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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Part time work / Web Developer job in Poland

fnbhnsp  1 | 1
7 Nov 2014   #1
Dear all,
In profession i am a PHP Developer and I have a planning to come to Poland for 6 months. In this time i would join for leaning the polish language course. Is it possible to get a part time job there.? If i can learn Polish language minimum communicaiton, can i expect a Web Developer job there ?
coolzero  1 | 10
7 Nov 2014   #2
only if you have work permit and php developers are earning from $7,949 - $30,689 depending on experience in poland
DominicB  - | 2706
7 Nov 2014   #3
can i expect a Web Developer job there ?

Chances are very remote that anyone is going to go through the hassle and expense of applying for a work permit for a short-term or part time temporary PHP developer. Even full time permanent, you would have little chance of finding work in Poland unless you are extraordinarily qualified and experienced. There is no demand for PHP developers in Poland that local supply cannot fulfill.
Monitor  13 | 1810
8 Nov 2014   #4
It is possible to get part time job as PHP developer if you are already good enough to find freelancing job online. Then it doesnt matter where you are.
OP fnbhnsp  1 | 1
9 Nov 2014   #5
Very nice to read your post. The employeer would help to issue the Work permit, is it ? Or some other way is there to achieve the Work permit. I am really new very much about poland. If you describe little more, which could be helpful for me.
jon357  72 | 23361
9 Nov 2014   #6
Or some other way is there to achieve the Work permit.

The employer and nobody else can apply for a work permit.

There is no demand for PHP developers in Poland that local supply cannot fulfill.

This is true.
4 Feb 2020   #7

Are there any part-time jobs in Poland?

For example in IT outsourcing or call centers? The only reason I am not quitting my call center tedious job is they offer part-time options of 6 or 4-hour shifts (so 30 or 20 hours weekly). That's great for students, and also for anyone like me who hates being stuck in an office the better part of a day. I start at 9:00 and at 13:30 I'm free to explore my city, travel, spend time with friends who have a day off work, or family etc.

My company also offers shifts where you might take your days off during the normal work week (e.g. I have the Sunday and Monday off and I work on Tue-Sat).

Can one find such amenities in the Polish job market?

Home / Work / Part time work / Web Developer job in Poland

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