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Polish Govt website for foreigners, marriage, family, etc. (in PL and EN)

Polonius3 980 | 12277  
19 Dec 2009 /  #1
The Polish authorities have set up a special website to answer various questions asked by foreigners about their legal status, mixed marriages, citizenship, family affairs and the like. It is in Polish, English and half a dozen other languages. It may be of interest to some PF-ers:
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
19 Dec 2009 /  #2

The role of a good wife includes the household chores: cooking, washing, cleaning, taking care of home and children, also by creating family warmth, harmony, peace and quiet, and good atmosphere. Respondents often suggest that the wife should be subordinated to her husband. Her role is to manage family finances, and the task of doing the household chores is seen as an expression of her care for her husband. The wife's role is care for her husband, which, apart from taking care of the way he looks, what he eats, and the environment in which he lives, includes - according to some respondents - more "spiritual" activities: showing husband appreciation, taking care of his good psychical wellbeing, admiring his work, making him feel needed and important, praising and pampering him.

Thanks for the link Polonius3.
Avalon 4 | 1063  
19 Dec 2009 /  #3
So slavery is still legal in Poland then?
Magdalena 3 | 1827  
19 Dec 2009 /  #4
Maybe you should read the whole thing, actually it's quite fascinating. The quote describes what Polish respondents said about marriage, not what the government thinks marriage should be like. Definitely read the whole thing.
Nika 2 | 507  
19 Dec 2009 /  #5
So slavery is still legal in Poland then?

of course. We value ancestral tradition Avalon.
jonni 16 | 2475  
19 Dec 2009 /  #6

It's indeed worth reading all of it. A fair reflection of what the respondents actually think.

Of course you'd get a different result in Warsaw than in a village and a 35 year old graduate might think differently to a 75 year old housewife.
Avalon 4 | 1063  
20 Dec 2009 /  #7

of course. We value ancestral tradition Avalon.

It also might explain why men get bored with marriage and look for younger women.
stevepl 2 | 49  
20 Dec 2009 /  #8
The role of a good wife includes ....

I've just shown it to my wife and I'm waiting for the explanation as to why she's been cheating me for all these years ;)
Avalon 4 | 1063  
21 Dec 2009 /  #9
The feminists would have a field day if the UK government printed advice like that. I can imagine more than a few men getting a smack in the mouth for even suggesting this to their wives.
Magdalena 3 | 1827  
21 Dec 2009 /  #10
if the UK government printed advice like that.

one last time: it's NOT government advice. It's information about what people think, taken from a survey. Actually, I think this is a brilliant approach: you not only tell the prospective bride or groom from another country what the legal requirements are, you also show them what the "natives" tend to think on the subject, and what the expectations might be. If people getting married to foreigners always took this into consideration, there might be fewer divorces on the grounds of "cultural incompatibility" later on.
Avalon 4 | 1063  
21 Dec 2009 /  #11

Only a socialist government (ie: UK) would print or sanction advice such as this, survey or no survey. Did the people carrying out the survey, canvas only men?, I cannot imagine any sane women agreeing to what was written.
Magdalena 3 | 1827  
21 Dec 2009 /  #12
I cannot imagine any sane women agreeing to what was written.

Well sorry to rain on your parade, I am an independent, emancipated woman, and I see nothing wrong in publishing the results of this survey. I can agree with quite a lot of the statements as well. I see nothing wrong in a traditional marriage with gender roles set out clearly; heck, I would love to be a dutiful housewife who doesn't have to worry about where the next pay-check is coming from! I could then pursue other interests such as trolling on the internet, watercolour painting, writing poetry, and going shopping for nice clothes and stuff with my lady friends :-)
SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1593  
21 Dec 2009 /  #13
I really doubt that this is a government-website!

I couldn't find any confirmation that it really was. I would guess it's some kind of organization.
Avalon 4 | 1063  
21 Dec 2009 /  #14

I take it you are still single.
Magdalena 3 | 1827  
21 Dec 2009 /  #15
I take it you are still single.

No, I am not. I have also always worked very hard professionally, AND done the housework etcetera.

And before you get all feminist on me, please do care to read the following excerpt from the same site and same survey results:

"On the other hand, a good husband will earn money and, consequently, provide for his family and wife, and ensure their security (he is supposed to take care of the amount, continuity, and stability of income, and life with no financial worries)."

The people who attacked the first part of the statement, about a woman being "a ray of sunshine" for the husband and family, smoothing pillows and dusting and cooking, should really spare a thought for the poor, exploited man in this hypothetical relationship. If there is slavery in Poland still, the guy's situation fits the description much better than the woman's ;-p
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
21 Dec 2009 /  #16
I see nothing wrong in a traditional marriage with gender roles set out clearly;

I tend to agree to an extent.
It all comes down to the individuals, I also see nothing wrong with being a house husband, provided that both partners are in agreement.
I do see a problem with children being brought up by people who are not their family, in day care centres as parents struggle to work to make ends meet and when they come home cold and tired, they just watch T.V.

I am an independent, emancipated woman, and I see nothing wrong in publishing the results of this survey. I can agree with quite a lot of the statements as well.

I think the feminists in Ireland and the U.K have made this type of thinking unpopular, as if you were a second class citizen.

I also believe Ireland and Britain had a very different 'sexual revolution' compared to communist Poland. As women here during communism were seen as part of the work force and now it is a kind of return to traditional values, family and church.

Whereas in Ireland, they were cooking, cleaning, baby makers, not that that is so bad but it became very unpopular and even rejected on masse.

Does anyone agree or disagree with this?
it should be noted that wives did not have good laws to protect them in Ireland and so this new feminist revolution is equally absurd as the chauvinistic old mentality sometimes. But I do not see it the same here in Poland.

I remember eavesdropping in a coffee shop in Ireland about 10 years ago, the couple beside me were practically shouting, I had no choice hahaha but they were discussing a third party, a woman, and that this woman did not want a career or to travel the world but she wanted to be a house wife and how awful that was.

It struck me that my parents generation would have said the exact opposite but hey times change and I see this as a fashion thing more than anything else.
Magdalena 3 | 1827  
21 Dec 2009 /  #17
As women here during communism were seen as part of the work force and now it is a kind of return to traditional values, family and church. Whereas in Ireland, they were cooking, cleaning, baby makers, not that that is so bad but it became very unpopular and even rejected on masse.

Spot on.
southern 73 | 7059  
21 Dec 2009 /  #18
Yes,this traditional polish thinking the man brings the money and the woman the sex and the cooking is quite powerful.I try to fulfill my gender role.
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
21 Dec 2009 /  #19
Especially in Cities in Western Europe, I notice women dressing, talking and even acting like men (in a rough, gruff manner).
I think here in Poland women are strong and still maintain their femininity, with out looking like men or women of ill repute.

please do care to read the following excerpt from the same site and same survey results:

I am to blame for this, as I thought the comment on the role of women to be interesting because when taken out of context, it looks much stranger but at least it got us talking about gender roles.

I think it is an important issue, look at Norway, they have gone completely bonkers, forcing companies, they must have 40% females taking corporate board seats for all companies not to hire the best person for the job.

The government had even fined companies so much for not adhering to the new law that they were forced in to bankruptcy.
This is sexual discrimination at it's height but for some reason it gets no press, whereas if the genders were reversed, there would be a world wide outcry.

I just think a married couple should be able to raise their children and live their lives the way they see fit and I hope I have the opportunity to do the same. I do the house work too.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Law / Polish Govt website for foreigners, marriage, family, etc. (in PL and EN)Archived