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Teaching English in Poland....CELTA or TESOL certificate?

jon357  72 | 23516
6 Oct 2021   #61
Thanks; I googled it too and am used to a very different system.
mafketis  38 | 11199
6 Oct 2021   #62
A lot happens at the last minute.

That's why feet on the ground mean a lot in Poland....

If the OP has family in the country it might be worth it to visit around hiring time and make the rounds in person....
Atch  22 | 4299
6 Oct 2021   #63
I've emailed a couple of places.... and have yet to hear back. Is this typical?

Absolutely typical - not just in the TEFL world but in Polish business culture in general. They usually ignore unsolicited emails; they're a bit better at answering if they've had some dealings with you already, but not always. A phone call is always better or ideally a face-to-face meeting. It's usually easier and quicker to get things done in Poland if you visit in person.

I want to find out what people had on their CVs when they landed their ESL jobs in Poland.

At entry level, it really varies. A lot of the places hiring just want cheap labour. They don't want to pay higher rates for more highly qualified or experienced people. To be honest if you're nice looking, whether male or female, with a pleasant personality that will be as important as what's on your CV.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
6 Oct 2021   #64
To be honest if you're nice looking, whether male or female, with a pleasant personality that will be as important as

Hey, how do you know all this, beatiful lady?
Atch  22 | 4299
6 Oct 2021   #65
Ha, ha! :)) Because, oh innocent one, that's a simple fact of life :) You don't have to be drop-dead gorgeous but it helps ;) Seriously though, we're always judged on our appearance to some degree. Being well presented, well groomed etc never hurts and in a job where you're being hired to deal with a random selection of adult learners who vary in ability and motivation, your 'people skills' will be more important than your academic achievements. When you walk into the classroom for the first time, if you look 'nice' and friendly that often matters more to your students than your PHD.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
6 Oct 2021   #66
'Pleasure, jon.

Home / Work / Teaching English in Poland....CELTA or TESOL certificate?
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