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After Masters in Management, Job Opportunities in Poland ?

raj5151  1 | -
2 Mar 2013   #1
Hello Everyone, I am raj from southern part of India. I am planning to do my Management Studies in Poland. I ve chosen Poland because I cant afford to do elsewhere in the world since the cost is too high. So my main motive is to study and work while i Study to repay the loans that i have taken to do my Higher studies(like a part time job or something) . Once I finish my Studies, Is it possible to for me to get a good job with a decent pay to repay my debts and to send some money for my family back home as our financial status is not that good.

The student councilor from the Consultancy who suggested me to go to POland(after knowing my financial back ground,as it was cheaper compared to other countries) said that there are many opportunities in POland after studies for work,as i can apply and travel to other European countries in search of job as visa wont be a problem. And he also told about ERASMUS program where i can study or work in other places,and that i have plenty of opportunities.

The university he suggested is The University of Euroregional Economy,Jozefow. seems it is 22 kms away from Warsaw. IS it a good or decent Univ? as this university is not listed in the EU university review websites .

I have to take loan and then come there to do my masters, gotto take care of my expenses as i cant rely on my parents for my expenses there while studyin and then I have to get a job after my masters to have a decent career abroad and to take care of my family? Is it all Worth it? Any Suggestions my dear well wishers?

Thanks and sorry for the hassle as i made u read this big story of mine and for u to reply !
terri  1 | 1661
2 Mar 2013   #2
I don't want to rain on your parade, but even after obtaining your Masters, you will have extreme difficulty in finding a job. There are thousands, literally thousands of students with Masters (and higher qualifications) who are unemployed...and they speak Polish. You will be competting with them for every job...
Sunny Girl  1 | 17
21 Mar 2013   #3
In my opinion you should not think that you can earn your living in Poland while working. No matter what some people sometimes say in this forum, Poland still has very low salaries. Have you asked yourself why so many Polish people want to work abroad? So many of them in the UK, they have Master, sometimes even two Master degrees and work in restaurants, because the salary is still better than in Poland. It is sad, but true.

Let me give you another example. I am Polish educated in 4 different countries, speaking few languages. I have a Master degree in science from a good Swedish university and bachelor from a British university. After studying abroad I thought now it is time to go back to Poland. I thought pople would beg me to work for them after they see my qualifications and knowledge. And what actually happened? Already 2,5 years after my graduation I cannot find any job in Poland in my field. So many Polish people are in such situation. Also remember that it is a Polish speaking country. It is soooo rare to find a job for people who don't speak Polish. Why the boss should bother to speak English at work to a foreigner and also make for the foreigner a work permit? It is easier to give this job to a Polish person. I don't want to discourage you. It is a great experience for you to study in Poland, but just don't expect to earn enough to live and certainly not enough to pay back your study loans.

Ah one more thing about salaries. As I mentied I have very good education, but because there are no jobs in my field for a short time I was working in a supermarket (the end of 2011) and after the tax the salary was 4zl / h. Believe me, nobody can live with such salary and the work is very hard. I also have a study loan and I have no idea how to repay it. So please, don't put yourself into trouble, hoping that because Poland is in EU the salary will be good and without speaking Polish you can get it. Before you decide to study in Poland check if the university can help you to find a job, or search online, contact the person offering a job and ask if they can employ you when you come to Poland.

Good luck
Monitor  13 | 1810
21 Mar 2013   #4
What have you studied Sunny Girl and in which cities have you been looking for job?

