to juz w ogole :D

Ty pewnie za to masz 4328329438 dzieciakow i kazdemu robisz fajne skakanki,co? ;)

no to 3 godzinki snu i godzina sprzatania,w sam raz :D:D
sam nie jestes lepszy widze haha;)
kurna,szczerze to czuje sie jakbym miala z 30-40lat? do dupy..
aww,niechcesz miec dzieci? nawet jednego? takie urocze i male..dopiero potem sa beznadziejne,jak maja 19 lat xD
no widzisz,ja tez jestem z tego zlego:P A w zasadzie z zadnego ******* happens.

o,a co lubisz gotowac? ;) wiadomo ze bardziej relaksuje..sprzatanie ssie pale,ale coz jak trza to trza xD
haha no dziekuje bardzo :* a szkoda,myslalam ze zarost na twarzy i rozstepy Cie kreca lmao,taki inny dziki fetysz!
hm. chyba poprostu zbyt wiele w zyciu przeszlam, padlo mi na psychike i emocjonalnosc.

najlepsza kuchnia ^^ jeszcze portugalska i brazylijska jest genialna.
Yumm:D heheh luz,typowo moje poczucie humoru xD perwers!

mhmmm najfajniejszy^^ bedziesz musial mi cos kiedys ugotowac ;D

o Tyyyy, jak mozesz tak mowic :o
tak i juz! xD

aww raczej obiad or die xD
nie nooo,byloby milo ;)

no dooobra,
jak niechcesz to nie :(

jejj,ale teraz to tak z łaski :(

wiedzialammm poprostu wiedzialam ze tak bedzie!
gdyby nie moja slaba polszczyzna po tylu latach poza krajem moze uzylabym innego wyrazu xD haha

sam jestes perwers! i zbok.
i ummm demoralizujesz :o lmao

noo! i to jak! ja normalnie grzeczne dziecko a tu co? masz babo placek.

zdemoralizowales mnie ;D

dac mozesz dac ale nie zasluzyles sobie xD

no tak,Twoja polŻczyzna jest genialna,z łaski robisz laski mhmm wlasnie widac ^^

jak mozesz tak mowic! moj tylek jest wspanialy xD haha

czyz chlopcze nie powinienes isc juz spac? jutro rano musisz wczesniej wstac zeby dom posprzatac :>

uh huh,moj jest lepszy! Twoj jest plaski i w ogole ssie xD
bedziesz sprzatac bedziesz,albo nie zjem obiadu ^^
Seanus 15 | 19,672  
9 Apr 2009 /  #6
They are just random rants from some buffoon. He probably got tanked up on a bottle of vodka and let rip. Words are words, man. Actions are actions.
freebird 3 | 532  
9 Apr 2009 /  #7
My girlfriend has cheated on me, my trust is shaken

well, hate to tell that man but I would get rid of her. Once a cheater always a cheater.
OP co0k 1 | 8  
9 Apr 2009 /  #8
words lead to actions, I simply want to know if i should be worried about this ***** or is this just some useless ranting from both ends?
Seanus 15 | 19,672  
9 Apr 2009 /  #9
Not in Obama's case. Just kidding! We never know the full picture online
OP co0k 1 | 8  
9 Apr 2009 /  #10
i've simply just not been able to regain my faith, it's ********, i know, all of this is, Why would i even be with her if she's done such, or if i dont trust her?

this didn't happen so long ago, So I'm still being very indecisive and cautious..

through everything I've stuck around, A relationship isn't about giving up on the person you love when times get difficult, or when you run into precarious situations.. it's about working through the rough times, and preserving and safeguarding this special part of yourself and your life.. If you really Want to be with this person, there's no excuse to give up on them..

