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Chances of working in Poland as an IT System / Server Administrator? ( I have 3 years experience )

jupiteralappat  1 | -
25 Oct 2014   #1
Hi there ,

Good day!

I'd like to work in Poland as System / Server Administrator in any IT related company. I hold 3 years of experience also have successfully passed Microsoft Examinations (MCITP) - Can any one tell me how is the job market in Poland for my kinda profile ? Please consider that I am from India.

If you see chances are there to get a opportunity then how much salary should I expect ? I have read couple of threads and I understood that 2000-3000 zloty is average people gets in Poland then shall I expect around 8000-10000 zloty ?

A quick response will be appreciated - Have a great day :-)

Thanks in advance!

InWroclaw  89 | 1910
25 Oct 2014   #2
I might be wrong, but I don't recall that skill being in that much advertised demand here. However, there's nothing to stop you trying. As a starting point, see
Monitor  13 | 1810
27 Oct 2014   #3
Because you need work permit and don't speak Polish some companies may offer you lower-end salary. Try simply searching and applying. I think you can expect somewhere between 5000 PLN - 12000 PLN gross. 8000 gross is a salary for a good senior programmer, meaning at least 5 years experience and experience with interesting technologies. Also I guess that there is bigger demand for programmers than for administrators.

Start applying here:;kw (here sometimes net salaries are presented)

jon357  72 | 23516
27 Oct 2014   #4
In order to get a job like that in PL you'd need to join the queue behind plenty of people with the same or better skills - that and the fact that they wouldn't need a work permit or immigration clearance, speak the language as a native (plus good English and at least one other European language) and are able to attend an interview in person at short notice. To compete with such people you'd need to have very specific skills indeed.
Monitor  13 | 1810
28 Oct 2014   #5
At least for programming positions there is often too little applicants. Foreigners don't apply for job offers written in Polish, so if he does, he may have some chance.
23 Oct 2020   #6

Any sysadmin jobs in Poland?

Cześć all! Can you please tell me is there demand for sys admins in Poland? MacOS, Linux or Win ones are more in demand? Are they paid well?
trontob  1 | 5
23 Oct 2020   #7
I worked in HR for several foreign IT companies in Krakow. I've had hiring managers from the U.S. and other countries regularly pass over local Poles and sponsor visa's for similarly or less qualified candidates. I even know one multinational that has a customer service center in Krakow that has on maybe 2-3 Poles on it's roles and 30-40 people of mix backgrounds. Keep applying, foreign companies with foreign hiring managers are your best bet.
moondoggie  - | 26
23 Oct 2020   #8
Yes most of the hiring managers are Indians, this is just people smuggling to Europe by another name. What is the point of foreign investment if local Polish workers are not hired? And yet they come on this forum complaining about delays in their document processing, that is Poland's way of playing the same game. Poland doesnt want to be swamped by 3rd world "IT professionals"
mafketis  38 | 11199
23 Oct 2020   #9
most of the hiring managers are Indians, this is just people smuggling to Europe by another nam

What I've heard more than once is that once an Indian is in a hiring position in an IT firm.... then that's all they hire...
trontob  1 | 5
23 Oct 2020   #10
Middle aged white American managers want pretty Polish girls reporting into them, if not then an Asian would be better then some Polish dude he can't relate to
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
23 Oct 2020   #11
American managers want pretty Polish girls reporting into them,

No they want to succeed and make money, if your analogy of American managers was correct America would have the gdp of north Korea
trontob  1 | 5
23 Oct 2020   #12
you're their favourite of person
jon357  72 | 23516
23 Oct 2020   #14
What is the point of foreign investment if local Polish workers are not hired?

What's the point of running a business if you don't hire purely on merit.

You evidently believe that companies abroad shouldn't hire Poles and instead take only 'local' workers'.

Poland doesnt want to be swamped b

What about other countries 'swamped' by Poles?
moondoggie  - | 26
23 Oct 2020   #15
Poles didnt swamp the UK and didnt drag down the standard of living, Jon evidently cant wait for non stop terror attacks and rapes in Poland by 3rd worlders...then he can immigrate to 'his country, Israel, where apartheied in by law
jon357  72 | 23516
23 Oct 2020   #16
Can you please tell me is there demand for sys admins in Poland?

Have you tried looking at or any of their rival recruitment platforms? Having said that, it's a slow period for recruitment right now due to Covid.

Poles didnt swamp the UK and didnt drag down the standard of living,

The people there who are anti-migration would (and do) strongly disagree with you.

Anyway, your opinions on recruitment (apart from being anti-Polish) don't help the person who's asked the question.
24 Oct 2020   #17
Yes I looked but lately it's mostly call center sales or CS positions. Been there done that lol.

Home / Work / Chances of working in Poland as an IT System / Server Administrator? ( I have 3 years experience )
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