To author of topic: Maybe it's worth for you to study in Poland if you want to go back working in India after that. Employers in your country may think that you got western education and because of that it may be easier for you to compete with other Indians. Especially if you learn Polish language then it may be unique skill on Indian market. But it's only if you cannot pay for education in other country with higher ranked universities. And graduation from polish university doesn't make it easier to get a job in other western country. You're still out of EU and Polish universities are low ranked comparing to western.
14 Jun 2013   #5
hey are you from bangalore as my counselor also suggested me the same
sobieski  106 | 2111
14 Jun 2013   #6
I ve chosen Poland because I cant afford to do elsewhere in the world

Nope. You could study at home, but you think you have found the perfect backdoor to the EU.

as i can apply and travel to other European countries in search of job as visa wont be a problem

This tells everything we need to know.
4 Jul 2013   #7
Hi, Everyone I want to join masters in aerospace at warsaw university. Guys tell me abt the univ and job offers after completing my studies over there. And also part time jobs during my studies. Thanks in advance.
sobieski  106 | 2111
4 Jul 2013   #8
I ve chosen Poland because I cant afford to do elsewhere in the world since the cost is too high.

You could study for example in India?
BrazilianT  - | 1
2 Dec 2013   #9
I lived in Poland and I love this country, these people saying that are overqualified and can't find work chose fields of studies that are hard to find a work, that is market's fault, and sometimes unlucky area they have chosen.

If you study Computer Science and is a good developer I think you can find work in Poland pretty easy, if depends ONLY from employer, don't worry, English is enough usually, I love polish language, but I must say we live in global economy where English is the first language and in Computer Science you don't need to deal direct with customers, just use the computer logic and the beautiful programming language you learned at school.

I think you can work after getting a master's degree in Poland, that what I was looking for when arrived in here. :P
raken8787  1 | 20
3 Dec 2013   #10
Cannot agree more with what Brazilian T has said. To add, yeah, IT is booming in Poland, especially in Warsaw, Wroclaw where I have bulk of my friends working.
local_fela  17 | 172
3 Dec 2013   #11
but even after obtaining your Masters, you will have extreme difficulty in finding a job.

Well, this is true! I am not a Masters degree holder nor I am with a bag of experience, but I work in a team of around 60 people and I can tell you that I have 60-70% of them who got a Master degree, no offence, but from some Polish universities in Krakow, and we do the same job, earn more or less the same amount of money.

i can tell you that from my colleagues, they said that their degree doesn't have a reputation outside Poland which is a shame. So think well. In my case, I am personally not studying in Polish university even that I am living in Poland. I am studying on my own and would do my exams in UK as I know that I would stand a better chance globally.

yeah, IT is booming in Poland

I admit it!

I have a Master degree in science from a good Swedish university and bachelor from a British university.

I think outside Poland, your degrees will be given the respect they deserve mate!
Monitor  13 | 1810
3 Dec 2013   #12
I think outside Poland, your degrees will be given the respect they deserve mate!

That also shows that there is not much sense to study abroad if somebody wants to work in Poland.
22 Jan 2014   #13
I don't say it is a bad place to work and live, but salaries are not so high. Pls looka at this meybe you can find a job-offer.
Plz tell me
5 Jun 2016   #14
Hey,I am plastic engineer from InDia...i want to do masters in Poland,there are few consultancy who suggested me nut some people said me that after M.B.A u won't get job this right???and please suggest me about plastic engineering job scope In Poland & plz tell me is there any university in Poland which provide masters in Plastic engineering or it's related course....thanx guys
19 Oct 2016   #15
Hello , I am from India and I want to pursue my study In Poland can I get pr there.
Ehi  - | 1
24 Oct 2016   #16
Am from Nigeria. l have being living in this country for 8 years, l studied in one of the best business school in this country with double masters in international business and strategic management in 2013 and BBA in management up till date am looking for job.. my advices to you is when you want to study outside your country check the statistics rate of job opportunity. Don't get me wrong Poland is a great country, but you cannot put your life on hold hoping things will change. go to other country where you can get something small to keep body and sole together before you land the big one.

l wish you all the best.
1 Jan 2017   #17
Job in Poland
Can i go Germany after study in Poland for work and it is easy to find job in Germany.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
1 Jan 2017   #18
If you don't know Polish and are looking to either work or study in Poland, these days, you'd better know at least fluent German if you want to so same in Germany:-) Otherwise, forget about it!!

