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Posts by Ranj  

Joined: 29 Sep 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 30 Jan 2010
Threads: Total: 21 / In This Archive: 20
Posts: Total: 947 / In This Archive: 789
From: USA
Interests: Travel, sports, reading, music

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21 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / Heavy drinking culture in the UK - is it still the same in Poland? [69]

My guess would be there are more "designer" drugs available nowadays. With methamphetamines and Extacy on the market, there are more drugs that can be produced with common household items, and with technology of internet, kids can find ways to produce such drugs. Just a guess.
23 Dec 2006
Travel / Goth Shops in Cracow.. [9]

I can't help you with the gothic clothing, but have a great trip!
26 Dec 2006
Love / Polish boyfriend hasn't been writing to me... [16]

kitten - hang on a minute... why is your ex getting involved and how did he get the polish boys contact details...?

That would be my question? Him being involved is certainly not going to help the situation---in fact, it may hinder it. Did you have have your ex e-mail him or did he do it on his own?
26 Dec 2006
Love / Polish boyfriend hasn't been writing to me... [16]

can u realise how lost i feel?

Actually I can understand your pain---most everyone goes through it.

tonight drug party and it will probably end
i m sorry
i m hurt

Not sure what you mean by that, but I hope it's not a threat of hurting yourself. Believe me, nobody on this earth is worth the pain of feeling like you don't want to go on with life. Life is too precious and you have a lot of it in front of you. Please don't think I'm being condescending, but you are sooo young and you really do have so much in front of you (even where boys are concerned.) I know you feel this boy is the love of your life, but I promise you, if it doesn't work out for you two to be together, then you have to believe it's because something better is coming for you.

Hang in there, Kitten!
26 Dec 2006
Love / Polish interracial dating [333]

I don't know many people in the US that's bothered by interracial marriage. Love is love. Most of these Americans are rednecks anyway.

I agree because it's been my experience that the one's I have come across are rednecks!

Rednecks huh? Anybody who does not agree with you is a redneck?

He didn't say all were rednecks, although IMO, it's a redneck mentality.
26 Dec 2006
Polonia / I'd like to go to Mexico... [47]

just wonder why the price of a 2weeks trip drops by half in june

Because it is not peak season. I'm going on a cruise in February and another one at the end of March---both cruises leave port in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, but my flight in Feb. is only $235 and the flight in March is $430; the same room type on the cruise March is $200 more than February's. All this is because Spring Break is considered peak travel time for the United States.:)

do you know what part of mexico is best for seein its wildlife?

What kind of wildlife are you hoping to see?
26 Dec 2006
Polonia / I'd like to go to Mexico... [47]

i thought that was due to some sudden change in the weather.i wouldn't like to go there if the temp was below 20 degrees

No I don't think the temperature would ever get down to 20 degrees in Mexico---even in it's northernmost parts. It's usually very warm down there. What I meant by peak season, was travel season---the person in post#4 explained it. During the summer months in U.S., the whole country is warm and there are too many places that families travel to within the U.S., so Mexico is not that popular of a destination in comparison at that time.
26 Dec 2006
Polonia / I'd like to go to Mexico... [47]

Quintana Roo is on the Carribean side of Mexico and there's some pretty cool wildlife there---spider monkeys, jaguars, alligators. I'm not sure what exotic birds are there but I assume there are some. My guess would be to go somewhere inland to see birds or down towards the jungle like areas near Belize. I'm not too familiar with the Pacific side since I haven't been there since I was a kid but you should be able to find some sites online if you can't find anyone here who knows about that side of Mexico.
30 Dec 2006
News / sending a letter to poland [33]

i m so happy

he received that yesterday

See Kitten, patience pays off! Just think of how happy you are that he finally received it. Waiting to see him will make it that more joyous when it finally happens!:)
30 Dec 2006
Love / Polish girls can really have fun [13]

What I'm actually looking for is a reaction from a polish girl

I'm not Polish, but I love that come back! Good One!:)
2 Jan 2007
Love / Can anyone help with my brokenheart???? [67]

Also the reason she said she doesn't want to be with me is that she wants to be alone,find herself,etc,like i told you i said i'd wait for her and i would be happy to for as long as she took,to me she is the one!!But if she's with another guy then the reason she doesn't want to be with me isn't because she wants to be 'alone',she should of told me.........i want to date other people and your not one of them,etc........

I have to agree with most everyone else, Simon. Unfortunately, when people are trying to be "nice" to not hurt someone's feelings, they end up causing more pain. When I was younger, I use to do the same thing because I didn't want to "hurt" anyone. When the tables were turned, I realized it's always better to be honest with someone when it comes to feelings. From my own experience, I believe it's better to be hurt up front so a grieving process can start. Either way, you are going to be hurt, so it's better to get it over with. As for remaining "friends" again I think a certain amount of time should go by so you can heal. I base this once again on my own experience. It's kind of hard to mourn the loss of a relationship when the person is still a part of your life. Good luck in whatever you decide to do---at least you know you are not alone---almost everyone at one time or another has gone through something similar. Chin Up!:)
2 Jan 2007
Love / Help me! I fell in love with a Polish man! [137]

Rowan, you have already e-mailed him, so the ball is in his court. If he doesn't respond, then look at it as a night of passion with someone you were attracted to. As for being a "slut", you are only a slut if you think you are---it does not matter what others think, it's what you feel about yourself that is important. You are a grown woman and he's a grown man.

