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What are the chances of getting a part-time job for an Egyptian who's coming to study and live in Poland?

OP ahmed2014  3 | 22
27 Aug 2014   #31
@ Monitor, please I was asking this question to Terri as a way of making her understand my point of view. Do you think I still don't understand what average is after my long explanation? Your example above is quite obvious and doesn't need any clarification.

I was trying to tell Terri that if most people are below the average then how will the average be correct?? Anyway forget it becaus I think now we will confuse everyone. Better to talk in private message I think, no??

Of course it is rightly skewed, that's why I told you from the very beginning that the national average does not give you a very good idea because it includes all jobs. It is better to rely on the average for every industry or every job. Did you read my previous comment where I explained this in detail?
Monitor  13 | 1810
27 Aug 2014   #32
I was trying to tell Terri that if most people are below the average then how will the average be correct?? Anyway forget it becaus I think now we will confuse everyone.

So I am answering you instead of Terri. The proportion of people below and above average has nothing to do with average correctness.

And I don't know why you undermine Terris statement:

Do you ACTUALLY have an idea of how AVERAGE WAGE/SALARY works?
I can tell you straight off-the-cuff that 85% of people earn WELL BELOW the average, 10% earn the average and the rest above average.

it's ruffly correct.

So you either don't know about statistic or you cannot ask logical questions.
OP ahmed2014  3 | 22
27 Aug 2014   #33
@ Monitor, I don't think my conversation with you is going anywhere. And really there is no need for negative comments like "you don't know statistics or you dont know how to ask logical questions" because I can easily say the same to you, except that I won't because that's not the point or motive behind my discussion. However, since this is how you like to speak, I won't even reply to you comments.

Needless to mention you still did not understand my above explanations. Otherwise, you wouldn't be saying such statements above.

I suggest you read something about "bias" and "sampling in statistics". It might help you understand why I disagree with the above remarks.

Have a good day mate!
terri  1 | 1661
27 Aug 2014   #34
I suggested above that you contact firms/organizations in your line of work to find out what the chances are of you getting a part-time or a full time job (in the future).

I am still waiting for your comments.

We, (i.e. all the posters on this forum) will not be employing you, it will be these organizations and it is them that you should direct your questions to. We can only give you an idea of a 'general overview' of the employment market in Poland.

Obviously, there are people who have no trouble finding any type of job, but there are countless others who, (although well qualified) are still searching.

As an aside, I can tell you just one thing. I worked in Poland during 1994-1996, and some 18 years ago (in 1996) my salary was 6,000 PLN brutto per month.

There are people currently working in Poland who do not earn that kind of money NOW.
Monitor  13 | 1810
27 Aug 2014   #35
More about salaries in Poland. No statistics, pure data. It is simple answers from users of portal. All salaries are in PLN and NET. I translated it through google translate:

Legal adviser in an international corporation 14 500 zł
Specialist. Treasury products in the bank 12 000 zł
Programmer (Warsaw) 10 000 zł (contract work)
Media buyer (marketing) 9500 zł
Programmer core banking system 9500 zł
28 Aug 2014   #36
First, what are my chances of getting a part-time job

Your chance of getting a part time job looks slim but you will never known until you try.
Alien  25 | 6401
27 Mar 2024   #37
Your chance of getting a part time job

So maybe you can work at Turk's kebab shop?

Home / Work / What are the chances of getting a part-time job for an Egyptian who's coming to study and live in Poland?
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