Recent polls show the average "ethnic" German is turned off to almost any non-German-speaking foreigner looking for work in the former's country, unless they speak excellent German without a noticable accent.

This is at least what DER SPIEGEL reports!
DominicB  - | 2706
1 Jan 2017   #19
easy to find job in Germany.

Unless you have some serious education, qualifications, skills and experience, it is never "easy" to find a job anywhere.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
1 Jan 2017   #20
Again, skills are a given, but so is language, particularly nowadays withe PEGIDA rising!
20 Dec 2017   #21
I live in Warsaw Poland .I asked people who want to go Poland great country and part time job also so easy to find . Part time job gave 1 euro/h
11 Sep 2018   #22
Is 15000 pln gross a decent salary for a husband and wife to live in Poland?

P.s. I am already earning 1.2 lac take home per month in India.
My primary interest in chosing Poland is that it would be relatively easier to migrate to any European country in later point of time where I can earn more. Please suggest.
jon357  72 | 23516
18 Sep 2018   #23
Yes, it's OK. For a couple it certainly won't make you feel rich (cue a cacophony of people saying that thousands of people live on 2000 net) but you'll be able to rent somewhere decent, not worry about living costs and be able to save some money. It's far more than most people have to live on.

I'm not sure what 1,2 lac means or how it relates to living costs in India

15,000 gross is about what a couple who are both provincial dentists working in the state sector would get between them without taking private patients in the evening.

Have a look at this. You'll need to put it through Google Translate or similar. It shows salaries relative to variopus professions or jobs:
MoOli  9 | 479
19 Sep 2018   #24
My primary interest in chosing Poland is that it would be relatively easier to migrate to any European country in later point of time

Nope,with Polish language barriers/imigration laws and requirements it will not be.
22 Oct 2018   #25
Being Indian, study abroad has got its own advantage.
With an European master degree, its easy for you to migrate to English speaking countries, advantageous of getting job in GCC, Singapore and India, further higher education i.e Phd is possible in europe and finally the experience and exposure u get is a life time asset.

Getting Job in Poland, Please forget that dream.

To get a job in European Union you need to be fluent in their native language which has an Indian is quiet difficult to learn. After your master degree from poland, u may try your luck in Germany, cities like Berlin, Frankfurt or Mannheim. U may pursue german language which has advantage if looking jobs in Germany.

All the Best!!!
7 Dec 2018   #26
Hi ..I am an Indian and a Post graduate in Finance. I am planning to do masters in Financial Engineering and i have 2 years of work experience in Finance domain. What are the job prospectus in Poland for Finance?
12 Jan 2019   #27
I am a PG dentist(MDS in orthodontics) from one of the top 5 colleges in India. My husband will be relocating there soon on company assignment for a Minimum of 3 years . I have just started my practise in Bangalore . I want to know if it's worth to shift there along with my husband and explore my career there, in case of better prospects I may enroll for the certification exam and then start my career there . Is Wroclaw better off than Bangalore in terms of career prospect and quality of life for an orthodontist.

Thanks all
mafketis  38 | 11199
12 Jan 2019   #28
I want to know if it's worth to shift there along with my husband and explore my career there


In general, there aren't many prospects in healthcare unless you speak fluent Polish (who wants to have to speak a foreign language when you're sick?) So Poland is probably not the best option...
14 Dec 2020   #29
hey guys i wanna study management in poland do you think i would get a job after completing my degree
pawian  226 | 27539
14 Dec 2020   #30
You can get any job after completing any course you like. E.g, some guys studied history and later they became banksters and later on politicians. Vide: Mateusz Morawiecki, the current Prime Minister.

So, don`t lose hope coz if you are lucky, you can be whatever you dream of. Just remember this motto -I am the Lizard King, I can do anything!

Home / Work / After Masters in Management, Job Opportunities in Poland ?
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