like i said, i feel like maybe i'm just looking for reasons to trash this relationship, this wouldnt be the first time.
freebird 3 | 532  
9 Apr 2009 /  #11
A relationship isn't about giving up on the person you love

the question is, did she love you when she slept with the other guy. This is not a one way street. It's not only about your feeling toward her.
OP co0k 1 | 8  
9 Apr 2009 /  #12

i just simply wanted to know If i should be worried about this situation..
I don't need relationship counseling though i appreciate you guys looking out for my best interests, i think i can do that on my own, my only dilemma is that I'm unable to speak polish.
freebird 3 | 532  
9 Apr 2009 /  #13
my only dilemma is that I'm unable to speak polish.get rid of her in English. I'm sorry man, I know how you feel, deep down inside of you everything is burning. It ain't easy no matter what we say, probably ain't gonna help at all but you seriously need to finish it off. This ain't going anywhere man.
pgtx 29 | 3,145  
9 Apr 2009 /  #14

they are talking about tattoos and cooking... maybe some little flirting is going on but nothing nasty...

but as freebird said, once a cheater always a cheater...
OP co0k 1 | 8  
9 Apr 2009 /  #15
If you understand where I'm coming from then maybe you've held onto a lingering hope before, something that's still within grasp but ever closer to slipping through your fingers..

A part of me Doesn't want to give it up, And another completely agree with everything you're saying, Love has blinded me, I've become ignorant of my feelings.. I want to keep it going.. But sometimes I'm looking for an excuse to call it quits.. In reality i may not know what i want to do with this situation,

But at this point I'd simply like to have my original Question Answered.
freebird 3 | 532  
9 Apr 2009 /  #16
Love has blinded me

yes and this is why we're trying to help you as good as we can.

I've found some uncomfortable messages and i want to know if i should be Worried

I fugure this was your first question, right? I believe you should be worried if she really cheated on you.
OP co0k 1 | 8  
9 Apr 2009 /  #17
I knew that there was flirting going on, and i knew they were talking about tattoos and cooking, I just couldn't read in between the lines, As I've said my polish isn't very expansive.. I know that in polish there are several ways to say the same thing with a different meaning behind it, I'm just not this good yet :/

If you say i shouldn't be worried, then I'll leave it at that, Thank you (:
pgtx 29 | 3,145  
9 Apr 2009 /  #18
are you sure you want to be in a relationship with no trust? (you are checking her messages, it'll get worst)....
freebird 3 | 532  
9 Apr 2009 /  #19
are you sure you want to be in a relationship with no trust?

great point
OP co0k 1 | 8  
9 Apr 2009 /  #20
edit:/ they are comments on fking myspace.. such is how i found out about the first incident.. And has ruined my experience on such.. I just want to delete it :o

but That's my biggest concern to be honest, It really hurts Me to know that I'm living like such, and that our relationship has come to this, I know why, And she knows why.. But we are trying to work beyond this.. I know me coming here isn't helping my cause.. I know that i need to trust her with everything that i am, it's the only way it'll ever truly feel right again.. But this all just happened.. so fast.. And as I've said i don't know what i Really want.. But I'm just trying to protect myself..

I think you all have helped me realize that what I'm doing here is Wrong, the intention behind it is all wrong.. If i want this to work out i need to stop playing games with myself and be serious about it.. It's not just that you've helped me realize it, I've known what i'm doing now is only putting more distance between us.. But you've just helped reassure me that i need to wise up, put the past behind me..
freebird 3 | 532  
9 Apr 2009 /  #21
But I'm just trying to protect myself..

there's really just one way to do it and I'm sure if you were able to switch off your emotions for a minute, you would make the right decision very fast. Good luck man no matter what you decide to do.
edelweiss1 2 | 22  
10 Apr 2009 /  #22
if you want my opinion , the longer your in it (with a lack of trust) the harder it get's and with it ,the harder the break when it comes. I wish I had of stepped away from mine when I first had a genuine reason for the mis-trust that I felt, (within the first couple of months), Instead it dragged on for 12 months and it did not get better,it got worse. Turned my mind to strawberry jam mixed with pickles, and that is by no means an exageration. (just getting over it).

The language barrier is a very good point. I feel the best voice to listen to in your situation is your head. (*Not your heart).

Archives - 2005-2009 / Love / Polish Girlfriend Does Not have my Trust, Please help :(Archived