I met a Polish man last summer who pursued me to no end. When we first met, I really was not looking for a relationship but he was very persistant. Over time, I fell for him, but as soon as he went back to Poland, I never heard from him again. I cared for him and still do---I hope he's doing well, but when I think about the reality of a relationship with him, I realize that the age difference, cultural difference and geographical distance is too much (at least for me) to seriously consider a long-term relationship. I have no regrets about the time I spent with him and have nothing but pleasant memories, including photos and gifts from him, that will be with me for the rest of my life.

I hope all goes well for you, but if it doesn't, don't beat yourself up----you had a good time, right?:)
3 Jan 2007
Love / Help me! I fell in love with a Polish man! [137]

Ranj... I am curious about that Pic of yours in the display. Are you polish? looks like an exotic pair of eyes to me! (but very beautiful indeed!...if those are yourse...then you are quite amazing)

If you are refering to my avatar, that is a standard one I found on this website. My actual picture is under my profile---as for my eyes being that exotic, I can't say that they are, although I've been told that I have beautiful eyes and smile!:)
3 Jan 2007
Love / Is it typical for Polish guys to fall in love quickly? [86]

is it typical for polish guys to fall in love so quickly etc, or should i be wary and think maybe he just wants an english girlfriend....

Good question, Vessa. The Polish guy I knew told me he was falling in love with me after knowing me five days. I don't fall that easily, but after about a month of knowing him I did start to have stronger feelings for him. Things were going great even up to the last time I saw him---he flew me to NYC to see him before he had to go back to Poland. He told me he loved me and said he'd be back in a few weeks, but I haven't heard from him since? I don't know what happened to him and I hope he is alright. As far as whether your guy just wants an "English" girlfriend, don't sell yourself short---I'm sure you are a lovely girl and he probably feels lucky to have you in his life!:)
3 Jan 2007
Love / Is it typical for Polish guys to fall in love quickly? [86]

im affraid he'll lose interest if i dont say i love him back

Believe me, if it is true love, he will not lose interest; if anything he will want you more! Besides, you should never tell someone you love them if the feelings are not really there.
3 Jan 2007
Love / Is it typical for Polish guys to fall in love quickly? [86]

but im sure its not after 5weeks????

I wouldn't put a time limit on love---you say it when you feel it. My Aunt and Uncle were engaged after knowing each other 6 weeks---30 some odd years and seven children later, they were extremely happy, until he was killed in an automobile accident. Come to think of it, he was Polish, as was his son who proposed to his wife after knowing her 2 weeks. Maybe there is something to this "Polish guys falling in love easily?":)
3 Jan 2007
Love / Is it typical for Polish guys to fall in love quickly? [86]

I think that Poles like the feeling of uncertainty, and it will mobilize him to try harder to "get" you, which is good.

I think this is true of men in general, not just Polish men.

The more effort the bigger the joy.

I completely agree---I think that goes for about everything in life, not just love! People tend to appreciate things more when they have to work for it.:)
4 Jan 2007
Feedback / moderater intolerance another sign of polish racism [4]

Kunta, your post wasn't deleted, it was moved to another thread that was already in existence about the same subject.
Jan 3, 07 [09:39] - Attached on merging:
polish people why r they so racist

This is now in the thread, "Why are Polish People so racist" under the "Living In Poland" section.

Thanks - yes, the post was moved. Admin
4 Jan 2007
Love / Is it typical for Polish guys to fall in love quickly? [86]

some guys are serious, some aren't. it has nothing to do with age

I agree with you, Arien. I think what it comes down to is character. Some people have it (men and women) and some people don't.

after a certain age most people do grow up.

This I disagree with in the sense that you mean. People grow up physically, but they don't necessarily mature. Again, I think it boils down to character and values a person holds, not their age.:)
4 Jan 2007
Love / Is it typical for Polish guys to fall in love quickly? [86]

as far as my memory serves me, it was normally only after one pint too many down the pub...and they never held doors open and bought me flowers every week.. Blimey, Im starting to feel Ive led a deprived life before.

LOL, Sapphire! I can relate.

I think Polish guys are definitely more romantic than their British counterparts (cant speak with any knowledge of Yanks).

I can concur with this also, as far as the Yanks go; I've never dated a British man although I once dated a guy from British Columbia (does that count?) I want to add, so as not to offend my Yanky brethren, there are some who have been extremely romantic, but none come even close to the Polish man I dated!:)
4 Jan 2007
Love / Is it typical for Polish guys to fall in love quickly? [86]

I remember how fun it used to be going out all the time and never having to worry about anything. But I got burn out on it. I don't care to party at all now, and I am only 29.

Oh, Sparky you need some sparks in your life. 29 is no age to give up on fun.

Just because he has given up going out to party all the time doesn't mean he's giving up on fun. I stopped "partying" when I was 30 and I can tell you with all honesty, the last decade has been the best so far in my life!:)
4 Jan 2007
Love / Is it typical for Polish guys to fall in love quickly? [86]

Thank you, Shewolf. Actually I just turned 41. I guess I owe my youthful appearance to my mother and father (and probably the fact that I stopped partying so hard when I was 30---LOL.)
4 Jan 2007
Love / Too many generalisations on Polish women [5]

there are too many posts which refer to Polish women (mainly) but also men as if they are some kind of unique species.

Well, it is a Polish forum, although I do agree with what you say. I think part of it though is that most who ask questions that might seem silly are not really familiar with the culture and so they have a sincere desire to learn.

As for posting ones e-mail and asking for "Hot Polish Women/Men" to e-mail them, I think there are other sites where those people might have a little better luck----all it takes is a valid credit card:)