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Posts by SzwedwPolsce  

Joined: 21 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Nov 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 1589 / In This Archive: 631
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Staram się... hehe. ;-)
Interests: Driving motorcycle, SCUBA-diving, playing guitar, delicious food etc.

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31 Dec 2009
USA, Canada / Traveling to Poland to study. Polish passport question. [11]

I am considering entering Poland with my Can passport, applying for my full Polish passport once in Poland

As far as I know it's a criminal offense for a Polish (dual) citizen to enter Poland with their other passport.
27 Dec 2009
Language / Gdybym...łbyś [16]

So do you mean that Polish is easy?

I think no one means that. But a few things are actually easier than for a Polish person to learn in English.
26 Dec 2009
Language / Gdybym...łbyś [16]

All languages have different structures, that's why you sometimes can't compare the grammatical structures.

The same situation as with a, an and the.

Polish does not recognize any difference between:
a) I see a car
b) I see the car


a) If I sung this song, you would cry
b) If I had sung this song you would have cried


In English you don't have to care about the difference between:
a) Na ulicy widziałem Cię. (impf.)
b) Na ulicy zobaczyłem Cię (perf.)
26 Dec 2009
Language / Gdybym...łbyś [16]

As far as I know there are not any exact translations that can differentiate these two sentences.
25 Dec 2009
Language / CO and TO,CO - what [15]

I think he has posted a lot of different things concerning Polish grammar. And that's the whole point with this part of the forum.
25 Dec 2009
Language / Gdybym...łbyś [16]

Can you make a construction with jeśli?
24 Dec 2009
Language / ich/nich/ych [10]

No, these words are not declined. But there are a few different constructions that equal the English translation.

if = jeśli or czy (depending on situation)
both that and then can mean several things in English, you must be more specific.
24 Dec 2009
Language / ich/nich/ych [10]

My Christmas gift for you:
All personal pronouns

Prepositional form is within [brackets].

nom.: ja
gen.: mnie
dat.: mnie, mi
acus.: mnie
instr.: mną
loc.: mnie

You (singular)
nom.: ty
gen.: ciebie, cię
dat.: tobie, ci
acus.: ciebie, cię
inst: tobą
loc.: tobie

He (/him)
nom.: on
gen.: jego, go [niego]
dat.: jemu, mu [niemu]
acus: jego, go [niego]
inst.: nim
loc.: nim

She (/her)
nom.: ona
gen.: jej, [niej]
dat.: jej, [nie]
acus: ją [nią]
inst.: nią
loc.: niej

It (if neutral gender)
nom.: ono
acus: je, [nie]
all other cases are the same as for 'He'.

nom.: my
gen.: nas
dat.: nam
acus: nas
inst.: nami
loc.: nas

You (plural)
nom.: wy
gen.: was
dat.: wam
acus: was
inst.: wami
loc.: was

nom.: oni
gen.: ich [nich]
dat.: im, [nim]
acus: ich, [nich]
inst.: nimi
loc.: nich

They (if only females)
nom.: one
gen.: ich [nich]
dat.: im [nim]
acus: je, [nie]
inst.: nimi
loc.: nich

ich, nich

Both mean the same: they or them, depending on the so called grammatical case.

go, niego

Both mean the same: he or him, depending on the grammatical case.
24 Dec 2009
Life / Handguns Not Needed in Poland? [44]

Now in America both criminals and normal people own guns, If you make them illegal only the first group will have them.

This is the core of the problem.

The more guns you have in a society the more violent the criminals will be.
When the victims are armed the criminals will use more violence when robbing etc. And it's myth that armed good citizens have a preventive effect on criminals, it has been shown several times that it's the opposite way.

We have both American and European research and statistics that confirms this.
24 Dec 2009
Language / CO and TO,CO - what [15]

Wszystko to, co mam, this TO doesn't mean IT does it?

It means 'that'.

Everything that I have.
24 Dec 2009
Love / Friendship With a Polish Women [29]

Sounds like a typical beginning of friendship.

My advice:
Take a step back and observe the situation. Don't do so much at all, just treat her as a normal colleague, don't show so much feelings. Then you will see how she acts and you can determine how interested she is.
24 Dec 2009

liberal thinking Western Europeans- mostly after casual sexual relationships and anti-family.

They were students in a foreign country FFS - they were not thinking about marriage and kids!

A person that spend 1 year in a country very far from home is not family-oriented, not even Poles.

There is such a big difference between people at home, and people temporarily being in another country.

Anyway... are Eastern Europeans, in general, more romantic and family oriented than Western Europeans?
- Probably yes. But all kinds of personalities exist in all countries.
23 Dec 2009
Life / Handguns Not Needed in Poland? [44]

Even if you join a recognised gun club and finally get a license, you are never allowed to carry it with you in public places. And no, you don't need a gun. Violent crime rate is much lower in Poland than in the US.
23 Dec 2009
Language / CO and TO,CO - what [15]

We have the same structure in Swedish, so for me it's obvious. But I don't know how to explain it for someone who doesn't think it's obvious. But I will think about it.
21 Dec 2009
Language / pzdr? [8]

pzdr = pozdro = pozdrowionka = pozdrowienia

A sweet child has many names (as we say in Sweden).
20 Dec 2009

All highly developed animals possess the ability to feel pain and stress.
Also notice that severe stress is quickly lethal to many animals (a painful way to die).

So these animals should be treated well while being alive.
19 Dec 2009
UK, Ireland / Its strange that there arent many Poles who live in the UK on this Forum [102]

Polish people here - are just a gesture of goodwill. We even talk to each other in English on this forum as we consider it polite this way. Nonetheless - it's uncomfortable.

I also know that several Poles write and read here to practice their English.
19 Dec 2009
Life / Why do so many people in Poland have issues with Judaism? [69]

This is supposed to be a Polish forum. But still almost all threads contain replies about Jews, Muslims, Arabs, black people etc.

Maybe people should try, at least once, to discuss something without involving these subjects.
19 Dec 2009
Language / What's the best "Learn Polish" book? [33]

Can I recommend Colloquial Polish by my former teacher Boleslaw Mazur?

Yes, for sure. It's the best book for learning Polish I have ever seen.
People should also get 301 Polish Verbs by Janecki.
Doskonała kombinacja. :)
19 Dec 2009
Language / Collective numbers - dwoje, troje, czworo [38]

The verb is the same as for feminine nouns (rodzaj niemęskoosobowy), but the numeral is as simple as one can imagine [dwa], although different than in the three preceding examples.

Why not dwie? Dwie biedronki idą do kina.
13 Dec 2009
Language / Share Perfective and Imperfective Polish verbs [105]

Perfect focus on completing the action (to finish the book).
Imperfect focus on the reading itself, not the result of finishing the book. And repeated actions, eg. "i like to read books every weekend".