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Labor condition in a typical restaurant in Poland

Shizuka  10 | 44
14 Feb 2016   #1
Hi,I want you guys to tell me how average labor condition in restaurant in Poland.
In my country,they have a day-off a week,13hours working a day.
Labor condition is negotiable?
terri  1 | 1661
14 Feb 2016   #2
Go in and ask. No one can tell you what a particular restaurant. fast food bar/ eatery may or may not agree.
28 Aug 2024   #3
By "condition" you probably mean the "terms of employment"? If so, it's up to you and your employer to decide, but you're right to expect at least 10-12 hrs a day if you're employed full time.
jon357  72 | 23495
28 Aug 2024   #4
In my country,they have a day-off a week,13hours working a day

Not in Poland or elsewhere in the European Union. It's usually about 7.5 or 8 hours a day with good breaks (though you can do overtime if it's paid as such) although longer shifts can be possible and you usually get two days off though I think the legal minimum is one. Due to the 48 hour per week rule though, in practice it works out at 2 free days.

The law is applied strictly in Poland, and exploitative employers are dealt with quickly. The Labour Courts are quick and easy. They usually find in the worker's favour.

Don't forget to join a union.

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Home / Work / Labor condition in a typical restaurant in Poland
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